Friday 26 August 2011

IIDD, August 26th

Hi Patrick and Corinne

Yes, I am slowly getting ready for C2C- that makes one of us with Laura and Ed in Provence and Rich down south working. I even had to go into Leeds twice to buy and pick up a new bike for Rich - he will be paying. Chris is taking a passing interest as driver.

I figure on our travelling across on Friday night, cycling 40 miles first day and 50 miles each of next two days. Then staying over in Newcastle with L and E.

When I did it 10 years ago accompanied only by Chris in her car I drove across one morning got on the bike and cycled in rain all day for 70 miles , transported bike 15 miles to B and B, back 15 miles next morning and then 70 miles second day in pleasant weather finishing in bright sunshine at the entrance to the river Wear at Sunderland. Pity I forgot the camera.

With our limited preparation there is a bit of concern over some of the hills in the Pennines but with the extra day I am hoping to make it a relatively relaxed family occasion- this will depend on the weather- hopefully the prevailing westerly wind and little rain.

We particularly look forward to cycling through parts of Lakeland and then the Pennine Dales with a downhill run to the east coast.

I now find there are two new long distance rides across northern England -the Reivers Way and Hadrian's Cycleway- both slightly longer than C2C and full of historical connections as the names suggest. Recently I was walking a canal footpath south of Leeds(Leeds-Liverpool canal) which forms part of a cross Pennine bike trail which I need to experiment with. 

Since we returned after several interrupted nights sleep I developed a cold which is now transferred to Christine. This somewhat interrupted my cycling agenda. My mother also took a fall and has had X Rays and is now at my sister's house and will be going into a rest home for a few days while Janet and her husband go to Majorca to celebrate an anniversary. Needless to say some duties fall our way but not a lot.

Apart from attending three Hartlepool United matches with my friend Rene that about sums up our time back in the UK.

I recall several rescue phone calls from Laura and Rich over the years eg puncture in dark on M1 and " how do I get this dead bird out of my radiator grill" both occasions from 200 miles away.

By the way, given you are now renaming Canadian Forces as "Royal" isn't it time you gave up this French kilometre connection and reverted to Imperial measures.

I was pleased to hear your report on Imre- please pass on our good wishes and tell him that Sandor's brother was a hospital consultant at Hartlepool according to Rene's wife. In fact I remember his name from one of my rugby injuries.

Weather here has a touch of Autumn- less colour in gardens and even in garden centres- some flooding in the tropical south- we even had some rain here last night. I always feel August heralds the end of summer here with days shortening. Not quite as bad as in France when everyone goes home at the end of the month of August.

I  shall be interested in your itinerary for Australia- I spend lots of time fantasizing about our next (unplanned) trip down there. With our mothers it is getting more difficult to arrange but I can always dream while Chris has nightmares about the journey.

After next weekend I shall let you know how we have done- I might even have some photos.

Best wishes

Jim and Chris.
Hi Chris and Jim!

Thanks for last newsy email. If I am correct, you will have started the C2C today. Buona Fortuna!!!
That evening we had a simply marvellous dinner with Polly and Mick Carter, at your old place! Really too bad your visit had not overlapped here, with Sylvia and Ray, as I know you both would have enjoyed meeting the Carters as well. All the best to you two from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizio! 

Hi Bob!

Thanks muchly for invitation for September 10th. As you know, we are leaving for Winnipeg, this coming Tuesday, and will be back, probably late on Friday, the 9th, as we are to attend a wedding reception on Saturday evening. That being the case, we won't be able to join you at The Nest in New West and finally have the chance to meet the elusive Corinne de l'Est.

Thanks for sending along snaps of Anna but I don't seem to be able to open them. Although labelled as jpegs they seem to be in some format for which my computer doesn't have the appropriate application.

Thanks and Cheers, Patrizio!

Hello Lads!

I trust we are still meeting this evening to discuss, or not, The Tiger! Both Coriandre and I will be at a bbq in Burnaby this afternoon so if we are not home by 7:00pm, on the dot, please make yourselves comfortable on the patio until we arrive! I'll leave an emergency supply of malt, (Glenkinchie), on table to sustain those in need of replenishing fluids!

Mitonious: Would appreciate it if you could bring along your copy of Fukuyama's Origins of Political Order to give to Claire so that she can pass it along to me! Thanks.

Cheers, Il Condutorre!


Thanks again for last night – it was hoot as always.

Hope you are feeling okay this morning. I am sure that Bourbon packs a punch in the backwash.

I am going to suggest Saturday the 17th of September for the next gathering of the great un-read. Let me know if that date is open on your dance card. I will also send you the reading suggestions from last evening – mostly to confirm your recommendation and Guy’s.

We could ride this morning if you want to get out in the pissing rain. I would prefer to not ride in this deluge. My window of opportunity is between 10AM and 2PM or after 4:30 PM. I would prefer the latter if that works for thee.


Hi Whirlissimo!

Great night indeed! However, not quite enough Howling or Snoring for The Sisterhood, I've been informed!

Only good thing about rain, other than the fact that city probably needs it, is that it forces me to start packing/loading car for our 4:00am departure domani! Cora Lee has a Friends of VPL bbq here this evening so need to be organized well before that happens. I might just squeeze in a short ride, out to UBC and back, perhaps, around 4:00pm, dovetailing with a number of errands.

The meeting for the 17th, is fine, (here, if lads wish), with me but I would certainly appreciate knowing which titles Guy and I suggested, so forcefully, it would seem! (Who would have thought that anaemic bourbon could cause such blackouts!!!) We intend to be back by the 9th as we have a wedding reception on the 10th.

I'll call later in day and we can see what might work for an abbreviated outing. Cheers, Il Conduttore!

The next gathering will be on Saturday, the 17th of September, at 7:00 at the Island Inn.

The next book is Super Sad True Love Story: A Novel by Gary Shteyngart (George)

We are seeking suggestions for a book to follow the Shteyngart

As defacto treasurer and chief martinet the Conductor will apply arbitrary levies to late comers, absentee non-readers and bourbon drinkers as appropriate. 

Hi Lads!

I'm more than happy to go with Shteyngart, inasmuch, as one about Vita and Violet, (Whirlissimo, as Club Secretary, does a grand job, but has managed to suggest the wrong book: A BOOK OF SECRETS, Illegitimate Daughters, Absent Fathers, By Michael Holroyd, Illustrated. 258 pp. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $26.), is more recent and there will probably be some difficulty/delay obtaining it from VPL or other public libraries. However, I'm also really keen on Wade Davis' latest book, Into the Silence: The Great War, Mallory, and the Conquest of Everest, but since it won't be published until October, I suppose it will have to wait to make ever lengthening list!

Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Cher Conduttore, we have just returned from our looping drive up Dry Creek Road and have returned with the spoils. Only one bottle was lost in the difficult passage up the hill at Villa Vicente, so you must be cheerful upon hearing this good news! Pat Coffaro send her warm greetings as well. She knew me in an instant from my "Coffaro 2008" Tee Shirt, realizing quickly that I could be representing none other than....the illustrious Canadian!
We sampled and sampled and sampled, the new Zins (including a Rai-Sin from last year's semi-dried out harvest) were in my opinion each-one-better-than-the-next, although when it came down to putting a few dollars in the Coffaro coffers, we went with the Escuro.  The bbq was excellent, chicken in delectable sauce, with sides of mustardy potato salad and some cold cole slaw.  Fine company at our table (One from SF, two from San Bruno and us from Oakland, so we had each corner of the Bay Area represented).  Thanks to the traffic on Highway 101, which they are working on in some inscrutable way, we had a chance to develop a hearty appetite.
We then visited (just like I did by myself last time when I did a pickup) Pedroncelli and Frick.  I am currently delighting in a bottle of icy Pedroncelli Sauvignon Blanc, the barest undertone of grapefruit under a big full grapey flavor, and soon I will prepare our simple post-tasting dinner, Polish sausage, fresh corn from the Farmer's Market, and a melange of potatoes wok-ed up with cumin seeds.  By the way, I did up a batch of bread this morning and left a plump loaf with Pat.

In any event, all three and a half cases are now resting safely (as ALWAYS!) downstairs in the cool fragrance of your former bedroom.  It is also fortunate that the temperature was not 114 today, so that when we whiled away our hours in the tasting rooms the little tender young bottles were not fricassied.

I will now turn my attention to the kitchen and the dramatic action of Oakland A's baseball on the silent television screen. Our best to Mme. Coriandre, and our fond hopes that you make it down before the wine is all gone....


Hi Patrick,

So sorry I didn't respond to your message of 7/29 before
now. I was going through 15,000 messages in my junk folder this morning
and came across this one from you. No, I definitely do not consider your
messages "junky," in fact quite the contrary. And you may take solace in
knowing that this is the first and only message from you that I have
found anywhere but in my usual inbox. I think my computer was going
through some kind of junk meltdown around that time, because I also
found a couple of other messages from friends in my junk folder.
Hopefully, I have fixed that problem for future correspondence.

Anyway, as you likely know by now, your friends the Berkeloids (please
confirm their real names for me...David and ? Kessler...something like
that?), did come by over the weekend and picked up your pending order.
Thank you for arranging that. They also very kindly brought me a loaf of
their homemade bread which was quite delicious. I'd like to write them
to say thanks if you would kindly give me their email address. That was
really very, very kind of them. He doesn't seem "prickly" at all and
they both seemed to enjoy their time here, saying to let you know that
they did a good job of representing you.

Gotta go now. Will read the rest of your message later. Just trying to
catch up on all that transpired over the weekend.

  Hi Miss Marps!

How time flies, indeed! Speaking of which, relative to my time at Curric Lab, Cora Lee and I were at a garden party, hosted by Janice and Grant Douglas, (this part has nothing to do with UBC Library, as such, but rather VPL), yesterday afternoon. Lovely affair to celebrate the wedding of their son Connor, now doing a post-doc at Freie Universität Amsterdam, and the birth of their second granddaughter, Sophia. At any rate, over the course of the happy gathering I was introduced to Garnet Grosjean and his wife, Janet Atkinson-Grosjean. As you know, Garnet is in Educational Studies, while Janet, as you may know, as well, is at the Centre for Applied Ethics. I never really knew Garnet but know Don Fisher, (mainly from swimming at UBC Aquatic Centre!), his colleague. Enjoyed chatting with both of them. Not sure if Connor did a post-doc with Garnet or Janet as simply didn't get around to that topic in conversation. I think that is the connection, but not even sure about that. Nevertheless, enjoyed asking about other mutual acquaintances.

Time to start packing! Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Kids:

We are off to The Peg at 4:00am, (I hope), domani, so I'd like to know what you have decided about Prince Valiant and the iPad 2. If you are going ahead with that then we'd be more than happy to pay for the keyboard/carrying case. If not, then we will simply give him a card and cash.

Cora Lee has a Friends of VPL meeting/bbq on at the moment but I think it will be over by 9:30pm or so. Please call to let us know how you would like to proceed. Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Sandra!

I just realized, as I stepped out of the shower, that I was supposed to pop by this afternoon! Hit me like a tons of bricks and I had to have a stiff shot of malt to stop shaking with shame!!! No excuses but plenty of reasons!! In all the rush to get ready to leave tomorrow, at 4:00am, for The Peg, the appointment simply skipped my mind. I forgot! I do apologize.

We plan to be back by September 9th so if you want me to deliver programs that weekend, or later, as the case may be, I'm more than happy to do so. At any rate, send me an email, (I'll be checking my mail regularly), and let me know how you would like to proceed. Once again, I'm terribly sorry for not showing up. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizio!

No worries Patrick! We'll talk when you get back... Hope you have a lovely



Hi Patrick
What a small world! Really like Garnet and his wife Janet.
Get packed! Visited with Pamela Black (Jones) last night.
Cheers, Jo-anne

Hi Jo-Anne!

Please say hello to Pamela when next you see her. Fond regards to you both, from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizio!

Hello Kentonites!

Trust everyone is well and enjoying what is left of summer!

Had mentioned in last email message that we didn't expect to be back east this year if you recall. Well, it may come as a bit of a surprise, but we may well be visiting you! The Sisterhood has just announced/ordained a whirlwind trip to The Peg, (We blast off at some ungodly hour on the morn of Tuesday, August 23rd!), to attend a shower for her new grand-niece on Thursday, August 25th. At this point, given logistics/timetable, I'm not even sure how I will manage a stop at Kennsington Wine Market or Willow Park, in Calgary, to stock up on the malt I'll need to make it through trip and compensate for hootch I'll miss at a gathering of the The Brotherhood, scheduled for Thursday, September 1st! O woe is me! We Who are about to do Battle with The Sirens of The Sisterhood, Salute You!

At any rate, if convenient, we'd like to camp out with you on the night of Wednesday , August 24th. Given length of drive from Calgary, not sure when we'd arrive so if you'd like to have us stay, please don't wait on us for dinner, etc. I do hope to leave between 7:00am-8:00am but since we will probably be staying overnight in Cochrane, we probably wouldn't be knocking on your door until about 9:00pm at earliest, given time change. If it turns out that you will be away, we'll simply push on in to Winnipeg or sleep in a water filled ditch somewhere near Rivers!

Anyway, let us know about the 24th and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos and Cheers., Patrizio!

Hi Kentonites!

Trust all goes well with everyone. We are just about ready to leave Cochrane. In the rush to pack, back home, I left my address book, so I don't have your home phone. Couldn't find you on the Net either. Cora Lee's mobile:


We will probably drive straight through to The Peg unless we hear from you. Didn't want not to stop if you had expected us, (as per n earlier email), but don't worry if you are not around or otherwise engaged. If we don't hear from you, will call from Winnipeg. Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Chloë!

I'd like you to look for my address book, to the left of the printer. It should be on or underneath the pocket calculator, on a pile of other small items. I need the address and phone number for Dallas and Judy Grey, under the "B's", Bill Grey, in Kenton.

Furthermore, please give address book to Sarge so that he can bring it to me when he and Prince Valiant stop overnight in Falcon, next week. I'm not sure when they plan to leave Vancouver.

Love from your Mother and Jim. Fondestos, much Warm Love and Cheers, Dad!

the number for bill/norma grey home is 204 838 2405
but then under that it says hamiota 204 764 3860
does that help??
hope so, drive carefully, watch for deer, love you both!
Chloe Alexis!!!

Hi Maggs and Chloë!

Thanks for phone numbers! Hamiota is one for Bill and Norma, other is for Dallas and Judy, in Kenton. Nana just walked over to a spa nearbye to have a manicure/pedicure. We went shopping, an hour or so ago, for some of the things for shower this evening, at Grant Park. I'm going to ride over to see Filmer/Sally as soon as I've sent a few more messages. Supposed to be 30 degrees this afternoon!

Did you give my address book to Sarge?

Love to you both. Cheers, Dad!

Hi D, yup gave your book to Wayne last night, callled about grames today, she is all fine and i am going on saturday to see her

Its lovely here, mags is lying on her bench sunning herself!!!!

love to all, take lot of pics of the shower!!!

Chloe Alexis

Hi Spumon!

We are just about ready to leave Cochrane where we spent a lovely night with Zircon/Jim!

We will probably drive straight to your place as I've not heard from my cousin in Kenton, where we had planned to stay. Hope we will be knocking on your door aroud 11:00pm, this being the case. We will phone, closer to The Peg, to let you know what are plans are. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizio!

Corinne - I volunteered you, mom and I to buy the wine for the shower, and I am going to be making a non alcoholic punch.  So I will pick something up today.  Have a good trip!  See you guys tomorrow.


Hi Filmer:

Saturday evening, August 27th, sounds wonderful. We'd love to join you then to see family and meet Glenna and other friends you mention. I'll probably call when we are in town. Staying with Spumoni/Grogg on St Michaels so I might cycle over once we are settled, if you are around and accepting guests from the West Coast! Plan to drive in from Kenton on Thursday morning as baby shower isn't until around 7:00pm that evening. I think it is for The Sisterhood only!

Problem with Ski is that she isn't "time-oriented"! She just wanders around, eyes wide open, like a little kid, living in the eternal present. One of her greatest charms, actually. Have included a snap of her, as well as one with Sarge.

Thanks again for lovely invitation. Hello and fond regards to Sally and rest of crew. See you soon. Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Pat:

Thanks for a great evening!  I had such a good time biking and chatting with you.
I loved my time with Corinne, catching up with all the news and feeling inadequate listening to all her volunteer work!

I arrived home safe and sound feeling silly but actually happy that I got to visit you!

Have a good trip to Winnipeg.

Hopefully I will see you at Christmas, but that may not happen.

Take care Rhoda

Hi Ski and Ronaldo!

Wonderful to see you, even under trying circumstances of a missed flight! Imagine where we could have cycled if you'd been around for a few days!! Come back with the Great Complainer and we'll "attack" Seymour!!!

Sorry that it has take me so long to reply but life was a whirlwind from the time we sent you to Olympic Station with Sarge right up until time we left. Monday night, Coriandre had a bbq for the Friends of VPL and people didn't leave until about 9:30pm. Still had to clean up, pack, load car and meet with Chloë to arrange for all the household details that would need attention, (deposit of rent cheques for our loft and suite next door, visits to Mom, and the like), while we would be away, so I didn't hit my pillow until 1:45am. Coriandre, of course, was snoring gently well before midnight!!! Up at 4:05am, little more than two hours later, to leave The Island Inn at 5:50am. In spite of hecticity, we had a very pleasant drive to Calgary, (Coriandre took over the wheel once we were on Coquihalla, and I slept like a baby in back where I had left room enough for me to be able to almost stretch out!), to stay with good friend, Zircon, in Cochrane, for the night. Left at 8:22am next morning and arrived in Winnipeg at 11:30pm. Not bad, given loss of an hour due to time change. Needed the air conditioning, from time to time, as it was a clear, cloudless sky all the way.

Weather in The Peg is fabuloso, "Was a sunny day", as Rhymin' Simon said in one of my favourite albums, Kodachrome. Given that most of summer has been so hot and dry there are virtually no pesky, life-threatening skeeters. One can actually sit out, of an afternoon or evening, sipping a chilled beverage, or beverages, of choice, without wearing a hazmat suit. Went for a short ride, (33.33K-We are staying at 33 St Michael Road, in St Vital, so I had to dipsy doodle, obsessively/compulsively, as some are wont to say, to come up with this exact odometer setting!), yesterday to visit my cousin in Wildwood Park, on the other side of the Red River, in Fort Garry. We will have dinner there on Saturday. For tonight, Cora Lee has planned to have pickerel filets. Will buy this wonderful fish from Gimli Fish Market, not far from where we are staying, fortuitously located right next door to Banville and Jones, a remarkable private wine store!

Time to prepare a substantial breakfast of overlefts. (I am in charge of fridge management here. From past experience, Spumoni, my sister-in-law, knows that I can be depended upon to, ganet-like, clean out her filled to overflowing ice-box!) Need to fuel up as as soon as I've eaten and sent a few more messages, I'm off to make for Assiniboine Park, (for the non-Prairie Folk, The Peg's equivalent of Stanley Park), and cycle the trails and roadways there. Looking forward to riding along Wellington Crescent, en route, (again, for the non-Peggites), the Shaughnessey of Winnipeg. All this in preparation for what I hope to be regular 100K+ rides once we are in Falcon Lake. Will probably head there, about 135K east of Winnipeg, about 50K west of Kenora, on Trans Canada, on Sunday or Monday.

Fond regards to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizio! 

Hi Pat:

Hamburgers were to rival Peter's in Calgary enough anyway to make us glad for statins. Last night had a Sinder Roulade at a German restaurant when Wally's brother and wife came to join us. The sunset over the lake was something else as our table was on the patio . The population here quadrupled overnight! Glad we made the decision to leave Monday

Hi Brenda Louise!

Assume you are home by now.
Fond regards to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Folks,
Hope all is well with you and a belated Happy Birthday to Cloe.  (we have the same birthdate and don't I wish I was her age again!)
I think I last wrote to say that I have finally moved in to my new home.  I am rather enjoying it despite that progress on painting the bedrooms is slow and I had to delqy the carpet installation once already.  Hopefully the painting will be finished by saturday.  That is what you get when a friend offers to paint - I am virtually working on his schedule.  The weather has been very hot and muggy so the pool has come in handy.  Finally this week I have not had to run the air conditioner with night temperatures around 16. 
Not certain if I told you that I am going to Ireland on the 18th of Sept for 2 weeks with a girlfriend.  It is a tour consisting of 25 people including the tour guide.  Should be a good time.
When are you heading off to New York? Hopefully we can meet up somewhere if not here in Kingston.
Take care, Simone

Hi Simone!

Glad to learn that you are enjoying your new home! Forgot that you and Chloë share the same birthday. belated birthday wishes to you!!! You had mentioned your trip to Ireland. We enjoyed Dublin immensely, last October, and would love to see more of the country at some point. Unfortunately, we won't be visiting New York this Fall as friends we had planned to stay with are not able to make trip. Cora Lee is bitterly disappointed but perhaps it is best given what looks like what may well be a nasty storm ahead! Not to make like of what could be a very serious situation but this, as well as our personal financial concerns as we are heading off to Hong Kong, Australia and Japan, this coming early-to-mid-March, to be away for about four months.

Hi Pat,
Further to our conversation last night regarding the remarkable connections we have with Winnipeg and my uncle Paul Day, I am sending  you his eulogy, written by Richard Mulgan, who I now find out is a professor of Political Science at Australian National University, Canberra.
In the old photos, you will see Paul as you may have remembered him, He is the handsome one with the glasses.
My father was there for a family visit, in 1958, he is the thin fellow with the mustache.
Richard Mulgan is the older young man sitting by uncle Paul. In one of the photos is my cousin , John Lewis ( the younger young man)  John went on to become the headmaster of Eton for about ten years about the time the young princes were pupils there.
One of the photos was taken when Paul arrived in Cranbrook to visit us, on his way to the job interview in Winnipeg!!
We have your wine socks as well so will be sure to get them back to you when we see you to drop off Jenny's clothes. Sylvia
Hi Sylvia!

Thanks again for the simply wonderful evening and now, the latest, the photos and eulogy! I was about to compose a lengthy email to Jamie Gairdner and now I have many of the details I was going to have to ask about. What incredible time-travel, so to speak. I take it you are "The Babe" on the viewer's right in photo at airport. Not sure about the person on the left.

Reading through the eulogy I discovered another remarkable connection to your uncle. I was also born on December 6th! I told you we were related!

If you don't mind, I'll send along the photos and eulogy to Jamie Gairdner, in Chesham. I know he will be delighted to share them with his sister Judith, now living in Cambridge.

Another Sedbergh connection, John Conway, studied with Jamie's father there and ended up in the History Department at UBC. I first met him in the late 80's, during one of Jamie's visits, although I knew him slightly, from his use of Inter-Library Loans, the section I was working in at the time. I still see him, from time to time, usually on his old bike, (I'm sure it only has about three gears!), slowly but steadily making his way up the UBC Foreshore Hill, the front wicker basket full of thick tomes to be returned to the Library, his trousers clipped to keep them from becoming entangled in the chain, the quintessential picture of the English academic! Always, at least in my limited experience, reserved, often crusty and curmudgeon-like, the very, very proper, superior, upper crust British intellectual, yet somehow endearing and charming and personable, in an awkward way. Still a wonderful individual, more than a character, seemingly still incredibly fit, both physically and mentally, for what must be, at least, his 85+ years, I hazard to guess. Must ask him, next time we bump into one another, if he happened to cross paths with Paul at Sedbergh. Probably not, but who knows with all the coincidences we are uncovering?

Thanks again and please let me know if it is fine to send material along to Jamie. Cheers, Patrizio!
Hi again, Pat:

I would be happy for you to pass on the info and photos.
I also emailed my cousin Cath and await her response.
She is an artist and musician and lives near Masterton, in the Wairarapa
area of NZ
Glad you enjoyed yourselves last evening, we did too.
Hi Lady Trizia and Sir James!

Thanks for last phone call, Sir James. great to hear from you and learn some of your news. Please send along an email as I'm curious to know more about the Days, as you will soon discover!
Last Saturday evening we had a simply marvellous dinner together with mutual friends, Polly and Mick Carter, at the home of Sylvia and Ray Banks. I had forgotten the connection between Sylvia and Paul Day, (Her father was Paul's older brother and he and his family settled in Kimberly, in the interior of BC), whom I met at your parent's home on Niagara, in about '68 or '69, I think! Here is a copy of the email I sent to Sylvia after she sent along pictures and eulogy:

Hi Sylvia!

Thanks again for the simply wonderful evening and now, the latest, the photos and eulogy! I was about to compose a lengthy email to Jamie Gairdner and now I have many of the details I was going to have to ask about. What incredible time-travel, so to speak. I take it you are "The Babe" on the viewer's right in photo at airport. Not sure about the person on the left.

Reading through the eulogy I discovered another remarkable connection to your uncle. I was also born on December 6th! I told you we were related!

If you don't mind, I'll send along the photos and eulogy to Jamie Gairdner, in Chesham. I know he will be delighted to share them with his sister Judith, now living in Cambridge.

Another Sedbergh connection, John Conway, studied with Jamie's father there and ended up in the History Department at UBC. I first met him in the late 80's, during one of Jamie's visits, although I knew him slightly, from his use of Inter-Library Loans, the section I was working in at the time. I still see him, from time to time, usually on his old bike, (I'm sure it only has about three gears!), slowly but steadily making his way up the UBC Foreshore Hill, the front wicker basket full of thick tomes to be returned to the Library, his trousers clipped to keep them from becoming entangled in the chain, the quintessential picture of the English academic! Always, at least in my limited experience, reserved, often crusty and curmudgeon-like, the very, very proper, superior, upper crust British intellectual, yet somehow endearing and charming and personable, in an awkward way. Still a wonderful individual, more than a character, seemingly still incredibly fit, both physically and mentally, for what must be, at least, his 85+ years, I hazard to guess. Must ask him, next time we bump into one another, if he happened to cross paths with Paul at Sedbergh. Probably not, but who knows with all the coincidences we are uncovering?

Anyway, I plan to ride by house on Niagara while here. Please remind me of number so that I can take a shot, both for you and Sylvia! Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizio!

Pics: Taken at bbq, Cora Lee and Mick; Ray, Sylvia and Polly; rest from Sylvia.
Assumed you would be there by now. We got back Monday but it's taken til now for us to get upacked etc. We decided that we wouldn't be using the r.pod anymore this summer so had to strip it and store everything in totes stacked in the basement. I think I washed and ironed all week! Poor me having to actually work for awhile! I'm still amusing myself taking tutorials on imovie and iweb and having a great time doing it.
I've got Dana's birthday presents and am looking forward to going to Calgary to see her in a couple of weeks!
I think I'll have to turn breakfast over to you next time you're here too.
Hello, Former Indolentii!

I'd be happy to prepare breakfast although i think Cora lee would probably wrinkle her pretty little nose!

Perhaps you could make the following part of your next iMovie!

The longer you've been married, the funnier this becomes!

An old married couple was at home watching TV.

The husband had the remote and was switching back
and forth between a fishing channel and the porn channel.

The wife became more and more annoyed and finally said:

"For god's sake! Leave it on the porn channel. You already know how to fish!"

Cheers, Patrizio!

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