Wednesday 22 February 2012

IIDD, Feb 22nd

If a rabbit defined intelligence the way man does, then the most intelligent animal would be a rabbit, followed by the animal most willing to obey the commands of a rabbit. -Robert Brault, writer (b. 1938)

Hi Lads!

Forecast looks promising for tomorrow. Anyone up for a ride? I'd like to
head out around 9:30am-10:00am as Cora Lee would like to see Hugo at 1:00pm
at Fifth. I propose a jaunt around Stanley Park but am open to other
suggestions. Cheers, Patrizzio!


I am up for a short ride this morning -- around the park would work for me.
I'd like to be back here by noon - 12:30. W

George and Pat,
Just rolled out of bed but I'm keen. Looks better to the south. Ray

Hi again, Laddage!

As things turn out, Cora Lee has another physio at 2:30pm so we won't be able to go to Hugo today. That being said, I'm ready to roll whenever and whomever is keen. Let me know. Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hi Big Al!

First of all, thanks again for the lovely evening on Saturday! Such wonderful food and company, not to mention the Rock Concert! Please pass along thanks to the Young Gene Krupa and the Young Jimi Hendrix! Great to get to know Laura and Mark better as well. Enjoyed visiting with Maureen as I've not really had a chance to talk, at some length, with her before.

Cora Lee told me that you had phoned once I returned from  my ride but it was a busy afternoon once. I apologize for not calling sooner. Robo Ray and Whirlygig picked me up at the Heart Break Terrace at 10:00am and we went around Stanley Park. I wanted to do an up-and-over LG but they vetoed me! Giorgio had to be home before noon so that was his excuse. After we left him at Point Grey and Macdonald we proceeded out to UBC along Spanish Banks. Quite a strong headwind until we reached the Foreshore Hill and then it was pushing us along quite nicely on Marine Drive. We climbed Crown to 29th and then cycled past St George's to Imperial and then to 16th. I rode with Raymundo to his place on 23rd and then made for home, down Macdonald. Day was perhaps one of the warmest, most pleasant, in terms of the weather, that we have had for some time. The North Shore Mountains looked like giant ice-cream cones!

Had 60K on the clock by the time I was at totem pole on Kits Point so did 9K's worth of dipsy-doodling there to have 71.33K on the the Deadly Odometre by time I was back at teh Island Inn. Had a quick shower and a bite ot eat and then ran some errands. I had wanted to walk over to GI to post some letters and just as I was about to step out the patio door the heavens literally opened and it rained cats and dogs and there was even some hail! Didn't last and it was gorgeous shortly thereafter.

Anyway, once I was home I had just a few minutes to grab a quick java and then I went to Broadway Lodge to feed Mom her dinner. She had a good meal and then I wheeled her back to her floor where I proceeded to clip her fingernails. It is a bit of a challenge as she is constantly moving or twisting her hand/finger(s) away. I felt quite badly a few minutes after I had started the process as I nipped her left thumb when I was clipping its thumbnail. Bled quite a bit although she didn't complain at all. (On a previous occasion she exclaimed "Ouch"!", although I hadn't drawn any blood. I had to chuckle as it reminded me that some of her circuits are still intact!) A nurse brought a band-aid and compressed the end of her thumb until the bleeding stopped. After I'd filed the cut nails I fed her dessert, a Dixie Cup. Once again,i had to laugh as she wanted to chew on her bandage once the ice-cream was finished. Managed to distract her by putting lotion on her arms and face. Pleased that she is looking so well, her hair done quite nicely and the dry spots on her forehead helped by the skin cream.

Cheers, Patrizzio!

A moving tribute to a father...I know many who will relate to this story
My dad never called a tow truck. That would have cost too much.
                                     New Zealand warship for Sale - $1,000,000 NZD

hi!  Wow - poor Corinne!  That looks like it was painful - what an ordeal.  I hope she has no further problems on her road to recovery.  

Your trip sounds fab!  How exciting to go on such an adventure.  Two months in Australia - that will be amazing for sure. Your retirement life is grand!  I am very happy for both of you.  There are tasty treats and yummy wines in your future!

i will for sure reserve a copy of the book for you and look forward to hearing about your travels - keep me posted!  i love reading your descriptive accounts!

hugs & kisses E
Hi again, Duhlink!

Have had a full, full day of Royal Chauffeuring today. Her Majesty had to have what we both hoped was the final x-ray at Mt St Joesph's around 10:45am. Just as we arrived, power went out so we didn't leave hospital until just after noon. Her appointment with her surgeon was for 11:45am, near Broadway and Macdonald! Anyway, whisked her there and then proceeded to Young Brothers for fruit and vegetables while she was being prodded and pulled. Delighted to report that Her Royal Footness walked out of the office wearing a "normal", one with a stiff sole for support, shoe. Great news, of course, (We were both optimistic that this would be the case in spite of the allergic rash setback of about three weeks ago now. ), since we leave in less than two weeks, as you know, and she needs get used to ambulating without the Royal Boot.

Bad enough that I'm indentured to the Royal Household but have also been rented out to other aristocratic families. About 2:30pm I was to take Mr Fixit to Olympic Sky Train Station as he is returning to St John's, via Toronto, after being here for about two weeks, renovating Clan Sutherland's master bathroom and skiing. Where and when will my serfdom end? Not sure as Her Haughtiness referred to me as The Royal Knave this morning as I brought her tea to her bedside. Is that a promotion or a demotion? Hard to tell with these madcap royals!

At any rate, when I was back at The Island Inn found a note from Chloƫ informing me that Sarge had already taken Mr Fixit as he was trying to hop an earlier flight. Relinquished from servitude, I plan to start on income tax. I'm using Nicole's laptop, (Did last year as well. Found the service, both Internet and lattes, on Bayswater at Keatings, to be somewhat lacking!!!), as she received a MacBook Air for Christmas. As I mentioned earlier, am really starting to fret a bit about the scads of things we have to do before the 5th. I wake up at 3:00am, screaming! Not sure which is worse, the nightmare or the reality!

Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

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