Saturday 3 March 2012

IIDD, March 3rd

“All the pathos and irony of leaving one’s youth behind is thus implicit in every joyous moment of travel: one knows that the first joy can never be recovered, and the wise traveler learns not to repeat successes but tries new places all the time.” – Paul Fussell

Hello Patrice,

Sorry for the tardy reply, however it took me several days to read your
email ! . Kidding...kind of but enjoyed hearing of your recent adventures in
biking, culinary endeavours and social engagements with international
travellers. I also liked the blow by blow of the licence plate installation
and was surprised at how much work it seemed to be when put down in words!
while going through the motions of doing it did not seem to be a big deal.
This probably stems from my experience of doing this sort of thing for 12
hours a day for all those years. I'm glad to have been able to help out and
that you're pleased with the end result and hopefully so will Vancouver's

I have been very busy as I'm trying to get some work done before we head off
to the happiest place on earth on Saturday. It will be a welcome break as
when at home I always seem to get drawn into some kind of task and the only
way to truly relax is to physically remove myself from the place of work. I
am quite pleased that I have already had several new inquiries this week for
my services as I did worry a bit at the beginning of the year as to weather
I would have to start pounding the pavement so to speak but fortunately word
of mouth seems to be doing the work for me.

I missed getting out for a ride as it has been quite a while but
unfortunately I guess it will have to wait until you get back or perhaps
when we meet in Brisbane! If we do not get to say goodbye in person I hope
you both have a safe journey and a wonderful adventure . I look forward to
regular updates from down under.

Love to Corrine and the rest of the fam.,  Take care, Al

Hi Big Al!

Pleased to learn that work seems to be finding you! Must be all the free advertising from my new illuminated license plate!

Well, the countdown has begun in earnest now. Must say that I think we are both in pretty good shape a far as packing and getting the house/our affairs in order. I cycled to RBC on 4th and Balsam around noon today to pay Chloë's $32 tax bill. This way i can file her return and not have to worry about deadline. Cora Lee owes quite a chunk so Sarge will file her return when they are back towards the end of April. I have everything entered already so she will simply coordinate her online payment with filing date.

Popped into Wanderlust, a travel store, on 4th and Cypress to make sure that I had all the necessary plug adapters for Hong Kong, Oz and Japan. Happy to report I have everything we need. Had acquired various "kits" over the last few years so am glad that I don't have to buy more gadgets. I didn't realize that HK uses same system as UK. Should have know since it was a former colony, of course. Certainly didn't know that Japan uses the same electrical outlets as we do. Chap  at store was very helpful. I have bought a fair number of travel items there over the years so don't feel I was taking advantage of their expertise.

On over Burrard to Aquatic Centre to log 4 miles. I didn't know if I'd have time for that distance as I wanted to give Mom her dinner at 4:45pm but as things turned out I was able to do both. (Fed Mom her dinner and she ate two desserts!) Had set the 4 mile mark as my goal before leaving on this extended trip and feel that I should be able to up it to 5, with some work up time, of course, once I'm back and swimming regularly. Can't tell you how happy this makes me given the trouble I've experienced with my right shoulder, ironically, ever since having my hip replaced!

Flamin' and Sarge have very kindly invited us for dinner tomorrow evening so after I send a few more messages I'm going to pile all sorts of clothing into my suitcase and then "de-construct' it tomorrow. Nothing I hate more than trying to pack at 2:00-3:00am the night/morning before flight. Our plane leaves at 1:3pm so we'll need to be at YVR around 10:45am at the latest. Not all that much of the morning to finish up last minute things so want to be ready before we head downstairs for dinner.

Well, keep in touch about Brisbane. We should be there between April 9th to 15th so let me know if it looks like we will overlap. Enjoy The Happiest Place on Earth. Time to go a my suitcase is calling!!! No sorry, "SHOUTING"!!! Fond regards to you Big Al, Marilyn, and the Young Brothers, Jimi and Gene! Cheers, Patrizzio!


I thought these tapes might give you some sense of his reading of his own work -- which I think is outstanding. He reads all his work when it is available in audio format. I also found these pieces, I am A Stranger Here Myself, to be particularly funny even though they are somewhat dated. If you are taking a Bryson book, Notes from a Small Island is really quite amusing – about England.

Have a great journey. W

Hi Whirlygig!

Thanks again for popping by with travel books and Bryson tapes. Much appreciated on both counts. Trust all goes well in Kicking Horse!!! Will be in touch while "on the road"! Time to go a my suitcase is calling!!! No sorry, "SHOUTING"!!! Fond regards to you and Kerry and Tia Maria! Will be in touch while "on the road". (Hello to Carlos The Jackal!!!) Fondestos and Cheers, Il Conduttore!


We wish you Bon voyage and a safe trip. Thank you both for dinner which was delicious and also for the company. We are off to farmers Market today to sample the pig! Hope we see some sun before we leave Vancouver!  Best wishes Derek and gayle 

Hi Gayle and Derek!

Thanks again for coming on Thursday evening. It was a lovely time indeed. Thanks again, to everyone, for the wonderful wine and divine desert, and to you both for the terrific book on Cornwall. Can hardly wait to see landscape with my own eyes!

Will be in touch while "on the road"! Thanks as well for good wishes. Time to go a my suitcase is calling!!! No sorry, "SHOUTING"!!! Fond regards to you and Gayle, Krissy and Mark! (Trust Farmers' Market went well. Did they sell and fridge magnets?) Will be in touch while "on the road".  Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

PS: Re: Sent from my iPod, albeit somewhat slower than the average person! You need Dragon Dictation!!!

Hi Patrick,

Wanted to get the invoice to you before you left.

Will also send in mail but of course you will be gone. Have a great adventure! Charlie

Hi Champagne!

Thanks again for most recent invoice and wishes.  Fond regards to you and O Susannah! Cheers, 


Cross-crossing the globe! I go to Texas for 10 days in May to help with the move and attend Miranda's commencement ceremony. Probably cannot squeeze in Japan. A shame!

Four quick recommendations for HK, which you can find in any guidebook:

1 Hong Kong Story display at Natural History Museum is an absolute must and not far from your hotel

2 lankuaifeng is a bar district on H K island for you British imperialists. Not my thing BUT dinner in the Midlevels further west is highly recommended. Take the famous outdoor escalators to get there

3 ferry to Lantau for fresh fish lunch. Ferry takes about an hour so this is a half-day activity

4 tram to Victoria peak has terrible crowds but also a must. Solution: take a public bus to the peak (I can see the bus stop in minds eye but cannot recall the street - ask around near the star ferry terminal on the HK side), then take the tram back down! Go at 4 pm and have cocktails in the fancy rrstaurant so that you can get a table and see the sunset. Have a great trip! Randy

Hi Randy!

Thanks so much for the recommendations for KH! Really appreciate local knowledge!!! Too bad about Japan but Miranda's commencement will be wonderful, I'm sure. Buona Fortuna with move!!!
Time to go as my suitcase is still calling!!! No sorry, "SCREAMING", now!!! Fondestos to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Hello Pat and Corinne,

best wishes for your trip.Have the best holiday ever.Don't
forget to bring back good weather and lovely memories.
Thanks for the photo you send to us. And here we are.
Rose and Joe in Nuevo Puerto Vallarta.Second pic.Enzo
Rose-Dino .Third pic. the three PETRONIO.

Hi Rose and Joe!

Thanks for terrific pictures. Handsome gentlemen all! Must take after Rose!!! Time to go as my suitcase is still calling!!! No sorry, "SCREAMING", now!!! Fondestos to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Jane and Kjell!

Just a quick note to thank you both for such a lovely evening on Wednesday. Wonderful food and wine and company!Will be in touch while "on the road". Take care of each other. Time to go as my suitcase is still calling!!! No sorry, "SCREAMING", now!!! Fondestos to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Funds Apex Notice...

Compliment Of The Day!

I have a lucrative business proposal of mutual benefits to share with

Let me start by introducing myself. I am Mr. Zhang Kehua, I have an
obscured Business suggestion for you.

                                                                                    Kind Regards, Zhang Kehua.

Hi Morana!

Trust you are well! Had wanted to send a note earlier but time has simply evaporated! As you might recall, we leave this coming Monday, March 5th, for five nights in Hong Kong. Then leave on March 11th to land in Sydney on March 12th. Will be there until we fly to Melbourne on March 17th to hook up with close friends, Flamin’ and Sarge. We will rent a car there and will travel around, basically a loop, to Adelaide, back to Melbourne then to Sydney. From there to Brisbane and then a flight to Cairns. F/S return home from there while we fly to Darwin. After a week exploring that part of country we are back in Sydney before on to Japan for three weeks. Not home until May 31st!

Will be in touch while "on the road"! My suitcase is calling!!! Best wishes to you for now. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Saturday Morning Greetings from The Island Inn!
Patrick! Your trip sounds wonderful! I'm getting pretty envious:)
I've been busy too, with my new job and tying all the loose ends at my old one.
I hope you have a lovely flight and I'm sure you'll have the time of your life exploring Asia, Australia and Japan.
I'm hoping for a detailed report when you come back, I'll be patient:) So don't worry and enjoy your trip and hopefully you'll tell me all about it when you return.

Love to all your family,  Morana

Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson was amazing on Bill Maher tonight!

    • Ed Johnson I love him! And yes he was. You know he did a cameo on Big Bang

    • Patrick James Dunn We watched show with David and Nancy, while eating Nancy's famous chocolate cheesecake! Even had a care package to take home, supposedly for Dusty. He'll be lucky if he sees any of it!

      Catholic Coffee

      Three old Catholic men and a Catholic woman were having coffee in St. Peters Square .

      The first Catholic man tells his friends, "My son is a priest, when he walks into a room,  everyone calls him


      The second Catholic man chirps, "My son is a Bishop.  When he walks into a room   people call him

      'Your Grace'."

      The third Catholic gent says, "My son is a Cardinal.  When he enters a room everyone bows their head and says

      'Your Eminence'."

      Since the lone Catholic woman was sipping her coffee in silence, The four men give her a subtle, "Well....?"
      She proudly replies,
      I have a daughter,


      SLIM  & TALL
      40 D Breasts

      24" WAIST and
      34" HIPS 
      When she walks into a room, people say,
      “ Oh MY God”
      Hi Joe!

      I'll have a double espresso!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!

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