Saturday 24 September 2011

IIDD, September 23rd

The First Day of Autumn!


The birthday party description was so endearing. Fernando seems to be quite caring too. Congratulations to her and you for the care you have given over the years. BL

Hi Brenda Louise!

Thanks for congratulatory message. Much appreciated. Nevertheless, when I think back over most of my 63+ years, I can only be amazed and eternally grateful for how caring and supportive Mom was, at every stage of my unfolding life. When I look at some others that I know, I am also unbelieveably thankful that she and my Dad didn't burden me with the sort of prejudices or neuroses, (other than frugality, not wanting to discard anything, clothing, for example, that still had years of life in it!), that may have been difficult or nigh impossible to overcome. Not to want to reciprocate, to the best of one's ability, such care and concern and help, would be nothing but heartless and selfish. Cora Lee and I certainly don't hold ourselves up as model offspring but we do lament what we consider obvious neglect by many families with relatives living at Broadway Lodge. Life, as I need not tell you, Brenda Louise, is often more than difficult. I suppose care and affection and genuine concern for others, whether family or friends or strangers, are really all that one can do in our battle with Time and the hands we are dealt to play.

At any rate, yesterday was lots of fun and most gratifying. Probably the very best one could have hoped for or imagined, given Mom's overt mental faculties. Of course, we are always are keen to believe that she somehow manages to understand what transpires around her even if she cannot verbalize her emotions or thoughts. Funnily enough, she's just a "kid" octogenerian by comparison to the four other centenarians in residence! Still, she is showing certain signs of advanced age, or exhausted bikers or over-hung retired teachers! Chloƫ had to work during party so she went to see her grandmother as soon as she finished her shift. Guess afternoon's activities had really tired Mom out as she was fast asleep, in her wheelchair, although it was barely 5:30pm.

Fernando has always been caring and generous towards Mom. Sadly, he is quite frustrated that she cannot truly relate to him, (and hasn't been able to do so for some time now), anymore. He doesn't seem to be able to understand, (He himself is really showing his years now. A few weeks ago his driving license was revoked. [We felt this should have happened at least five years earlier!] Apparently he was attempting to leave his parking spot and his foot slipped and he went back and forth, almost like a bumper car, between the parkade wall and a support pillar, ping-ponging in his confusion. Fortunately nobody was injured but police and fire responded, it was such a bewildering and upsetting spectacle for on-lookers!), that she simply cannot respond to his oft repeated question: "Don't you remember, Anne?" Unfortunately, for all his considerable wealth, (I'm sure he is worth millions but bemoans having to pay for a taxi!), he is, it seems to us, a lonely man. In chatting with Corinne when she drove him home, he mentioned he rarely sees any of his sisters and their families. A life-long bachelor, Mom was really the center of his social world for almost twenty years. Still, they made a charming, delightfully affectionate couple yesterday and I really believe the emotions were genuine on both sides, if only demonstrated non-verbally, at least on Mom's part.

Time for a spot of brunch before heading out for a ride. Sky is clearing and forecast is for dry weather here, at least until Sunday! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizio!

Just for the record, that was not a spelling mistake but rather a "touch
screen" error...I was sending from my phone and it dropped the

Hi again, Tinsel Town!

Blame it on technology! Not me, just my faulty iPhone! I'll put a pair of cycling gloves in your stocking at Christmas, ones with little knobbles that will allow you to keep a firm grip on your mobile even when you are zipping along the 405!

Fondestos, Love and Cheers, Dad!

PS: I was severely criticized by both Nana and Chloƫ for suggesting you temper your feelings. "Far too negative", they insisted. I trust you understood the intent of my thoughts. I had no desire to dampen your feelings, merely wanted to suggest a slightly more balanced approach for the long run.

    Thanks for the photos and the account of your mom's 98th. You have obviously embraced the reality of the situation and helped to make the day a special one for your mother and some of the other residents.
    I spent some time last night looking at various u-tube clips on biking and training. Got lots of ideas and was quite fascinated with the exercises and riding technique. Sylvia was at Costco with Alan yesterday and bought me a shirt which I think will be very good for autumn and winter riding - long sleeved with a short zip - colours in grey and black - cost about $20. Probably go to the gym today but I'd like to ride in the morning if you are interested. I'll have to get off at 8 as I have work at 10 or so. Maybe an Iona or Steveston treck for me and you can continue on around UBC, Stanley Park, Seymour etc. until about 6pm and we'll meet you coming in at your place. 6 is fine for our group. Would you like garden veg today or tomorrow?
Hi Robo Man!

Thanks for offer of vegetables. I'm hoping to go for a ride later, once rain clouds disappear, probably out to UBC so I thought I might pop by on way home, with panniers, and take 100 kilos, or so, of fresh produce, to add as training weight for Seymour! Some potatoes and carrots would be lovely, if that is possible, plus the odd leek! What with things I need to do around the house, I presume I would be showing up on your doorstep around 4:00ish.

With respect to tomorrow's ride, I'll plan to be at your place just before 8:00am although you may not wish to ride with me, sporting your new duds. Duct-tape around odometre was a leveler but now that that has been removed Fashion Police will be giving me the thumbs down! If you do decide on a jaunt to Iona/Steveston, we can chat about training/riding techniques and then form a committee before we decide to implement any exercises on a very limited, trial basis! Beta test in Fall 2012, I should think, Branko to conduct initial runs! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
I'll be home at 4pm so pop in and we'll fill your panniers.

 Dear Perfect Son,

Thanks for sharing the party activities and photos with us. I am sure they
are still buzzing over at Broadway -- even though they cannot remember why.

Good news about your VIFF schedule and bridge night on 2nd Avenue. After
many an evening at your table this evening repast will on us for a change
-- you need not bring a thing. Corinne has arranged transport for the malt
cupboard -- to be delivered here while you are volunteering.

I will be ready to ride Monday although it looks like we may have our first
wetsuit ride of the season.

Have a great ride Saturday to Iona. 

Hi Whirlissimo!

Cora Lee has already hired a moving company, Two Small Men with Bad Backs, so I assume they will have little difficulty transporting malt cupboard!

Raymundo has offered some vegetables from his garden. I'm hoping to go for a ride later, once rain clouds disappear, probably out to UBC so I thought I might pop their place on way home, with panniers, and take 100 kilos, or so, of fresh produce, to add as training weight for Seymour! I've mentioned that some potatoes and carrots would be lovely, if that is possible, plus the odd leek! What with things I need to do around the house, I presume I will be showing up on his doorstep around 4:00ish and then could stop by 2nd Avenue to measure doorway for movers!

With respect to tomorrow's ride, I plan to be at Ray's place just before 8:00am although he may not wish to ride with me, sporting the new duds Sylvia picked up for him at Costco, "a shirt which...will be very good for autumn and winter riding - long sleeved with a short zip - colours in grey and black - cost about $20!" Duct-tape around odometre was a leveler but now that that has been removed Fashion Police will be giving me the thumbs down! If he does decide on a jaunt to Iona/Steveston, we can chat about training/riding techniques, (sent from a friend I don't know, in Britain),  and then form a committee before we decide to implement any exercises on a very limited, trial basis! Beta test in Fall 2012, I should think, Branko to conduct initial runs! Cheers, Patrizio "We Don't Need No Stinkin' Wetsuits" Il Conduttore, although I cannot, for the life of me, remember why I would say that, even though I'm poifect!!!


Hi Patrice,

Apologies for not getting back sooner but have been trying to sort things
out for the next few days. I have a golf game on Saturday and I'm supposed
to go to Playland with the family on Sunday. So today would be good but It's
short notice for you and I usually like to be gone by 8:00 so Can we do
early next week weather permitting. My schedule is totally flexible so we
can go on short notice .

Also sorry about the non descript photos but meant to follow up and will
now. The Babe is Colleen's sister Maureen and I took the picture when I took
her out for a spin to the local shopping district.She is doing great and
looking good! her, Al, Heraldo and Sue leave for N.Y. this sunday on a 10
day excursion. The aluminum pieces were from the seesaw I was making for
the artist which I don't have a picture of fully assembled as some pieces
were sent out for anodizing and I won't be able to assemble untill they
return. I think there was a picture of the railings I installed the other
day as well. I just thought I'd throw those out there to give you na visual
on some of the stuff I've been doing. I have also been making parts for my
cousinn and his technology company that I think I told you about at our last

Talk to you soon, Al

Hi Big Al!

Great that Maureen is doing so well! Great work on railings and teeter-tooter! Bon Voyage to The Big Apple crew. Cora Lee is insane with jealousy!!!

I'll keep an eye on next week's weather forecast and give you a call. Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Pat-

Thanks for the email and pics!

Let's wait for next visit so we are not rushed-it would be great to catch up over a good visit with everyone.

We are in Vancouver for New Year's Eve this year-maybe get together then?

Also look forward to you & Cora Lee and NGD and Clarisse to coming over here for a visit once they arrive.

Maybe a mid week in December?

Cheers, Gregg

Hi Grogg!

Ok about dinner. Enjoy your trip. Please pass along fond regards to The Range Rider. Thanks for invitation. Will be in touch about timing and New Year's Eve closer to dates in question. Cheers, Patrizio!



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