Wednesday 9 November 2011

IIDD, Nov 9th

There are two kinds of truth: the truth that lights the way and the truth that warms the heart. The first of these is science, and the second is art. Neither is independent of the other or more important than the other. Without art science would be as useless as a pair of high forceps in the hands of a plumber. Without science art would become a crude mess of folklore and emotional quackery. The truth of art keeps science from becoming inhuman, and the truth of science keeps art from becoming ridiculous. -Raymond Thornton Chandler, writer (1888-1959) 

Hello Patrick,

It was very nice to see you on Sunday and all pretty sweet sitting there with the older gals, and you, with Tia playing the piano. Tia will also be playing at 1:30 this Friday, part of the Remembrance Day activities. I think she is playing just prior to a DVD on ?? (something to do with Remembrance Day).

We laughed quite a bit about the heckler in the back row and your comment 'that's what it's like here.' I'm glad Tia could see past the comment to the humorous side, she took it all in stride. It was all great experience in so many ways, thanks for making the intros.

Looking forward to having a drink with you this Thursday, and hopefully Corrine, before heading out to listen to Wade Davis. Kerry

Hi Tia, Kerry and Whirlygig!

Great good fun at The Lodge! I do believe that the heckler is now working on finding a hook so perhaps you should remind Tia to bring along a small hacksaw. She might need it if the audience becomes even more unruly than at the dress rehearsal!

Unfortunately, Cora Lee has a SLAIS function on Thursday so she won't be able to join us. For my part, I'm delighted to have a drink beforehand. I gather talk begins at 7:30pm so what time have you in mind for me to appear on your doorstep? Presume bus service will be pretty good and as you are probably more familiar with schedule, etc., I'll let you suggest arrival time. Thanks again and Cheers, Patrizio!

PS: Sarge and I took on Cora Lee and Petros at bridge last night, after curling, and they had all the cards and I mean, ALL the cards. First hand I doubled their 1 No Trump and we put them down 2 tricks. They played every subsequent contract for rest of evening! Highest point count I ever had, after first hand, was 10 or 11. Poor Sarge often had 0, (with 10 high, so not actually a yarborough, by some definitions: a bridge or whist hand containing no honor cards.), 2 or 3 points! Only consolation was they underbid their hands more often than not so we took mean-spirited and malicious pleasure in pointing this out at each and every opportunity, frustrated beyond belief, as we were!

PPS: Ragin' had said he was going to come over to play but never showed so am not sure if he is floating in False Creek as I scribe or still reading Navigation for Dummies! 


Have they found Barnacle yet?

That really hurts when you are playing with ringer like Sarge and you get no
cards. My mother used to say, with wry smile -- and usually after she beat
you handily: "...some days you just don't get the cards, dear..." Thanks
Mom. W

Hi Patrick,

Too bad Corrine cannot join us...I will leave the time up to the master planner we are guaranteed more accuracy that way!

I will tell Tia to bring all her armour to battle those outrageous elders, I didn't realize they would be so hard to please. See you tomorrow, Kerry

Hello Knights of The Round Table!

Please ensure Tia brings along her chain mail and trusty lance as well. Master Planner can inform me of time for drinks while were are riding to Iona, domani, and he is composing his letter of resignation from Executive of NRBC!! Cheers, Sancho Panza!

Tia will love this so please don't tell her where to order it - 'kay!

Greetings Mistress Kingfisher and Knight Templar!

Wait 'til Tia sees the mace and the lance! She won't need the coif. These little beauties should keep the heckler in line!!

I'm happy to come a knockin' around 6:00pm BUT don't you think we need to be at venue a tad earlier if we are to scoop primo seats. I'm not fussed but thought I'd mention it. Think I'll walk over to your place as that way we can either walk home, if weather permits and we feel like a stroll, or just hop off bus after Burrard. At any rate, we can chat domani. Cheers, Patrizio the Page! 

'OMG' keeps coming to are a very funny man Mr. Dunn.


Why don't you come by before 6PM. We should leave by 7PM even though the bus
ride (stop is at the foot of our street) is only about 10 minutes.

If you are riding your bike we will tuck it under the house in the lock up
OR you can dipsydoodle around the hood and I will just hand you drinks and

I'm good for a ride on Thursday. The forecast looks good and I'd be
happy to meet at the sub-station around 9-ish. No reply from Ken so He's
probably away. I'll try him again tonight.
Hope Chloe's recovery is going well. Ray

Hi Raymundo!

All things considered, Chloë is doing reasonably well. Unfortunately, she really hasn't been able to sleep much and has herself propped up in a recliner, dozing in front of the TV. Her throat is extremely sore, as she knew it would be. This afternoon, when I looked in she was complaining of being feverish so I literally pulverized some Extra Strength Tylenol to see if that would help bring her temperature down. Her throat is so constricted and raw that swallowing is agony. She has a prescription for Tylenol 3 for pain but those pills don't really address her fever. Will have to see what Cora Lee says when she returns from her shift at WISH later.

I spent most of the day at appointments of one sort or another. Started out at 8:00am, (Cora Lee dropped me off. I should have ridden but I thought it was going to rain harder than it did, at least when I walked back home over Burrard Bridge.), at St Paul's where I was examined by a resident and then orthopaedic surgeon, Jeffrey Pike. Quite liked him and he has suggested the least invasive orthoscopic procedure, (Day surgery, in and out, to tidy up joint. Don't have a "frozen shoulder". I'm suffering from same osteoarthritis that afflicted my hip), with an initial recovery of about 6 weeks, (pretty active with appropriate exercises, almost immediately, once arm is out of a sling, week or two, I gather), no lifting or pulling anything for three months! Not sure how this will play with our coming holiday at the beginning of March. Of course, Cora Lee could tote all the bags and discover what it is like to be a sherpa, role we usually play for The Sisterhood!

Don't have  date yet but am on the "cancellation" list as well. Short notice, surgical standby! Will just have to play things by ear but if I don't have procedure before mid-January, at latest, I think I'll just have to wait until we return at end of May, beginning of June. Drag, of course, is that one is probably further and further down list. Anyway, at least I have seen the specialist and know what is in store for me. He said I don't really have any restrictions and should continue with exercises to help strengthen muscles but physio will not improve anything. Given this diagnosis, I plan to start swimming again, now that cycling is becoming increasingly problematic with rain and ice!

In early afternoon, I did manage a short ride to pick up my car which was in for an oil change, not far from train station off Terminal. Quit pleasant, and dry, actually. Quick visit to see Mom and put more lotion on her arms and hands and then scurried off to dentist on Broadway/Macdonald. Few sprinkles as I made my way home at about 4:10pm. Only had 18.33K on the odometer so I'll need to do some
extra circling tomorrow!

Speaking of the ride, Whirlygig has suggested we meet you at the substation at 10:00am in order to meet Marcus Aurelius and Big Molly at the CSTB at 10:30am. If this does not suit your schedule, I'm happy to meet you at Macdonald/Point Grey at say 8:45am and ride out to UBC/MD and you could head back at Crown, or some other point, if you have tutoring engagements.

Georgio continues: "If the Burnaboids are not there around 10:30 we can continue onto IONA --
over the CSTB and past the Casino via the Bridgport Bridge -- whatever that is called. The laggards from Burnaby can meet us on the road to Stink Island. Forecast indicates no frost.  W."

Anyway, either give me a call tonight when you are home or send along an email. Cheers, Patrizio!

Yo, B.M.,

CSTB sounds like a plan. 

Al, if you're in, perhaps I can swing buy your place after volleyball thursday a.m., and we can continue from there ensemble. I'm thinking that would put us at the rendezvous at about 10:30, which might be late enough that the Evil Black Ice has retreated to its lair. I trust you will plot us a stanchion (but not lycra)-free route!

8^) cheers, Mark

Hi Mark,

 I hope the sisterhood you speak of did not include anyone I might know and that no names were used to protect the innocent! This could constitute a serious breach of the rules and regulations of the man's union!!!.
 I ask you how can one be faulted if there predisposed genetic make up forces the head to be pulled magnet like towards bare midriffs and pony tails and taut slightly jiggling female body parts? (and in November I might add being even more of an anomaly and disruptive to the common good)  thus putting ourselves in harms way on a regular basis.  I ask you where is the sympathy for their fellow human!.
Hello gossipers and extortionists!

I would be pleased to join in for a ride. Of course this being dependent on
weather I can finish my most recent fabrication project, that being a device
which will hold the head pointing straight ahead and not allowing for any
deviation right or left. If I have time I will add a video camera attachment
so that if I happen to miss anything important on the journey I can review
said video afterwards and hopefully knowing this will not be compelled to
alter the course and possibly override the headgear by twisting at the

I have to differ with your perception of a squeaky clean past that you
claim to have Patrice. I seem to have a shadowy but definitely real memory
of antics at dinner parties involving substances and drawing implements. I
will be willing to keep these to myself if we agree to a mutual gag order on
our indiscrepencies.

If I'm able to finish said fab. project I would be happy to meet up and head
out to CSTB with you Mark. I will be here so just come by when you are done

voyeuristically yours, Al
Trust fabrication of the aforementioned device will give you an opportunity to refresh your chromium-molybdenum alloy welding skills, (assuming titanium is not required for adequate strength)...
8^) cheers, Mark
I assume this ride planning is for Thursday morning? If so, I suggest we
meet Ray at the substation at 10AM -- that should get us to the CSTB easily
by 10:30.

If the Burnaboids are not there around 10:30 we can continue onto IONA --
over the CSTB and past the Casino via the Bridgport bridge -- whatever that
is called. The laggards from Burnaby can meet us on the road to stink

Forecast indicates no frost.  W
Works for me. Al? 8^) cheers, Mark  


Just in from league. Don’t ask how that went.

Sorry to hear Branko is hurting on the parental front.

See you at the station at 10AM.

Dear Patrick
Thanks heaps for your Island Inn missive. Loved hearing about the Vancouver Fashion Week and Fashion show. Sounds interesting--given that I just watched The Devil Wears Prada--found your commentary timely.

Hope that Chloe feels better--Was it her tonsils that were removed? Eric had his removed and it made a difference.

Sunday Colin and I attended a Thai Fundraising Event in support of the flood victims in Thailand organized by Tip and Jim held at the Salsa Thai Restaurant on Cambie. If you ever want good Thai food it is a good restaurant to go to. Lovely owners--friends of Tip. The place was packed and they raised a large amount of cash for relief efforts. The trouble is that the waters have been diverted to protect Bangkok and of course the people who are being flooded are the very poor. Over 1 Million people are affected and over 500 people have died. The automotive plants and computer plants are all under water--Toyota, Honda, Ford affected the most. This will hurt the economy in Thailand very very much.

Off to Vancouver Island to see Colin's mom this weekend. It is her 86th birthday. Anne Judy Saltman's daughter cat sits for us.

John and Yulin are enjoying their studies at Dartmouth College in Hanover New Hampshire and Eric has a sore throat and shares a residence kitchen with the rugby team at Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau France.

Anyways--we have to get together for dinner some time--I thought it would be great if you Corinne, Greg and Janet Mumford could come over soon.

In the meantime take care and thanks for your email. Cheers and fondest regards always, Jo-Anne

Hi Jo-Anne!

You people are pretty busy as well. Enjoyed hearing about your lads. Thanks for the tip, (pardon the pun), on Thai restaurant as we do enjoy Thai food. Would love to see the Mumfords. Has Janet recovered? If I'm not mistaken I seem to recall that she was stricken with some quite debilitating neurological disorder.

Only had 18.33K on the bike odometer today so I'll need to do some extra miles tomorrow when I ride out to Iona/Steveston with friends!

Enjoy VI. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Giggster!

Isn't it almost beyond belief that A.Word.A.Day selected "addlepated" to coincide, exactly, with Captain Barnacle's most recent behaviour, the poifect example for the adjective. Who could be more "confused, eccentric or flustered", much of the time, other than Ragin' Bull? Unfortunately, he is dealing with a very difficult family situation so we need to be somewhat charitable to the dear lad. Here is his explanation:


Sorry to stand you up last night.  At first, it seems a perfect fit for my schedule - dinner date with (my kid) Michael, a quick check on my parents, then the bliss of bridge.  Unfortunately, delays at my m&d's occurred, causing enough mental anguish to completely forget the bridge.  I finally got back to the Inside Passage with serious headache about 10;30 (I am fighting a bug as well).

Hopefully another opportunity soon.  I would have loved to discuss "The Gard" and play at the level of bridge only available at the Island Inn.

Seriously though, I am a bit distressed about the condition of my parents.  This could be a long, drawn out and taxing process for all.

más adelante//bjp

Anyway, see you tomorrow at Ice-Station Zebra, 10:00am. Raymundo is on for Iona. Just chatted with him. Cheers, Il Conduttore!  

Hi Ragin'!

Very sorry to hear about the increasingly difficult situation with your parents. Not to worry about not coming over. Just glad you didn't fall overboard, made dizzy by reading Navigation for Dummies!

When it became obvious that you were probably not going to join us, Sarge and I took on Cora Lee and Petros and they had all the cards and I mean, ALL the cards. You were wise to stay away!

When I mentioned one-sided bridge to Whirlygig, he responded:

That really hurts when you are playing with ringer like Sarge and you get no
cards. My mother used to say, with wry smile -- and usually after she beat
you handily: "...some days you just don't get the cards, dear..." Thanks Mom. W

We are dealing with a series of medical issues ourselves. Chloë had her tonsils removed, at Mount St Joseph, on Monday. Only had 18.33K on the odometer today so I'll need to do some extra miles tomorrow when I ride out to Iona/Steveston with Whirlygig, Raymundo, Marcus Aurelius and Big Molly.

Give us a shout when you are feeling better. Cheers, Patrizio!

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