Sunday 28 August 2011

IIDD, Aug 28th

Hi Dearest Daughters!

Trust everyone is well. Hope your busy visit schedule went without hitch, Chloƫ. How is Sharktooth Annie? How go plans for Austin junket, Ayn? How is bespectaculared Densel Banker? Has Xavierino returned to Pueblo?

Had a more than wonderful ride yesterday. Took off from #33 St Michael and did a reverse circuit: Pulberry to St Vital Road to Victoria Crescent to River Road and then across Bishop Grandin Bridge to University of Manitoba, Fort Garry campus. I had never been through the SmartPark, a research park adjacent to the university, so I spent some time just cycling past all the various high tec company buildings. Some very attractive landscaping and interesting, futuristic architecture. After I had toured what was, to me, a completely new addition to the university community, (akin to UBC's currently under development, Nobel Park), I made for King's Road, a street which leads east from the campus proper, along the Red River. Had never traveled this street before so I was like Columbus discovering the New World. I followed Kilkenny Road to the point where it intersects with Pembina Highway, not far from another municipality, St Norbert. Turned back, at this point, to retrace my steps, taking a dipsy doodle to explore King's Park, a wonderful green space, with pathways, small ponds and Off Leash Dog Spaces, so-called Fields for Fido, and a series of tarmac trails close to to the river bank, quite similar to the trails, along the Ottawa, I have traversed when staying with friends, Maret and David, in Gloucester!

Eventually made my way back to the campus and traversed the ring road there to return to Bishop Grandin, taking the cycle path under the bridge to find myself on Pembina Highway. Given that it was about 3:30pm on Saturday, one of last weekends of summer, road was relatively quiet. Only had to cycle a few blocks north, to Chevrier, to connect with the Bike Route. Following this, I came upon Crescent Drive Park, nestled in a fold of the Red, bounded on the west by Crescent Drive Golf Course. I enjoyed riding around this new territory and was soon back on South Drive, heading for Wildwood Park. En route, I rode past a lawn filled with about six impeccably restored, vintage T-Birds. As I breezed along, I asked the chaps milling about the cars if they would consider trading one of them for my bike. One of the owners, (I assume he was an owner but he may well not have been.), asked, in response to my question: "How many gears do you have?" Everyone laughed and I waved as I continued on. Few minutes later a young man, driving in other direction asked me if I knew where the golf course happened to be. I assumed he meant Crescent Drive so waved my thumb behind me and hollered, "Keep going that way!" For someone who had never been in this neck of the woods before, I was becoming, so it seemed, the local GIS/Garmin Goil expert!

Reached Lot H where my cousin lives, shortly thereafter, about 4:00pm and zipped down their alleyway to find Travis, youngest son, behind their house, walking Peg, their 14 year old, lovely Golden Lab. Didn't stop but said we would be back in a few hours and made for Oakenwald, street I needed to take me to Jubilee. It wasn't until I was on the No Public Access street running between two of the fairways of Wildwood Park Golf Course that I realized that the chap in the car had probably meant this golf course. Since I'd just been around Crescent Drive GC, I assumed that that was the one he wanted! Who knows if he is still searching, caught in the labyrinthine folds of the the Red's meanders!

Once on Jubilee I crossed over the Red by the famous Bridge Drive In, noting the long lines of customers waiting for soft ice cream cones or sundaes. Given the unending heat of this past rainless summer, business must have been booming for months. On to Kingston Row, trying, unsuccessfully, to stop my left eye from tearing, my sunscreen having transferred some of itself into the socket, where I decided to ride north under the Osborne Bridge, never having done so before. Once again, I was able to put more pieces of the jig-saw map of St Vital together, in my mind's eye, and realized that Kingston Row was accessible from St Mary's Avenue, to the north of Osborne, a fact I had never realized for all the years I had lived in Winnipeg!

So enlightened, I cycled back under Osborne Bridge and onto Dunkirk Drive to take turn-off to St Vital Road and thence to River Road, riding parallel, so to speak, to South Drive on the other side, south side of the Red, past St Vital Park and then north on St Michael, just before Bishop Grandin. In essence, I had come full circle and with but a few minor dipsy doodles I rolled into driveway at #33 with 63.33K on my trusty odometer, an increment, over previous ride, of 20K, Dear Observant Reader! More than pleased with afternoon's efforts, I chained my Brodie to Grog's wheelbarrow and went inside to stretch and crunch. Quick shower while Cora Lee was preparing some pickerel filets for her dinner, (Filmer and Sally were having pizza for supper and Cora Lee knew she couldn't handle crust so she decided to eat earlier and not worry about taking fixin's that would not upset her sensitive tummy.), and then we headed back to Wildwood Park, a journey much more easily accomplished by bike than car.

Nonetheless, we achieved our desired goal and found assembled company in front yard and, after introductions, we spent a very pleasant few hours visiting and grazing on a marvellous, nay sumptuous, mixed platter of cold cuts/olivettis, cheeses and pickled red peppers, plus aforementioned designer pizzas. Two of guests were Joanna and Johan, a former co-worker of Filmer's. Met Glenna, Filmer's sister, now living in Prague, and enjoyed hearing about her experiences of this remarkable city. Tiernan, their eldest son, was home on hols from Regina so we had a chance to hear about his work there. Kaitlyn, middle child, was there with Scott, her boyfriend, and since I had not seen them for a number of years, I was pleased to hear about their coming studies. Travis, the youngest, is currently doing a co-op work program with Manitoba Hydro, as part of his Surveyor Technician Program, from Red River CC, so he had numerous stories to tell about his summer work in the field. Close to 9:00pm, it was time for Johan, (he is in his early '80's), to go home and since Glenna was staying not far from where they lived, Filmer chauffeured them home. We stayed for a bit, visiting with Sally and her brood, and then, thanking everyone for lovely evening, we made for home ourselves.

Back at St Michael, Cora Lee watched TV coverage of Irene while I digitated. Close to 11:00pm Pam/Greg/Dustin returned from War Eagle as Dustin had a full day of hockey games the next day. I finished off my entry for the day and Grogg and I enjoyed a few snorts of Colombian Rum, Ron Medellin, while The Sisterhood wrinkled their Durston noses in annoyance and exasperation.

Plan to meet my friend, Jim Sutherland, for lunch today, while The Goils meet with their nieces to plot more nefarious schemes against their faultless, blameless Ukrainian husbands! Fond regards from your Favourite Parent! Cheers, Dad!

10-4. We are just arriving at Furry Creek to golf and the girls are going to Whistler. See you Tuesday. Say hi to Coralee.
Wayne Sutherland 

Hi Sarge!

Trust gold went well.everyone is well (The dangers of cutting and pasting!)

Hello Gerald!

Trust you are well. Have been in Winnipeg since this past Thursday. Trip was unplanned but Corinne decided she wanted to go once she received an invitation to the baby shower for her great niece, Quinn. Will be staying at Falcon until after Labour Day and then make our way home. Am wondering if you will be around that week, for a brief visit, perhaps lunch or a coffee, depending on schedules, etc. Let me know what you think. All the best. Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Dionysios!

Trust you are well! Have been meaning to say hello for aeons! Last I heard, your back was acting up again. Hope that is not the case anymore.

Have been in Winnipeg since this past Thursday. Trip was unplanned but Corinne decided she wanted to go once she received an invitation to the shower for her great niece, Quinn.

Have been riding, quite regularly, back home, with Whirlygig and another former VRC friend, Ray Banks. Not sure if you knew him. At any rate, Steveston/Iona are on our circuit, along with Seymour Demo Forest/Dam and I explained I first went to first two with you and Peter. How is he doing?

At any rate, wanted to reconnect and see if you are interested in joining us at some point, if, in fact, you are able to cycle. Trust this is the case. Let me know. Cheers, Il Conduttore!

PS: How is Ricardo?


Somehow my computer ate your email so I hope this is still your correct address.

Good to hear from you! And good to hear you're riding lots.
Me, not so much. Not at all, in fact. Piston-man has ceased up.
Still rehabbing from another back issue that arose last year. It's getting better but it's progress at glacial speed.

Bourne is still riding, but not as much as he did with me.

So get in touch again when you're in town and let's get together. Bourne, McKeown and I get together for dinners and drinks every so often and you should come along. We can trade war stories.

Until then,

Hi Dionysios!

Sorry to learn that you are still struggling with a bad back. On a more positive note, I look forward to seeing you, Petros and The Poet when I return. Greetings to them until we meet.

Hi Patrizio,

Sounds like a great trip. No skeeters in the Peg!?!

Enjoy the rest of you holiday.


Hi Robert!

Truly, no mosquitoes! We were out for dinner last night and enjoyed a wonderful meal in the front yard of my cousin's home. Not a single skeeter but the wasps were out and fairly aggressive! Seems the bugs will get you, one way or another, in The Peg! Cheers, Patrizio!

26 degrees and we decided to walk in the Endowment Lands - see photograph. So peaceful. I took the poles which certainly takes the strain off the joints. Met a physio friend of Sylvia's and her husband riding very nice-looking Kona mountain bikes. The fellow, a club cyclist from England was telling me about the spinning classes he does at the new Riley Park facility in the winter. Sounds worthwhile if the weather is bad.
Chris returned in the evening, inhaled a couple of burgers, and proceeded to take off to visit friends after driving from Kimberley on his own in one go. Nice to have that kind of energy.
The photos we sent you were of Chris Banks, Chris Cropley (a friend and teacher at York House -dresses in RCMP costume),and Nevada. Yes, that is her real name and her sister is Sierra - I kid you not! Ray


Sylvia and I rode to Iona Island this morning. She hadn't been there before and she was thrilled with the experience. Watched several planes land parallel to the road and met a couple who took this photo. Did stop at the end but no latte breaks. Out about 2.75 hours. Sylvia found Heather a challenge but otherwise did well. Another lovely day as you can see by the picture taken with Sylvia's phone.
 Hi Sylvia and Ray!

Congratulations, Sylvia, on the ride to Iona! Well done. You'll be up for Seymour by the time I'm back!! You will spit on Heather after Lilloet!!! Great snapolas, as well!!! Thanks for the clarification of The Sierra Nevadas!!!

For my part, I only logged 33.33K, (I've taken to matching some combination of the house address!), today as I was visiting with friends and relatives for better part of morning/afternoon. Cora Lee and Spumoni, her sister, went to visit Quinn, new great niece, while I picked up my friend, Jim Sutherland, a university connection from the '60's, and had him for lunch where we are staying. After that, we drove to Wildwood to say hello to my cousin Sally and her husband, Filmer. Jim knows them from previous visits. We chatted for half an hour or so and then said goodbye, thanking them again for lovely dinner evening before.

Made for St James, after waving goodbye, to visit a woman I have always called Aunt Vera, a very close family friend. She and her husband, Merv, (sadly, he died three years ago), met my parents in 1945 in a mining camp, Favourable Lake, in Northern Manitoba, and remained lifelong friends. Jim met both of them a number of years ago, so I knew he would enjoy the visit as well. Had a lovely chat with Vera, catching up on all her grandchildren. Her eldest daughter, Mary, is a but a few years older than me and we have visited her, quite regularly, over the past few years, in Westport, a small resort town on the Rideau Canal, about an hour south of Ottawa, an hour west of Kingston. She and her husband, Terry, own and run quite a successful Inn, (bar, restaurant, hotel), The Cove Inn, there. Vera mentioned that it has been one of the busiest summers on record with them serving over 200 meals a day for last three or four month. Great for business but exhausting, of course!

Said goodbye to Vera and dropped Jim back at his apartment and then made for home. I was to put a roast in the oven at 4:30pm but The Sisterhood were home when I arrived. Free to do as I pleased, I suited up and headed out for a relatively short jaunt. Did the Bishop Grandin/Pembina/Crescent Drive Loop past Wildwood Park and then on to Kingston Row and home. With a few dipsy doodles I managed paltry distance noted above but was pleased just to have had a bit of exercise before dinner.

Quick shower and change and then we sat down to a wonderful roast beef, potatoes and mixed vegetables, green peas and Caesar salad. Viognier before dinner and Tannat with meal made everything blend together. I loaded dishwasher and cleared up while The Sisterhood lounged in separate TV rooms, watching their favourite shows. Had hoped to watch an episode of MI-5 but for some reason it doesn't seem to be on even though newspaper listing indicates it should be! Guess I'll just have to drown my sorrows with some malt and finish last few chapters of Krakatoa.

Plan to head to Falcon Lake tomorrow after we have lunch with close friend, Noreen. Were to have dinner together on Friday but she had to stay at home, laid low with a nasty migraine. Looking forward to logging some 100K+ rides when there as country roads are perfect for such outings.

Keep up the good work, Sylvia, and you'll become a regular Saturday morning rider. You and Flamin' can argue about which coffee shop in Steveston to frequent! Cheers, Patrizio!


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