Saturday 2 July 2011

IIDD, June 26th

Hi Legs:

Just a brief note to thank you, and Gen Peteros, for such a wonderful, wonderful evening: the stunning view, the incredible food and hootch and the dazzling hostess!!! (Hope your back is feeling a tad better.) For our part, we'll be back every weekend until you move to New York!!!

You should be receiving an email regarding a bbq/bridge evening at the marina where Ragin' has his boat moored. You could swim across False Creek! Be great if you and Petros could come. Please forward to him or send me his email.

Flamin' and Sarge returned from three weeks in Italy yesterday evening after we had gone out. Learned later today that they had knocked on our door about 9:00am this morning to see if I wanted to go for a ride with them! We were both still fast asleep as we had had a pretty late night last night, as you may well know! Not home until almost 2:00am it seems!

Although The Sisterhood shellaced The Brotherhood, [You both played very, very well!], the evening was nothing but an on-going delight, so thanks again.

Flamin' just came in so have to say goodbye and welcome her home! I'm riding to Pender and Clarke tomorrow, (Friend Flash is going to help me with malt place mat template for our Scotch tasting on July 22nd, at his new office.), so hope to work a Stanley Park circumcycle in with regular riding mates, Whirlygig/Ragin' Bull, before that. Clan Sutherland here for dinner, to welcome them home: pork loin/chicken breasts wrapped in prosciutto on bbq; fresh asparagus, boiled new potatoes, and cabbage/Asian noodle salad. Cherries, grapes and cheese for dessert. Fondestos and Cheers, Cora Lee and Il Conduttore!!

Hi Right of Attila The Hun Terracoids!

You will be happy to know that I was planning to vote "NO" after Heraldo mentioned issue when we were last at your place. In spite of the fact that I give you a hard time for all of your corporate skimming and luxurious life style, I know you both have worked for everything you enjoy. Furthermore, you both continue to contribute, selflessly, to institutions and communities across the province and probably know far better than most, what the issues surrounding this debate mean for its citizens. That being said, you always seem to enjoy the lives of the rich and famous whenever we aren't around! Nevertheless, we are more than delighted that you have seen fit to join us on July 14th, say around 6:00ish, if only to see how the hoi polloi spend there miserable, crabbed, desperate lives! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizio!

Hello Eco Freaks!

The toad is a an Australian Cane toad. We brought a number back from our last trip to Oz to counteract the effects of the pine beetle. We released them into the wild in the Spring of 2006 so I'm pleased that they have finally made it to your neck of the woods. As they are an aboriginal delicacy, we plan to bbq some of the ones we have been farming in the duck pond near GI when you are here on the 14th! Apparently there is no HST on organically raised, sustainable amphibians! Another reason to Vote No! Cheers, Patrizio!

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