Friday 29 July 2011

IIDD, July 28th


I think this describes what happens after you consume your salsa, not sip Shackleton's malt, as you'd need barn straw and dried moss to clean your damp bike/car seat and remove ordurous odour of wet sheepdog or worse! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hi Omar Sharif!

You don't have to apologize for your bidding in the least! I have already put you on Lexus/Howling syllabus for Contract Bridge Bidding, Advance Play! You'll be The Director of Play on Saturday so I'd wear your Kevlar weave vest as once things heat up, who knows what might happen. I think body armour should stop a flare pistol fired at close range but I'd consume about a quart of your salsa, (Thanks very much for recipe. I've already launched it into the ether!), beforehand in case you need to subdue an outrageous bidder, using only semi-deadly force! If you blow, softly, into trouble-maker's face, I suspect you'd only cause 3rd degree burns!

Hi Giggenheimer!

Forgot to send along this ad. Just one example of Big Molly's talent, as I think I mentioned on one of our rides!

Here's the rig that I just finished for Andy, I made the prototype which is essentially the same but he had a company with a cnc, (computer numerical control), machine tool and they removed a bunch of material to lighten it up.

My reply:

Very, very impressed with your Cotton Carrier Steady Cam! Can you adapt one for my bike to hold the malt glass steady on the hills? We'll live like kings off the patent, (your idea, my marketing to cyclistii), especially when it hits The Tour de France!!!

Big Molly's rig and your Whirlisimo salsa and we have it made! Move over Millionaires!!! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hi Champagne Charlie!

Perhaps you should wear your best suit as I think, given your outrageous bidding, that you are the prime candidate for the shroud!

Furthermore, any laptops for bridge prizes? Would make it much easier to keep bridge data in one place and readily accessible. A GPS would go well, especially once The Inside Passgae heads out to sea!
Hi Patrick,

Photos from our Transat Holiday travel agent trip to Scotland and England a couple of weeks ago. Thought these might make you drool.

It was early in the a.m. when we visited the Scotch Whiskey Experience at the Heritage Centre in Edinburgh. However, we all tried to have a taste with little to no success. It is certainly an acquired taste - this Scotch product. The tasting rooms were certainly beautiful though with all that coloured glass!


Hi Champagne, or should I say, more correctly now, Single Malt Man!

Thanks for great snaps! Just heard from Legs and she will be joining us for bridge so will need even more prizes! Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Legs!

Delighted to learn that you will be joining us! Arrive whenever it suits your busy schedule. Simply glad that you can squeeze us in between golf, squash and soaking in the Jericho pool/hot tub! Do you need directions? Ragin's number is 604-505-5194, in case you have misplaced/deleted earlier emails. Send out an SOS/distress call and we'll dispatch a search and rescue mission if you are lost somewhere along the shores of False Creek!

If you can bring dessert of some kind, that would be ultra fab! However, I should warn you, in advance, be prepared to be grilled about your latest visit to The Big Apple, by Cora Lee, in particulare, as she turned green, (greener than a Granny Smith), when I mentioned that you had been there again!!! Her very words were: "I HATE, (emphasis hers), Legs!" Doesn't take much for The Sisterhood to turn on one another, does it!

L'Chaim, Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizio!

PS: How is your Dad?

PPS: Your brain has always been frizzed. Don't blame the humidity! Focus! Move-up!!!

Confirmatzione that I have directions and will arrive with dessert, knockage and card sense.
Corinne will stop hating me once she and I kick everyones butts at the bridge table.
Until tomorrow,


Hi Cactus!

Thanks for word on Coffaro. Not a big deal, as I mentioned. More so for you to attend, if you should like, rather than for question of muleage as that isn't really an issue until next April/May/June or so, or any time before that "hard" date. Can't recall exactly when right now. Anyway, don't worry, one way or another.

I think that you should start to sleep with Naught Nancy's phone placed on your chest! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Vinnie!

Let me know if it works. If it does, Maggie will be taking a one-way trip, veddy, veddy soon! Cheers, Patrizio The Meany!

Hi again, Cactoosian!

Is this not what you should have in your signature?

Ubi est felium et vinum et malt, Deus ibi est.

According to Maggie and Whirlygig and Madame Coriandre, at least! Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Sylvia and Ray!

Lovely snaps indeed! Are you taking them with your iPad II?

Had a more than delicious meal with Chris and Jim last evening. Arrived just after 6:00pm and enjoyed wine and appetizers on deck. Gorgeous in the setting sun. Jim quizzed me about many of the nicknames I've given to various people. He had an actual checklist and wanted to know history and origin of each! Quite touched by his interest as first time anyone has ever asked for a Rosetta Stone! (Actually, not quite true as Pat Coffaro, wife of winemaker of one of our favourite wineries in Sonoma, asked for clarification, a year or so ago!) Around 7:30pm we repaired inside to a veritable feast of steak, (done poifectly on bbq by James), roasted potatoes, mixed with carrots, (from your garden), a lovely salad, (with your lettuce), to be followed by a smashing trifle, one of my favourite desserts. (Made this fact known to Chris when she asked what dessert she could bring a few weeks ago!) Returned to deck to savour trifle as it was still warm and quite comfortable without a sweater or wrap. Unusual, as I know I needn't remind you, as most evenings have been quite cool after sun goes down, in spite of heat, such as it's been, of the day.

Really a delightful evening. Have so enjoyed meeting them both and sorry that their holiday is almost over. Couldn't persuade Jim to ride to Steveston tomorrow morning. He feels that there is too much to do to get ready to leave on Sunday. I have offered to take them to the airport so will probably pick them up around 4:00pm or so.

With respect to riding, haven't been out with Rod/Peter since just before you left. Called Peter a few minutes ago and will probably meet the two of them at Marine/Cypress at 7:00am! Whirlygig will probably join us as he needs an early start as well. I'm going to cal Jim later today and see if this early start will enable him to be part of group!

Yesterday, we had quite a peleton, at least for first part of ride. Jim and Whirlygig were at parkade by 8:15am and then we met Ragin' Bull and Johnny The Snoz, (John McLean plays at VRC. Do/did you know him?) I had invited Branacle Branymir to join us, if he wanted, day before, so they were waiting just outside entrance to Spruce Harbour Marina. After introductions, we set off for Stanley Park. Given the "lateness" of the hour, the traffic was heavy with abominable tourists and recreational cyclists, not like our dedicated, hard-core group! Anyway, we had a very pleasant ride, changing positions from time to time to chat with a different person.

Unbeknownst to Ragin and The Snoz, I had arranged to meet my friend Dom Marcellino, (Kjell), at Prospect Point Lookout at 10:00am. He is visiting from Stockholm and is staying with his girlfriend, Gianna, (Jane), on Bowser, a few blocks east of Capilano. I told Branko and John that we were going to ride over Lion's Gate, circle back and meet with DM. Of course, they were both blathering away, whining about not stopping for lattes, and didn't twig to fact of ascent to bridge deck until we made for road leading there. More whining and then they deserted, heading back to the Seawall while we continued on and over bridge. Just as we were on sidewalk opposite Park Royal, I suggested to Jim that he might want to stop, mid-bridge, to enjoy view, so he "raced" ahead, (reminding me of pace you always set on hills, Ray!), leaving Whirlygig and I in the dust! Close to crest of bridge, he was waiting to catch a snap of me as I rode past. He and George spent a few minutes enjoying view but I cycled on as I wasn't sure if Dom Marcello would be at Prospect Point. It was 9:50am by then.

Joined at Lookout, shortly after I arrived by W/J. James took a few shots from observation deck and then a friendly German tourist took one of us all. Five minutes later, Gianna, (I didn't know she was going to join us but very pleased that she came along, of course.), and Dom Marcello. More introductions, although WHirlygig had met them both a malt tasting Friday before, and then we made for Harbour Terrrace. En route, I quizzed various parties about how far they wanted to ride and determined than James and Whirlygig were planning to head for their respective homes, while G/DM wanted to ride out to UBC. Knowing that G/DM would want to stop for coffee, at some point, I suggested we pick-up some cinnamon buns, en route, and "invite" ourselves to your place to enjoy a coffee on deck. I thought that G/DM would enjoy meeting Chris and vice versa. This was agreed upon and after waving goodbye to Georgio, Jim "raced" ahead to warn Chris and put coffee on while ret of stopped at Benny's for cinnamon buns and cinnamon bagels. Later was Dom Marcellino's choice.

Few minutes later we were in your back yard, Gianna most impressed with your garden! Spent almost an hour chatting and enjoying special "filter" java, (not just Nescafe, as Chris pointed out!), while Jim kept remarking that he couldn't believe that I had actually stopped during a ride! Replied by saying that once I had dismounted at Prospect Point, ride was essentially ruined anyway so thought I might just as well wallow in sloth! Loads of fun, of course.

Said thanks and goodbye and then led the lazy bones back to Stanley Park. Gianna wanted to return via Burrard so we crossed bridge and then made our way along Beach to Seawall and then Gianna took over. She knew of a trail, gravel but good surface for road bikes, just opposite Second Beach Pool, which leads up to Prospect Point. Reasonably gradual climb, except for a few, quite short, steeper, but not impossibly steep grades. Advantage, of course, is that one is right in forest so it is both tranquil and stunningly beautiful. Quite like ride to dam at Seymour, but forest is more of a canopy here. At Prospect Point one follows a very, very steep tarmac path down to bridge level and then another even steeper, short path under bridge itself. I had to dismount under bridge, (horror of horrors), as climb up other side is almost vertical. Once all three of us were together, we set off for North Van.

I stayed with G/DM all the way back to Jane's place as I'd never been there by bike before and wanted to scope route. Kjell will be here until early September and he would like to do more rides so wanted to make sure I knew how to find place on two wheels. Waved goodbye, once home, (without stopping!), and proceeded, via Squamish Reserve, back to bridge. Wasn't particularly looking forward to long haul but it went well, in spite of firce side/head wind, much, much stronger than on first return with W/J.

By the time I was back home, (Once past Science World I took to the road as seawall was awash with dogs, kids, mindless pedestrians and rent-a-bike cyclists!), I had almost 75K on odometer, (Actually took a dipsy doodle around our parkade to make exactly 75K by time I headed out of parking area), so knew that I had to ride to UBC to log the 100K I felt I owed myself after sticky bun stoppage and lollygagging on deck! Legs and lungs felt pretty good and had my camel pack to keep me comfortably hydrated. Each grassy knoll along Seawall, each beach, (English Bay, Kits, Spanish Banks), was covered with mostly uncovered sun worshippers so I had to be rather careful not to let my eyes linger too, too long on the many sveltoids that could, Siren-like, distract me for but a critical moment, with ensuing disastrous results! Managed to forge ahead in spite of all the glistening pulchritude and after a short loop atop UBC Hill made for The Island Inn. Of course, still had to do great and glorious battle with headwind, (Seemingly it had dogged me throughout day!), but emerged victorious at just before 4:00m with 103.46K shining up at me from my trusty odometer! Rather pleased, if I do day so myself, as have not broken 100K for a few weeks.

At any rate, weather looks promising over next week or so, so hope to better this distance, bit by bit, extra K by extra K. Working up to the 160K I will need to be able to do if I have any hope of riding in Grand Fondo next year in Pencticton. Will be pleased when you are back home Raymundo as I need your grit and stamina and endurance to keep me going. Weasel riders here, (Whirlygig excepted), are too interested in coffee and cookies and talking about riding to get in shape, rather than actually going the distance! Cheers, Patrizio!

Patrizio, caro,
Thank you so much for a lovely ride yesterday. It was just what I and Gianna had hoped for. And we hope for many more biking adventures with you. Unfortunately I don't think I am going to be able to participate tomorrow.
The reason is that Kerstin and Per have decided to come back tonight, three days early, and we are going to the island tomorrow instead of Monday, so Gianna won't have to cancel her few remaining work shifts next week.
We'll most likely return to Vancouver on Monday evening. They will leave for Sweden on Thursday afternoon. I don't know yet what the beginning of next week will be like, but I certainly would like to go biking with you again as soon as possible.
Mille grazie, salutazioni and buona fortuna,

Hi Dom Marcellino!

Thank you and Gianna, especially for introduction to trail in Stanley Park. Very, very enjoyable, in spite of numerous stops!!! Let us know about Kersten and Per and possibility of getting together, as well as when you might like to ride again. I am more than prepared to meet you at your place and then continue on to Seymour, per esempio!

Hi Kids!

Belated birthday greetings, Becksterina!!! For She's a Jolly Good Fellow.. Hip, Hip Hooray!!! Will do it properly, with even more gusto than usual, when next we see you. Fondestos, Patrizio!

Congratulations Prince Valiant! Great news indeed. Perhaps you'll get a gold-plated slide rule! Onward! Fight! Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Whirlygig!

Now you will be able to shout "First United" at the Lexus Polizei!

Have a call into Peter and he is going to confirm that ride is on to Steveston domani. However, he wants to meet at Marine/Cypress at 7:00am! Are you up for that? Let me know. Jim feels he cannot ride tomorrow but I'm going to try to twist his arm, nevertheless.

Before I forget, or if I did forget,are you planning to bring a salad tomorrow?

Hi Whirlisimo!

I always suspected, FU too, your "fused" vertebrae compression fracture story was a, FU too, rather unsuccessful, overly elaborate ploy to cover your Tourette, FU too, induced facial tics! Anyone can use make-up putty to fake, FU too, indentations in one's forehead. Look how well Captain, FU too, Barnacle covers up his pointed head! FU too!!!

Haven't heard back from Sneaky Pete yet but will confirm as soon as I know what is on. Thanks for salad but never mind the stinkin' life jackets, don't forget the strait-jacket! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

PS: Almost forgot, FU too!

Hi Cactoosian and Donna Forget-Me-Not!

I am more than happy to let Pat know that you will pick up our stash on 20th. We would certainly love to come south this Fall but whether that will transpire is unclear, at least as of this writing. Have to dovetail proposed trip with Coriandre's foot surgery, among other things/events. How is your shouldare, by the bye?

Hi Brenda Louise!

I'd hardly call your life of extreme leisure and indolence mundane! However, really did enjoyed reading about Janice's time in Shanghai.

Hi Patrick:

We actually made the news with some localized flooding. Absolutely nothing where we are but a lot of rain downtown.Decided Ito go for lunch at the golf course at Sun Rivers today and pretend we are rich as well as indolent.Have you been to Hong Kong?

Day 4 - Hong KongYou must wonder what the heck I am writing about sometimes, as I read back these emails and find all sorts of substitute words the iPad has interpreted and inserted due to my keyboarding errors.Anyway, Forget what I said about Shanghai's skyline, as impressive as it is. Hong Kong's is so much more condensed, not to mention famous and is truly magnificent.We are staying at The Mandarin Oriental, another very beautiful hotel. The decor is very contemporary eastern with classical and traditional elements. What decorating ideas I can steal! The room is so inviting, half and half marble and carpet flooring, separate toilet, separate bathing/shower room and washing area equipped with lovely toiletries. There is so much storage I really could live in this one! Quite a classy joint! We have our choice of white terry robes or black silk kimonos and slippers. We had lunch in one of the ten restaurants in the hotel. I took pictures of the artistic cakes they have on display and I will try sending these later on.In the afternoon we walked through some shops connected to the hotel and beyond (there are lots of skywalks connecting buildings) en route to the Star Ferry which we took across to Kowloon. This is a must-do when you are here because of the tremendous views of the Hong Kong skyline,which I would like to share as I write but I think we got ripped off yesterday. We bought an adapter that allows you to upload pictures from the camera memory card into an iPad, but it doesn't work. Thank goodness we didn't also buy the external battery the guy was pushing!Over in Kowloon the streets are busy with locals and shopping, shopping and shopping. Did I mention shopping? There are so many jewelry stores, you can find exactly the same shop across the street and then another one of the same chain on the next block up. So far I found a diamond ring I adore but it is $180000 ($18,000 CAD) so I can't say there are cheap deals. It goes from the extremes of high end to street vendor junk, it seems. The highlight of the afternoon was finding Sam's, which is the most famous and best quality of tailors where you can have a suit custom made in a day! Keith was measured for a suit, a shirt and a blazer at 6:00 p.m. and we were told to come back for a fitting at 7:00. The suit is mohair and silk. All together everything cost only $750.00!!! We pick up his new duds on Friday afternoon. It is a tiny little store, no bigger than our kitchen, with about 8 people working on the floor. Sam has retired but his son runs it now and what a talent! He is on top of absolutely everything happening all at once yet you feel like you are the only customer. Obviously from what I observed of his interaction with other customers in the store, he has much repeat business. I enjoyed picking out all the celebrities' photos on the wall from over the past 60 years, including Jimmy Carter, Michael Jackson, Pavarotti and julia Roberts. There are 56 people working upstairs so when he gets an order on short notice, he calls up to one of the team leaders (he knows who he has given work to throughout the day) to see if there is a pair of hands available to take it on right away. Meanwhile we are offered a beer because we have to wait 90 seconds! It reminded me of Shannon's Relance clothing business, but to the level of detail where you select the lining, lapels, cut, collars, buttons, flaps, fronts, and so on. They keep everything recorded in a book including cuttings of the fabrics and there are piles of these books all over the store. It looks like total chaos but it works, obviously.At first we found all the street hawkers and people trying to draw you in to their stores a bit unnerving, but you soon get used to it and carry on. So far Hong Kong is by far the destination place for a holiday. This place is buzzing. Shanghai will grow in sophistication eventually, but it is going to take a long time. I recall Annie (the woman who met us the first night) saying you think they are children, but they are not. They are very shrewd and are using the west to their great advantage. But in terms of them being world class, they are still teenagers. LoveMom/Janice

Hi Brenda Louise!

Really liked your quip about pretending to be rich! Have to get up pretty darn early to put one by that gal Brenda Louise!!! Thanks for further installments of your sister's diary/travelogue. Wonderful to read about Hong Kong, in partiuclar, as think her description will tip us toward stopping over, en route home from Japan, this coming May/June.


Early morning ride is great by me - the earlier the better. Let me know
where the starting gate is, here or at the Harbinger Tourette garage.

We are bringing a salad tomorrow. We can bring other stuff as well if need
be -- along with requisite life jackets, hooch, charts, bullhorn, barnacle


Hi Sarge!

At the moment, Steveston is on for 7:00am, rendezvous at Marine/Cypress with Rod/Peter, my new best friends, indeed! Whirlygig is on for then BUT I'm happy to go later, 8:00am or 9:00am if you and Flamin' prefer a more reasonable starting time. Let me know so I can inform rest of peleton! Cheers, Patrizio!

Hello Patrick,   I have been on the Sunshine Coast until a couple of days ago so I may have missed your friend's call .       I am in town now until the 23rd of August, when I leave for Europe for a couple of weeks.   i would love to have coffee with you if you have the time when in Victoria.
Looking forward to hearing from you, Irene

Hi Irene!

Glad you were enjoying yourself on Sunshine Coast! Chris and Jim didn't have time to call, as it turned out, but thanks anyway. They ended up staying but one night. Unfortunately, looks like we might miss you as we will probably have to delay our trip until the 22nd or 23rd now. Cora Lee has promised to help a friend move week before and it is Chloƫ's 35th birthday on the 18th. Originally, she had planned to go to Penticton, with friends whose parents have a lovely home overlooking lake, to be away on her actual birthday but a concert here in Vancouver now seems to have changed all that! At any rate, we do plan to visit Victoria at some point so I'll keep in touch.

If you are going to be in Northeast England, anywhere near Hartlepool, you should look them up! If interested, let me know and I'll send contact information and tell them that you plan to stay for a month! Enjoy your European junket. Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Patrick and thanks for the update! The dinner in observation of Corinne's 64th birthday sounds fabulous. You must have all been bursting at the seams. It seems that all is well there, as here. We are indeed starting to fret over and get ready for the next harvest season, which will be upon us soon. In the meantime, we are going to host the August pick up party and even though you cannot make it, we hope you will send your emissaries the Berkelites....uppity Californians indeed!

We'll look forward to a possible visit in can come help crush grapes and get your feet (and teeth) all purpled up.

Til then, take good care,
Hi Pat and David!

Funnily enough, I just sent an email to Cactus and Donna Florida, (The Uppity Californians in question!), now home for the Pacific Northwest, as they plan to attend your bbq on 20th. Do I need to send you some sort of release, either to you or them, for my "emissaries", (The Berkeloids, as opposed to The Berkelites, which sounds more like Bud Lite, than a beefy Petite Sirah!), to pick up wine on our behalf? We trust them, (although perhaps we shouldn't, given their wrankling over the "upppity" appellation!), if you do! Just let me know when you have a moment in your busy, busy schedule.


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