Friday 11 November 2011

IIDD, Nov 11th, Remembrance Day!

Hi Colin!

Went to see Wade Davis, scientist, anthropologist and bestselling author, discussing his latest book Into the Silence: The Great War, Mallory, and the Conquest of Everest, ("In this magesterial work of history and adventure, Davis vividly re-creates George Mallory's epic attempts to scale Mount Everest in the early 1920s. He takes us beyond the mountain to the trenches of World War I, to show how the exploration originated in nineteenth-century imperial ambitions. In the wake of a war that cost millions of lives, the Everest expeditions became a symbol of national redemption."), last night at 7:30pm, St. Andrew's Wesley United Church. Church was filled, almost to capacity. He is an incredibly passionate, articulate speaker, (interpolating notes of both black and wry humour into much of the riveting narrative), recounting a more than fascinating subject so it was a mesmerizing experience from start to finish. [Having the event the night before Remembrance Day was rather fitting, given central role of The Great War to the Everest expeditions.] Unfortunately, sound quality was not quite as crystal clear as it should have been in order to catch some of his rapid fire delivery. He spoke for a little over an hour and a half and didn't once stop to take a sip of water! Needed a light pointer for some of his wonderful slides too, in order to highlight certain individuals, trek routes, etc. In spite of these niggling complaints it was a remarkable event, indeed! Cheers, Patrizio!

PS: Shortly after we arrived at venue, I bought a book which the author had pre-signed so we didn't actually stay after talk concluded as I knew line-up would be considerable. In fact, might just have well have waited inside, in book signing line-up as we had to do same on street! First couple of buses were too full to pick up any passengers at our stop!

    With Corinne away this weekend, would you like to come for dinner Saturday evening? If you are available, I'll invite George and Kerry also.

Hi Ray!

Thanks so much for the most generous invitation for dinner on Saturday! Unfortunately The Sisterhood, (Cora Lee and Robyn), aren't heading to Victoria until Sunday and on Saturday Corinne has invited Catherine and Matt for dinner. Wondering if you two would like to join us as well. That way you and Matt could repair to the spare bedroom to watch tapes of recorded World Cup Rugby while I entertain The Sisterhood, (in the drawing room at Downton Abbey!) with soup and bread recipes garnered from yesterday's ride!!!

Let us know if you can come for dinner tomorrow and I'll keep the the I.O.U. for leek/potatoe or black bean soup and homemade bread! Cheers, Patrizio!


I found "Navigation for Dummies" too tough to handle, so instead I now have 4 GPS units and a navigation program on my Mac. Will demo next time you are over.  Pretty dummy proof.

Sorry about your bad luck at the bridge table … on the subject of great quotations, is Woody Allen on bridge …

"Bridge is like sex.  If you don't have a good partner, you better have a good hand".

más adelante//bjp
Hi Ragin'!

Woody's comment is probably just as applicable for doubles!!!  Cheers, Patrizio!

Hello to The Ailing Sisterhood and Whirlynurse!

Sorry to learn about you nasty bug. Take two aspirins and call me in the morning! Hope you are both feeling better soon and that Tia will be soon back flailing away with her mace and lance!

Thanks again for last night. Have sent along the "complaints" to VIWF via the online feedback. Cheers, Patrizio!


I think the accepted meaning of scrobiculate should be scrapped in favour of something more sensational such as: one who talks out of his scrotum.

Usage: “The self important fool, commonly know as Hungerford, scrobiculated bombastically of his imagined conquests”.  W

Dearest Lieutenant Whirlygig!

Methinks you are showing signs of Terminal Squash Rage! Not at all unlike the shell-shock which Wade Davis was referring to last even! While I agree with your brilliant redefinition of "scrobiculate", your attribution to to the VLTB bombasticoid could not be further from the mark. To so attribute his execrable behaviour would mean that he actually possesses cojones, when in fact, his eunuchness precludes the use of such a sensational descriptor! Knock back three doubles of maltage and call me in the morning!

Cheers, Il Dottore!

Michele Darrow-Sutherland
Michele Darrow-Sutherland updated her status: "Heading to Newfoundland to see my son, Ryan getting inducted into sports hall of hall!! Proud mom!"

Michele Darrow-Sutherland
Michele Darrow-Sutherland updated her status: "I should add ryan is getting inducted along with his skating partner Caitlyn Greening!! Great job to both of you, we are so proud of you and your accomplishments"  
Patrick James Dunn Flamin': Please pass along our hearty congratulations to both Caitlyn and Prince Valiant. To the proud parents as well! Fondestos and Cheers, Coriandre and Patrizio!
The path of least resistance makes all rivers, and some men, crooked. -Napoleon Hill, author (1883-1970)  

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