Sunday 11 September 2011

IIDD, September 11th

Dear Reader:

Given that this is the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 and the Twin Towers, memorial services are being held across the world. It brings to mind, as these earth shattering occurrences do, where one happened to be at the time of learning about the event in question. (Where were you when Jack Kennedy was assassinated? Bobby? Martin Luther King? Indira Ghandi? John Lennon? Or the Berlin Wall fell?) For my part, I was in the changing room of the UBC Aquatic Centre, after finishing my swim before work. Jack Lomax, husband of Irene, told me the news. He started his workout shortly before 9:00am and had seen initial media coverage beforehand. In those days, I usually left home shortly after 7:00am so had not heard anything on CBC on drive in to campus. Jack had worked as an accountant at UBC, now retired, and I knew him because of Irene's affiliation/involvement with St James United, in Kits, as well as through his use of the pool facility. Didn't really register the sheer magnitude of the attack, given Jack's rather cryptic/laconic remarks, (In my infrequent dealings with him, I always found him a rather taciturn, though not unfriendly, individual. An aspect of the proverbially dour Scot, I suppose.), until I made it to my office and staff there were huddled around a TV watching the terrible events unfold. As Van Morrison says in Redwood Tree: "...what did they learn/Since that very day?"

What follows is a recapitulation of last week or so of trip to Falcon and drive back to Vancouver:

Hi Harriet and Paul!

Trust you are both well! Wondering how your last birding expedition went. Can only imagine what wonderful shots you may have been able to take, Paul. We have given all the copies of your picture book, Harriet, to children of friends and it has been extremely well received. More in the offing? Is your garage finished?

Trip was unplanned but Corinne decided she wanted to go to Winnipeg once she received an invitation to the baby shower for her great niece, Quinn. Will be staying at Falcon until after Labour Day and then make our way home. Chatted with Drew Perry while in city but Val was at their cabin so didn't have a chance to say hello to her. Their son was home the day I called and leaving the next day for Florence, where he has a post-doc, apparently.

After leaving Falcon, first night will be in Kenton, small, small town about 70K west of Brandon, where we will stay with Judy/Dallas, Mom's second cousins, for the night. Wednesday we will drive to Calgary to spend the night with Betty Hughes, close friend of the Durstons from Falcon. Zircon, with whom we stayed, in Cochrane, on way east, will join us for dinner and bridge that evening, at Betty's place. We are planning to bring pickerel filets for dinner on Wednesday. Will buy them, frozen, in Winnipeg, from Gimli Fish Market, (Do you know this outlet specializing in local fish and meat products?), en route to Kenton and will let them thaw out on drive to Calgary. Hope to bring some potatoes, vegetables and other salad fixings from Dusty's garden so we have asked Zircon to bring a small/medium tub of ice cream from Cochrane's famous MacKay's! If not, we'll drown our sorrows with malt. Next day, Thursday, on to Kamloops where we will overnight with more close friends, Brenda Louise and Wally.

Will probably be home on Friday unless we decide to try and visit Dave McDougal, in Kamloops as well, who was student with us when he was in Law School, at UBC, back in 1976/1977. Instructed Chloë to start vacuuming on Wednesday! Need to be home by Saturday to attend Kari's wedding reception that evening, at Granville Island Brewery. She is Chloë's school chum and Chloë was part of wedding party in Las Vegas this past June.

Once back in Vancouver we are, more or less, home until mid-March, 2012, when we are off to Hong Kong, (four or five days), Australia, (three months), and Japan, (three weeks), traveling with Flamin' and Sarge for the time in Australia. We plan to be in Japan at the start of the second week in May in order to miss cherry blossom festivals. Toshi, a former boarder, with whom we will stay for part of our visit, suggested timing as apparently rates are much higher until various festivals are over and country is like Whistler at Christmas, if you catch my drift.

At home, I'm volunteering with Vancouver International Film Festival from September 29th-October 14th and then both of us are volunteers for the Vancouver International Writers Festival from October 18th-23rd. Cora Lee is supposed to have some corrective surgery on her right foot, (first three toes), towards the end of October so that will probably keep her laid up for about six weeks or more. Although she wants to have it done, I know she is not looking forward to recuperative period as it is usually quite painful. Guess I'll need to chain my malt cabinet once she finishes her heavy duty pain killers!!!

Fond regards from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Ayn, et al!

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!... For She's a Jolly Good Fellow...Hip Hip Hooray!!!

Just wanted to send along best wishes for your 44th and suggest that we might Skype each other at 4:00pm, Falcon Time, if that might work for you. Please send us your Skype name.

Had one of the shortest rides of the trip yesterday. Not by intention but by force of circumstance! After lazing around cabin for most of the morning and early afternoon, I suited up and was about to leave at 2:00pm, but a few minutes before the hour, skies opened and rain fell in sheets, bouncing off the roof of George's cabin, as we watched the downpour, through the bay window of the kitchen nook, across Dusty's flower garden. After about 15 minutes of hard, driving rain, deluge abated, sun peaked through the dark clouds and I set off. Was wearing a long sleeved T-shirt and my yellow vest but it was quite cool as I made for South Shore. Shifted into high gar just to warm up with effort! By time I had passed the Causeway, I felt fine and enjoyed the ride to the end of the pavement.

Heading back home I had to shift into 2nd as head wind was very strong. Furthermore, a few kilometres on, I felt the first few drops of rain and near Fire Road 21B the flood gates were unleashed! But a few moments later I was thoroughly drenched although the downpour was not quite as heavy as one that had dumped itself on Ace Bay before I ventured out. Still, not particularly pleasant cycling conditions, as you can well imagine. Since I only had about 6K to go to reach home, I steeled myself, and pushed on, my sunglasses perched on my nose, so rain spattered I could barely see through the lenses. Kept them there for a bit, willing the rain to stop and so I'd need them to shield my eyes from the bright sunshine which would burst forth, at my command, from behind the thick, angry, dark clouds. Fond hope indeed!

Once it became obvious that the rain was not going to abate, I was almost back at the Causeway so I stowed my glasses in my vest pocket and proceeded to cross the open stretch. Here the wind, unobstructed, off the lake, had the rain coming at me sideways, driving the drops into my cheeks and legs, almost like tiny nettles, mini wasp stings. I could only laugh, bitterly, without much good humour, I must admit, at the intensity, the ferocity of the combined, seemingly malignant elements. Reaching the relative shelter of the road running through the close set forest, after the Causeway, the water cannon barrage halted, only to be replaced with repeated drenchings from passing vehicles as one car after another, approaching from the opposite direction, would send sheets of spray into me, enveloping me in the geysers generated when the tires hit the teeming puddles which littered the pock-marked surface of this ill-kept section of the road. I had thought that I'd go swimming, at some point during our stay but didn't expect to do so while cycling! I suppose I should consider entering a "bathlon" as opposed to a biathlon!

By the time I was through the free bike wash, I was close to Fairway Crescent, my turn-off. The rain had finally stopped and a weak sun was trying to force itself out from behind the thick cloud cover. Had I not been soaked to the bone, I would have made another circuit of the South Shore but with the wind still a stiff breeze, I began to feel a bit chilled and knew that to attempt another 20K would be rather uncomfortable, not to say foolhardy. Mildly annoyed, I decided to cut my loses and did a quick circuit of the town site to reach 25.33K by time I was back at Ace Bay.

Found Dusty busy setting up awnings and arranging tables, making ready for the coming bbq. I peeled off my dripping togs and was going to have a quick shower when Spumoni and Grogg arrived from War Eagle, laden with food for the coming party. Pam had other friends coming so she popped into shower while I visited with Greg. Cora Lee came back from Giorgio's where she had been admiring Quin and informed me that the Reimers, (I had phoned earlier to see if we could get together over the weekend), were dropping by for a drink shortly. I offered to jump into the shower with Pam but this suggestion was frowned upon so I had to wait until my sister-in-law, wrapped in numerous towels, emerged from the bathroom, before I could undertake my ablutions!

Around 5:30pm, people started to arrive and place soon filled up. Pam laid out an incredible array of appetizers: button mushroom caps stuffed with escargot and fried zucchini strips, dusted with parmesan, together with fresh bread to soak up the flavourful juices. Mavis and Garth made their way to the house, jackets pulled over their heads to ward off the rain which returned, off and on, for rest of evening, about 6:00pm. We introduced them to the various other friends and family members and had a terrific visit. Since they are both from Steinbach/Winnipeg and have a cabin here, they knew many people in common so it didn't take long for them to fit right in to the various "clans" present.

Around 7:00pm they had to leave as they were having dinner with friends in West Hawk so we said goodbye, making plans for another short visit at their place. Dinner was on by then, Giorgio grilling steaks, Clara boiling corn, Pam roasting potatoes and putting together her mouth-watering garlic bread. She had already made a cabbage salad as well as one of pasta so there was more than plenty to eat. As it was relatively cool outside most of the guests ate inside and many of us drifted from one group to another, visiting and chatting and enjoying the scrumptious meal.

As if anyone needed more, Clarisse had made a delicious glazed angel food cake which one could cover with fresh blueberries/strawberries and whipped cream! Knew I would need to cycle 200K on the morrow after my third slice!!! A simply divine meal.

Around 9:00pm, other guests started to drift off and Carly and I helped Spumoni clear up. Before War Eagles left for their cabin we visited and Grogg regaled us with stories of his canoeing exploits as a kid. His father was in charge of the Fish Hatchery at the north end of West Hawk and the family lived in the house nearbye. They said goodnight around 10:00pm and we walked them to their car, thanking them for the terrific food and more than pleasant gathering. By time we waved goodbye, most everyone was ready for bed so we bade more goodnights and after brushing and flossing, repaired upstairs to read before turning out bedside lights. All in all, quite a day at the Falcon Lake Fontainbleu!

    Jim Crowe is in Singapore at the moment but only for a few days and he'll be back in Hong Kong by the time you return to Vancouver. His wife, Margaret, is currently in Hong Kong as well but spends most of the time in Australia and they are both back and forth fairly regularly.
    Continued impressive distances you are putting in on the bike. Sounds like a very tough ride in the driving wind and rain. Saw an ad in the paper for the Grand Fondo to Whistler for 2012. You shouldn't have any problem completing the 160K by next summer or much earlier. Have only done 1 ride since you left and I'm looking forward to resuming the rides once my schedule is arranged and I have the painting done - should only take a few more days.
    With all the delicious meals, you probably need to put in the miles to stay reasonably trim. The same applies for me. We had the Fumanos over last night. Gary is an old friend who I played rugby both with and against. I'm worried about him as his memory is going. He is well aware of this and has taken to  renewing his work (placing people in jobs) which he can do largely from home, and doing crosswords to help. Sylvia had bought another salmon from Steveston Dock and it was excellent. Unfortunately the wasps were attracted by the smell and we were forced to retreat to the living room from the deck. We did manage to spend an hour outside in the warm weather.
    Lovely photo of Corinne and neice. Corinne  looks very tanned.
    That's a good idea to use the free bike maintenance shop but I've already booked for Tuesday with MEC, so I'll honour the committment as they were very good previously.
    Thanks for the recommendation for the novel by Adler-Olson. Amazing number of Scandinavian authors who are becoming popular. Still enjoying 'Purge'.
    It has been very good to renew aquaintances with Jim Brownlee again. I didn't know Christine in our home town as she was much younger. Jim and I have a lot of mutual contacts, so it's nice to exchange knowledge about them.
    Chris, Rob and Catherine with us for dinner tonight which should be fun.

    You're hardly a beginner but you might find some of the associated sites of interest especially 'World's Greatest Cycling Routes.
Hi Raymundo!

Trust you've been riding as much as painting! Send along some of your glorious weather as it has been quite wet and cool yesterday and this morning.
On the reading front, we came across what looks like a very interesting Danish author. According to a review in the Winnipeg Free Press, Jussi Adler-Olson, The Keeper of Lost Causes, is Denmark's entry into Eurocrime. Detective Carl Mørck is, apparently, a one man cold-case department. First in a planned series, it seems. I'm keen to have a look at it. Cheers, Patrizio!
Hi Mavis and Garth!

Delighted that you were able to pop by and meet some of the rest of the Durston Clan. Enjoyed our visit with you both, of course, and do hope you will find yourselves in Vancouver in the not too, too distant future. Enjoy rest of weekend. All the best with the start of term at U of W, Mavis, and keep plugging the "leaks", Garth! Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Patrick

Thank you for the update on various topics. Am I to understand that your intention is to publish "Notes on parts of a Large Country" before Bill Bryson does.

Tackling some contentious issues first:

1. I feel further aggrieved on hearing that you were excused the heinous crime of obscuring your number plate whist me, a visitor to your shores, and the slowest driver on the road was criminalised by the mounties. It was bad enough worrying about the black bears, cayotes and cougars never mind the police and I now see it as my role in life to warn potential UK travellers of the dangers of a holiday in our colonies matched only by the sharks, snakes and spiders of your March destination.

2. I took a look at Seymour and have got to say that based on my perusal of the site wondered why you had chosen not to have me ride on what might have made a difference to my coast to coast performance. I shall blame you for not enhancing my preparation by taking on the undulations of Seymour as preparation for the hills of the Lakes and Pennines.  

3. Please do not continue to remind me that we have no current plans to revisit our former homeland- especially when you are intending to spend so long there. My close friend Rene and his wife are visiting Perth in November and news of this kind of travel is raising my envy levels as winter approaches..

4. My West Hartlepudlian colleague continues to challenge your accounts of who does the "half-wheeling", and denies any intimidation by himself although I can believe your accounts of the gardening (what is this Canadian obsession with vegetables?)and press-ups. Ken our Kimberley West man is even more obsessive with his golf, rock climbing, Nordic skiing and cycling. You should meet! Ray tells me that the odometer will stop his having to get the log tables out when he gets home. I still haven't re-fitted mine to my off road bike- needs a new battery. I find riding off road results in somewhat slow progress compared with my road bike and this might explain my reluctance to fit it.

Life here has resumed its normal course. We packed off Rich with his new bike to London prior to his next holiday in California, spent Saturday preparing Laura's Harrogate flat for the next hoped for tenant, replumbed our dishwasher into the kitchen, visited my mother several times in a respite home for two weeks and succombed to an invitation to play golf at one of West Hartlepool's golf courses at Seaton Carew. I knew this was a mistake but finding an acceptable excuse for not playing with friends was more challenging I thought than playing a round. I was mistaken. Today's gales and rain came a day too late. The course is one of England's earilest c 1874 and is a Links course spoiled only by the distant views of Hartlepool Nucear Power station and Redcar Blast Furnaces.

At the weekend we are attending a surprise 40th wedding anniversary at Kenilworth( a possible cultural link for you). I can't imagine I would enjoy a surprise like that but then again I am told I am mouldy. We intend to go to Stoke on Trent on the Sunday to visit a friend of Ray and ours who had a bad stroke several years ago.

Which reminds me to ask about Imre. Please give him our best wishes again.

Back to the cycling and on the topic of wild-life you may be surprised to hear that we occasionally see deer as we cycle round the local area. In fact I saw two a few weeks ago standing watching me about 15 yards away (approx 14m) only about 30 yards from the main A1 motorway. When I stopped to admire them they moved casually off. Other than the occasional red kite , dead hares and hedgehogs and one impact from a pheasant or grouse that flew into my side out of a hedgerow that sums up our dangerous wild-life. I understand there is a move to re-introduce bears and wolves to Scotland- yet another good reason for we English to avoid mingling with the inhabitants. ( My paternal grandfather was Scottish by the way).

I find that I have been drinking Aberkour Malt straight from the cask at 60.9%- bought by Richard - I recall you explaining this cask issue and must be more discerning in future. In the absence of a blended whisky we have  been adulterating an Islay Malt with ginger ale and have just rectified this situation.

We hope you and Corinne are well and enjoy the remainder of the holiday. It must be tiresome having to wait several months for the next excursion.


Jim ( and Chris)

Hi Chris and Jim!

Thank you for your last missive, James. Sorry that it has taken me so long to reply but I felt I needed to consult my lawyer before answering, due to all the libelous accusations made therein! I placed a stop-order on the writ he was sending to Interpol for your summary arrest and detainment and interrogation, with prejudice, by MI-5 after re-reading your email rant and discovered that you were mixing Islay with Ginger Ale, a serious crime, in and of itself, but obviously the reason for your rabid harangue. I trust that your wits will return to normal now that you are drinking your malt neat!

In light of your fragile mental state, it is probably a blessing that you are not journeying to The Antipodes, Mad Dogs and Englishmen and all that! Rest assured, we'll try to make a dint in all the wonderful Shiraz!!!

You sound almost as busy, with your home improvements and golf, as Robo Man with his gardening and tutoring. He's currently working on setting up his schedule. Last Saturday, (before our ride), he and Chris and Sylvia moved all of the stored items out of their rented locker, (As you may know, Ray was never pleased about putting them there in the first instance!), and want to donate some of the furniture and many of the small appliances to First United's Thrift Store, one of places where Cora Lee volunteers. We will arrange to go to their place this week to see what items TS could take and how to transport some of the larger things there.

Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Zircon, (et al)!

Just arrived in Kenton a few minutes ago. (Quick message before rest of gang/relativos arrive and it will be too, too hectic to use computer.) We plan to leave by 7:00am tomorrow so hope to be knocking on Betty's door close to 6:00pm, or a tad earlier, depending on actual departure time, traffic, etc. Betty knows you'll be joining us for dinner and bridge so I'm sure you can show up earlier if that is convenient for you. She enjoys company so you'll be making her happy if you show up and we are not there yet. Anyway, just wanted to let you know about time in case I hadn't done so in an earlier email.

Fond regards from Coriandre. We are both looking forward to another visit. Cheers, Patrizio!

I know why you could not get her book reader working right, the wifi button was shut off, so am now in the process of buying and downloading a bunch of the books on her list!

Hope trip is going OK, drive safely!

Love Pam

Deadline – 9/6/2011

Crown Media Family Networks (CMFN), a division of parent company Crown Media Holdings Inc. and home of Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movie Channel, has named Alexandra Smith and Ayn Prince as directors of programming for Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movie Channel, respectively. Smith and Prince are both located in Studio City, CA and will report into Darren Melameth, vice president of programming, planning and scheduling.

“Alexandra and Ayn come to Crown Media with extensive backgrounds in research and program planning with robust knowledge of the industry marketplace,” said Melameth. “They will play instrumental roles in the execution of all aspects of strategy and scheduling for the networks and will work in tandem to enhance programming and brand initiatives across both networks.”

As director of programming for Hallmark Channel, Smith will be responsible for managing the day-to-day process of implementing original movies and series to on-air. She will oversee the scheduling database (SIMS) and work closely with department heads of programming, original movie development, and scheduling and acquisitions, in order to effectively develop and execute the network’s goals.

Previously, Smith was the manager of international program planning and acquisitions at NBCUniversal, Inc. – where she formulated long-range schedule strategies across multiple international territories for E! & Style. She has also held positions at Tangerine Global; the Tennis Channel; Lief, Cabraser, Heimann & Berstein, LLP; and Irell & Manella, LLP. Smith earned a bachelor of arts degree at the University of California – Santa Cruz.

In Prince’s role as director of programming for Hallmark Movie Channel, she will be charged with overseeing the monthly program schedules and highlights for the network – which includes stunt and event planning, and working closely with Smith to tactically maximize program inventory. She will also be responsible for capitalizing on marketplace trends and conditions to create an optimal on-air schedule for viewers.

Prior to joining CMFN, Prince was the manager of research for Disney Channels Worldwide. At Disney, she played a key role in scheduling decisions with her daily market analysis of Disney’s programming against competitors. In addition, Prince oversaw research projects for short-term and long-term strategy which included series performance trending, competitive programming trends and cultural events. In her 10 years in the industry, Prince has held positions at SOAPnet, ABC Family, ABC Daytime, Sony Pictures Television, NC, United Paramount Network and Paramount Pictures Studios. She holds a degree in Electronic Media Management from the California State University – Northridge.

AT LAST!!!!! It has been published. It takes awhile to come in but use the index at the top of the page..

Hope it helps someone who's GOOGLING getting an African Grey
Hi D, so does this mean you'll be home on thursday? or are you in Kamloops that night and home friday???
need to schedule my vaccum, so pls respond!!
hello???? need to know a time line????

Hi Chloë!

We arrived here on Quail Drive, about 4:30pm, from Calgary where we stayed with Betty and had bridge with her and Jim last night, to stay with Brenda Louise and Wally and Picasso, their African Grey, (, tonight so will be home, sometime around 1:00pm or earlier, I imagine. Please clean Maggie's litter box, vacuum, three times, and have my parking stall free! As well, Nana would like to know if Kari and Lee would like a bottle of champagne or other wine, (red/white?), or a gift certificate to a restaurant. Please advise as we'll need to acquire gift later tomorrow of on Saturday.

Dinner is almost ready to be served so will say goodbye for now. How is Mom? Maggs? Love and Cheers, Dad!
Hi D,

Mags has fresh littler, vacuumed once, which is fine as you will vacuum again regardless, your bed is made and ready, recycling taken out, plants watered.

Grames is good, saw her yesterday, put cream on her hands, and she fell asleep.
As for Kari and Lee i would say restaurant gift certificate.
See you friday night, i work till 6 so will be home after.

drive carefully!!
Hi Kathryn/Sandra!

We arrived here on Quail Drive, Kamloops, about 4:30pm, from Calgary where we stayed with friend, Shrewbettina, and had dinner bridge with her and another friend, Zircon, (The Brotherhood TROUNCED The Sisterhood!), last night, to stay with Brenda Louise and Wally and Picasso, their African Grey, (, tonight so will be home, sometime around 1:00pm or earlier, I imagine. I will pop over to VIWF office tomorrow after we unload and Sandra can brief me on program delivery! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizio!
 Hi Kathryn!

Not sure if Cora Lee has already sent a confirmation message, agreeing to shifts Heideh, (please pass along our fond regards!), has requested us to do, already, but, if not, we are more than happy to be full-time bar keeps for Studio 1398, formerly PTC, for dates in question, as well as program sherpas.

I will be in tomorrow, Monday morning, to do first round of program deliveries on GI, (Twenty Mule Team Borax), for harsh Task Mistress, Sandra "Crack the Whip" Millard, so if you are chained to your desk, I'll say hello and surreptitiously pass you a file, baked into the fresh pear pie Cora Lee is planning to make with Gluten Free Pantry, (both wheat and gluten free), Perfect Pie Crust Mix, given to her buy a close friend in Winnipeg. Once you make your escape you can hole up at The Island Inn and sample some of the latest malts I picked up while passing through Calgary, Texas, only to re-emerge, sane once more, after Festival and accompanying stress, (not to say madness), and attendant hecticity are well and truly over!

Cheers, Patrizio!

PS:  If file doesn't work, just munch on pie and dream of Islay!

Where is you is? When are you back in town? I put 50kms on the carbon fibre rocket with the new odometer – against the wind of course (10 minutes round trip) and I am wondering where the f-ìng hay you are hiding. The silence on e-mail is deafening.

If you do decide to return -- don’t bring any bugs or bad weather with ya. The summer arrived a few weeks back and it won’t let go, thankfully. W.

Hi Rocket Man!

I had forgotten, (I think I vaguely remember you mentioning something on one of our rides), about "I'm Goin' to the Chapel and I'm Goin' to Get Married, Goin' to the Chapel of Love!" Buona Fortuna with all the hecticity! If you need a reprieve from all the nuptial madness come by for a snort of a couple of the malts I brought back from Calgary, Texas!

Robo Ray, (Will I be able to keep up with the Evil Twin "R's" and their shiny new odometers?), seems to have become enamoured of the Iona Loop, (Sylvia and Polly Carter take their bikes, via car, to somewhere on Heather near Marine, I gather, and go over CSTB to ride there and back! The Sisterhood is making its move!), ever since doing it once he was back from Jolly Olde and wants to incorporate it into the UBC Foreshore Hill/Marine Drive Steveston Loop. Before long, he'll be insisting on #6 Road and Cambie!

He is busy moving furniture out of a storage locker until noon-ish so we will rendezvous near Macdonald/Point Grey, (expectorating in your general direction as we glide past the drunken louts littering the front steps, guzzling porch-climber and chain cleaner!), and try out the new training regimen. My only hope is that Robo Man's batteries will have been somewhat drained by the morning's grand piano move and he will not be able to half-wheel me on any of the grades en route. Hadn't ridden in three days so wanted to stretch my car legs. I logged a lazy 61K yesterday, (No Evil Twins to push me so I could enjoy smelling the daisies!), out to UBC and such, and it was great to be back although I'd had many wonderful rides in both The Peg and at Falcon Lake.

We are off to a wedding reception, ourselves, this evening at GIB Tap Room, so should be fun. Chloë's close friend Kari is having it there as Chloë is allowed to have space for nothing once a year. Had Cora Lee's retirement party there, as well as Flamin's 50th and it works very well for a party of about one hundred or so. Added advantage is that it is within easy stumblage of The Island Inn!

Monday afternoon sounds great as I'm to start delivering VIWF programs, on GI. Let me know about potential departure times when you've a quiet moment. I can deliver whenever it suits me so I'll do a round in the morning, before ride. Enjoy yourself, stay calm, medicate with malt, and all will be well! Hello to Kilroy and the MI-5/Al-Qaeda double agent. Cheers, Il Conductore!


Hi you two:
Hope you had a pleasant drive home. Wally had a pleasant sleep ...until 6:00PM.... Picasso slept practically all day too.
Did you leave a cottage cheese container in the fridge? I haven't tasted the contents but it looks like it could be jam.
Was the vacuuming done??/

Good morning!

Will send pics of Alex's new frat pad when I visit later!

Love to all!

Picture from my trip to Austin  


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