Sunday 14 August 2011

IIDD, Aug 14th

Hi Rip-Tide et al:

I'm absolutely delighted to join this wonderful gathering. Let me know what I can contribute, hootch/food wise. I have half a bottle of Glenkinchie that belongs to Whirlygig that I'd be more than happy to bring along!!! Cheers, Il Conduttore!


Thanks for the invite. I would love to join you.

As it happens I have an in with the sisterhood providing me with a key to
the infamous malt cupboard at the Island Inn. So the aforementioned
Glenkinchie may seem a bit anaemic next to what I bring.

Let me know what food you are serving and I will bring something to

Best, G

Hi again, Rip -Tide and Lads!

It it with deep and pressing sorrow and infinitely more regret that I write to inform The Brotherhood that I will not, in fact, be able to join the malt gathering scheduled for Thursday, September 1st! Unfortunately, for me, The Sisterhood just announced/ordained a whirlwind, (as opposed to a "Whirlygig"), trip to The Peg, (we blast off on Tuesday, August 23rd), to attend a shower for her grand-niece on Thursday, August 25th. At this point, given logistics/timetable, I'm not even sure how I will manage a stop at Kennsington Wine Market or Willow Park to stock up on the malt I'll need to make it through trip and compensate for hootch I'll miss at masonic gathering. O woe is me! We Who are about to do Battle with The Sirens of The Sisterhood, Salute You! Enjoy yourselves and raise a glass in toast to the memory of your embattled and embittered Brother in Arms, when next you meet! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hi Brenda Louise!

Here are a few lines to start your weekend, as well as some film clips! Cheers, Patrizio!

Things You Don’t Want To Hear On Your Summer Vacation

• "Wow, nice shark bite"
• "I got us a great discount if we agree to be drug mules"
• "We can't afford Disney World. We're taking you kids to Carpet World"
• "Please, do as the Somali pirates say"
• "Dude, you don't remember hooking up with Snooki?"
• "Do you want a room facing the pool or the mountainous border region of Pakistan?"
• "Close your eyes while swimming or the oil will blind you"

More Summer Thoughts

"A life without love is like a year without summer." - Swedish Proverb
"Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." - Henry James
"Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with one's clothes, and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit.
A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all's right with the world." - Ada Louise Huxtable.
"It is better to be a young June-bug than an old bird of paradise"- Mark Twain

In celebration of would have been Lucille Ball’s 100th birthday, here are a couple of clips you might enjoy.

Ricky and Lucy are shopping for their dream car.
Check out "Lucy's Summer Vacation."

Hello patrizio:

Did you see the '93 MI5 where  Tom and his girlfriend get killed in the computer bomb blast?  They got rid of Tessa on that same episode too.  They have a high turnover in cast members!  Harry must be in constant therapy!
The summer quips I will keep in mind next week as we're taking the r-pod to Harrison there for 7 nights.  Looking forward to a change of scene.  
Loved the one about the oil spill and the I Love Lucy clips!
Love from an Old Bird of Paradise
Hi Brenda Louise!

Glad you enjoyed quips and clips! I was going to suggest that perhaps you pop into Vancouver for the day and say hello, while staying at Harrison, if that suited your plans. However, The Sisterhood just announced/ordained a whirlwind, (as opposed to a "Whirlygig"), trip to The Peg, (We blast off at some ungodly hour on the morn of Tuesday, August 23rd!), to attend a shower for her grand-niece on Thursday, August 25th. At this point, given logistics/timetable, I'm not even sure how I will manage a stop at Kennsington Wine Market or Willow Park, in Calgary, to stock up on the malt I'll need to make it through trip and compensate for hootch I'll miss at a gathering of the The Brotherhood, scheduled for Thursday, September 1st! O woe is me! We Who are about to do Battle with The Sirens of The Sisterhood, Salute You!

Intend to make our way back to Vancouver, from Falcon Lake, after Labour Day so am just wondering if you will be at home and up for another visit? No big deal if not but let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly.

Enjoy yourselves in Harrison and please ask Wally to raise a glass in toast to the memory of his embattled and embittered Brother in Arms, when he returns from his Freedom Ride! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

PS: How does Picasso feel about a Bird of Paradise being in same house?

Hi Champagne!

Really enjoyed the clips of Lucy and Ricky! Thanks! Brought back fond memories of watching I love Lucy when I was a kid! Speaking of kids, Kid Chelene and I drubbed Cora Lee and Sarge at bridge last night, after dinner at their place. Prizes weren't nearly as good as yours, however! Cheers, Patrizio!

I wouldn't get too upset over this. First, its some kind of payback for all
the land use transgressions of the colonizers. Too bad it has to burden the
lone cyclist. Second, I think you would get the same response if you tried
cycling onto the Shaunessey Golf Course roadways. I recall when I was at
Columbia in NYC once a year they closed off 116 street between Broadway &
Amsterdam on account of the University's position that it wasn't a public
thoroughfare, it was owned by Columbia, and they licensed it as a pedestrian
crossing from year to year. This private property shit is a fundamental
attribute of our class society, protecting the private proeprty owners from
the predations of the landless classes. Al
Hi Whirlissimo!

Trust camping life goes well for one and all! Thanks for getting me out on Thursday as I know I wouldn't have logged as many miles without the push.

Here is Big Molly's reaction to what happened at Musqueam the other day:

Oh the wonderful welfare mentality of some of our natives can be quite
disconcerting. This brings back many instances that I remember from my
school days going to functions or dropping / picking people up down there
and experiencing just this sort of behaviour. Usually from the older ones as
I think the youth is a little more progressive and looking to integrate into
modern society and reap it's rewards.

I call it welfare mentality because it seems the more people are given it
seems the more contempt they have for things and have expectations that they
should be getting more and more . I'm reminded of a motorcycle trip that I
took with my friend Steve down to Washington state. On our way back we went
through the Lummi indian reserve, all was fine until we stopped at a
picturesque spot along Puget Sound to take some pictures. It was then that we
saw a native across the street sitting in front of his house with a kid not
more than four years old. when we looked over at him he told us to "get off
our land" , I remarked in a friendly manner that we just wanted to stop for
a minute and take a couple of pictures in front of the water. He then stood
up and took an aggressive stance and said much louder this time "get off our
land". Now I was a little pissed off and said something to the effect of
"wow really friendly people around here ". At this point he went running
toward his house and went inside, we both assumed he was getting a shotgun
so we got the hell out of there in a cloud of dust and squealing tires! Left
quite a negative impression on me unfortunately and as you say not
furthering their cause at all.

Quite enjoyed his retelling of his brush with Tonto and company! Maybe the Musqueam and Lummi Bands have adopted something from the good burghers of Shaughnessey Golf and Country Club, although I have never been approached, in like manner, when I've cycled past the sign "Members Only" to catch a glimpse of the Lives of the Rich and Famous! As a direct result, cycled out to Iona Island yesterday morning, with Flamin'/Sarge/and Robo Ray, just back from England on Thursday night, as I think you know, to transgress on GVRD property but only had to contend with some annoyed, indigenous Canada Geese, honking loudly, (Where were you and your horn when we really needed you?), at us as we cycled past!

On a much, much brighter note, Ray brought me a bottle of the Bunnahabhain Daruch Ùr, 46.3%, 1L, the malt we sampled at the very end of the tasting, if you recall. I never expected to see another bottle of same so was quite literally bowled over with sheer delight when he presented me with the wonderful gift. Funnily enough, Ray doesn't drink malt at all so it was by sheer chance that he should have selected one he did! Must have been my reward for my unjust/unwarranted ejection from The Rez.

With respect to yesterday's ride, Sarge and Flamin' had really tied one on on Friday night, starting with drinks after work downtown with a friend, and things went sideways from that point on. I had called Sarge on his cell, earlier in evening, to invite him for a nightcap with Kjell and Jane and it sounded pretty boisterous in background, let me tell you! Found out later that they had called Prince Valiant to come and rescue them, drive them home as they were not fit to be behind the wheel. When Sarge came upstairs, he was lurchin', to everyone's amazement and enjoyment, although he had the good sense not to have any malt, other than a sip of the Mackmyra which Dom Marcello had asked Gianna bring over when she joined us for dinner. Too, too bad for him as I really appreciated its remarkable spiciness this time around, being able to enjoy the flavour, in isolation, so to speak.

At any rate, I was filled in on much of the events of the night before as we cycled to meet Robo Ray at Macdonald and Point Grey. By the time we hit 4th, Raymundo and I were together, ahead of those with severe over-hangs and we "raced" down the hill to Spanish Banks. We were almost at Sasamat before we realized that they were not behind us so we retraced route, almost to Highbury but no sign of the death-warmed over duo. I suspected that one or the other, or perhaps both, had felt incapable of proceeding with ride and made for home, or had suffered a flat or other mechanical problem. I noticed that Sarge's bike was still "rattling" as we left parkade and I wondered if something more sinister had resulted from the "symptom".

Short of riding all the way home, we decided there was nothing to do but keep going so we made for UBC again. Once we were on Marine I suggested to Ray that perhaps we should go to Iona as it was a shorter ride than Steveston and he was just back in the long-distance saddle, etc. That was fine with him so we proceeded to do just that, enjoying the fairly heavy wind at our backs after we left the bridge, although dreading the dreaded head wind we knew we would battle when returning! Had just about reached the parking lot for the small GVRD park there when who should come the other way but Clan Sutherland! Déjà vu of a few weeks ago when I bumped into Sarge coming back from Seymour Dam. Flamin' had said he wasn't riding that morning, (Unbeknownst to her, [She thought he was still sleeping.], he was actually changing into his cycling gear at the time I came down to collect him.), so I set off alone. He took shorter route over Second Narrows so was up Lilloet ahead of me.

This time around, Flamin' didn't feel up to Foreshore Hill so they took 4th and then Chancellor. Waited for us at top of hill near Chan Centre but when we didn't show they continued along Marine, making for Iona themselves. Sarge had arranged to pick up his Seahawks' season tickets at FedEx offices, (courier had tried to deliver them three times without success), on Alylmer, in industrial/cargo park on south side of airport, so they had always intended to do shorter ride all along, although we had never really discussed destination for day, when setting out. Once reunited, we headed for FedEx offices. Of course, Sarge didn't actually know where building was located, even though he had looked it up earlier. We finally ended up, by chance alone, at the RCMP YVR Detachment compound, opposite the PetroCan station. An officer, on bike patrol, happened to ride by and Sarge asked him if he knew whereabouts of FedEx offices. He had just been transferred to detachment so we probably knew more about YVR and surroundings than he did! (This, of course, gives one quite a bit of confidence in Force's ability to counteract terrorists!) They spent about ten minutes talking to someone or somebody in some communications centre in the sky, learning what Sarge already knew about location of FedEx near Ikea! He finally phoned, (Why he didn't do that earlier simply doesn't bear thinking about!), to obtain correct address. Needless to say, I needed a couple of Gravol to counteract onset of dizziness as a direct result of the endless circling I'd been doing all the while! Of course, Robo Ray was more than happy to chat with Flamin' for the duration of the prolonged rest stop. (I must admit, in passing, that over the course of his European holiday he was seduced, rather easily it now appears, by The Sisterhood and their latte-like ways!)

After much ado about nothing, we finally found FedEx and then more circling and more Gravol and then, finally, to River Rock and CSTB. Quite surprised when Sarge opted for Cambie, (guilt, perhaps?), and we slogged uphill, leaving the party goers behind at 49th, necessitating some dipsy-doodles before 41st to allow them to catch up there. Cut over on 33rd to Heather and waved goodbye to Robo Man, or should I say Spandex/Lululemon Man, at 29th or 27th, while we continued on our way north. Had 64K on odometer by time we were back at Harbour Terrace, about 5K more than Flamin'/Sarge, as a direct result of initial back-tracking and then endless circling! Still, a good ride and loads of fun! Cheers, Il Condutttore!

Hi Pat and Corinne (West);

Just confirming this coming Friday at the Island Inn. Forgot to let Corinne (East) know just now so will call her back. Here is the pretext i needed for sending you photos albeit the wrong way.

• driving "under the influence" of a camera – black bear scooting off the road north of the Skookumchuk Hot Springs
• character starter homes, company town style, in Bralorne
• not far away in Gold Bridge but note the message pad too, no pun intended
• with Anna on the Slim Creek main, which is a poor excuse for a road but with good views of the Gold Bridge area
• Anna in repose in finely appointed accommodation at the Tyax Wilderness Resort (campground that is)
• view of Tyax Wilderness Resort wharf and approaching mountain storm heralding a severe correction on the economic front
• Anna using a special hatha yogic method to enhance her reading intake (B&B in Pemberton last night)


Hi Bob!

Enjoyed your pictures from The Hinterland!

Glad that we are getting together next week, particularly in light of the fact that The Sisterhood just announced/ordained a whirlwind, (as opposed to a "Whirlygig"), trip to The Peg, (We blast off at some ungodly hour on the morn of Tuesday, August 23rd!), to attend a shower for her grand-niece on Thursday, August 25th. At this point, given logistics/timetable, I'm not even sure how I will manage a stop at Kennsington Wine Market or Willow Park, in Calgary, (hope to spend night with Zircon), to stock up on the malt I'll need to make it through trip and compensate for hootch I'll miss at a gathering of the The Brotherhood, scheduled for Thursday, September 1st! O woe is me! We Who are about to do Battle with The Sirens of The Sisterhood, Salute You!

Intend to make our way back to Vancouver, from Falcon Lake, after Labour Day so perhaps we can plan a final get-together with Kjell, (over the evening, this coming Friday), before he leaves, mid-September, I believe. Cheers, Patrizio!

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