Thursday 3 November 2011

IIDD, Nov 3rd

Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war. -Otto von Bismarck, statesman (1815-1898) 

Le Condottiere:  Leader, (of necessity, possessing a forceful personality), of a group of mercenaries or "soldiers off fortune"!

Hi Lads!

Raymundo's weather moles, he suggests, predict rain to start at 9:00am BUT
my sources seem to indicate late in the afternoon:


Cloudy. Rain beginning late in the afternoon. Becoming windy late in the
afternoon. High 10.

I'm prepared to ride around Lord Stanley's domaine not matter what, (unless
it is raining proverbial cats and dogs), rendezvousing at 9:00am, just
before Science World, where Dragon Boat crews often assemble, in semi-open
space to south of construction, to give Marcus Aurelius time to meet us,
whether coming by Sky Train or along Adanac. If Whirlissimo and Raymundo,
(should he choose to accept the assignment!), want to meet at The Heartbreak
Parkade at 8:50am that should be plenty of time to honk at a sleeping Ragin'
Bull and make our way to Olympic Village and slightly beyond. We can then
proceed around Science World to SP and individuals can tailor rest of ride
to suit their time constraints/distance preferences. If weather holds, I'll
probably head on out to UBC after that. This, just to let everyone know,
should anyone be interested to do the same or suggest some other

I assume The Lost Riders of the Seawall will confirm by email tomorrow
morning. Hearing nothing, I'll proceed as noted above and hope for the
best! Cheers, Il Conduttore!


See you at 8:50 at the Heartbreak Terrace Parkade. W

False Creek East by the dragon boat dock at 9:00 it is. 8^) cheers, Mark

very nice picture!
Linda Meikle Ingraham
very nice picture!
Conversation history
Patrick James Dunn
Patrick James Dunn03 November 11:40
Hi Linda!

Was actually thinking about you as we had the great good fortune to see and hear, at the Vancouver International Writers Festival, just over, where both Cora Lee and I volunteered, David Adams Richards. He read from his latest novel, Incidents in the Life of Markus Paul. Wonderful writer indeed! Will now have to visit the Miramichi, in particular, and New Brunswick, in general, for sure, so be careful, we might be knocking on your door! Cheers, Patrizio!

Pic: This past Halloween, 40th anniversary of date Cora Lee and I first met, in a pub, in Winnipeg!
 Maersk Line:

Hi , Yes that is incredible alright, reminds me of one of those science
fiction shows where giant space ship is travelling along with only a few
personell. I have to say that the only reason this vessel and all the goods
arriving with it are possible is because of industrial giants employing
skilled workers and masses of labourers for literally slave wages and next
to no safety standards. All the people who shop at Walmart and other made in
China product sellers are fully supporting this ugly machine. Also it's a
snowball effect as the more we buy the bigger they get and the less our own
manufacturers of any quality here at home can compete, falling by the
weyside. Sooner or later all we will be able to buy will be the crap that
they have to offer and I'm sure the "quality of those goods will diminish as
they have the monopoly and will start figuring out ways to save a penny here
and there by make things thinner, and of lesser quality materials etc.

Hopefully this will all come full circle at some point and people will get
fed up with the crap. Some people are starting wake up and are trying to
stop buying made in China goods and support smaller local businesses despite
being more expensive. I personally am doing this and will spread the word
wherever possible. Go Canada Go!

Hi Pat,

Really enjoyed the colourfull description of the "typhoon trek"! . Happy
anniversary and congratulations of forty years as well !!!. love to you both , A,C,J & J

Hi Famiglia Killjoy!

Too, too bad about the non-bridge! Does that mean we are playing, à la the Non-Readers Book Club? Understand completely so not a big deal. When time works. Cheers Patrizio!

PS: We have a spare clown's nose if that is of any help. As well, Whirlygig, when you are providing water for elephants you could always sneak out to the Heartbreak Hotel Cigar and Whiskey Patio for a snort or two of maltage to soothe your mayhem addled noives!!!

PPS: We also happen to own a strait-jacket if confinement is deemed required within the confines of your home!

PPSS: We can discuss other methods of restraint and/or torture on the ride domani!
Patrick's funny, says Tia!

Thanks for the ride today. Hope your ride continued to be as good or better and Lexus free. I may be in for another jaunt on Friday or Saturday so let me know your ride schedule. Forecast is better Saturday and Sunday if forecasts have any bearing.

The person that I stopped to speak with at Kits beach park is a former judge – close friend and colleague to my father and friend to the family. He is advising us on these family matters that have become so tangled. We talked for long enough for me to cool down to hypothermic levels.  

Let me know if there are plans for bridge early next week. I would be happy to join in. I cannot speak for the spousal unit and MT. W



noun: A smooth-talker, a flatterer, or a braggart.


Thought you might enjoy this one… Certain members of the VLT Club come to mind…

Remind me to tell you about Macinrod and the history of the Hungerford photo at the back of the VLT courts. W

Hi Whirlissimo!

In fact, 'Orrible 'Ungie is really a thug, a school yard bully, rather than a flannelmouth, (He really doesn't have the mental wherewithal to be a smooth operator.), a laughable, pathetic tin pot dictator, a browbeating buffoon infatuated with an erroneous sense of entitlement, an insufferable megalomaniac. This condition, as my esteemed colleague, Sigmund Freud, would say, obviously stems from  a complete lack of self-worth and has resulted in a hyper inferiority complex which manifests itself in pomposity and bluster. I'll tell you what I really think tomorrow! Cheers, Carl Jung.

mucho tks...twas spendido dinner.....Italy tomorrow....Greggers could you
give me Tony a and Brunie's e mail ...will get in contact with them TT

What did I do to deserve this voluble message? and for this I send many
thanks and wish you many mor e special memories.
Really Patrick, what an interesting recount of some of the corners of your
life of which I was not aware. Cheers CC

Hi again, Mary Queen of Scotch CC!

You deserve voluble messages as a just reward for your impeccable bidding! There are more things in heaven and earth, Crusty Crustacean, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy!!
Best wishes from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizio!

I am going to suggest that the next meeting be on either Sunday, 20th or Sunday 27th of November. Venue TBC. Let me know if either of these dates works for you.

The book is Panicking Ralph, an early work by Bill James in his Harpur & Iles series (Pat).  

Mark will choose the book to follow the James. Maybe Milton can choose the book to follow Mark’s choice.

Hi Lads!

Either date is just fine with me. The Island Inn is always available and I am delighted to host but I don't want to monopolize meeting venue if people would like to meet elsewhere.

I received a copy of The Keeper of Lost Causes, Jussi Adler-Olsen, for one of my anniversary presents so am happy to lend it out as soon as I've finished with it. Cheers, Il Conduttore!

I'm going to suggest something that's non-contemporary. Who's read Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad?

Either date fine with me as well. Guy

The same here - both Sundays work for me. thanks Misha

Ziggy is on for dinner and he asked if Heike could join us. I am not sure if you are fine with having one more. If not we could still come up for a drink and have our dinner at our place.

 Hi Sarge!

Of course, that is fine. However, I won't be bringing out the "special" wine since there won't be just the four of us!

Thanks again for last evening. We both enjoyed it immensely. Unfortunately, now that The Sisterhood has seen one runway, they'll want to do the same in São Paulo, Tokyo and Moscow. Guess who pays, not only for designer fashions but also for trip? Cheers, Patrizio!

I am in for a trip just to watch the strut. Wayne

Does that mean I get to see the " pretty boy" again! Michele

Do you not see him every night.  Sarge

Dear Clan Darrow/Sutherland!

What you do on your own time is none of The Island Inn's business! Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Patrick,Thanks for your generous hospitality. Yes, happy to make a Caesar salad. We'll procure the main ingredients, but will assume that you will have on hand one egg, Dijon mustard and fresh garlic and olive oil.

Lynne and I will be checking in separately. She will be coming from Anne Pitternick's and I from downtown. I'll be arriving about 5, Lynne probably mid afternoon. Do you have a parking stall for a new Lexus? More later, Peter

Ciao Patricio & Cora Lee (with appropriate Italian accent, of course)--

Don't know if Petey has replied about Monday night dinner yet or not but, if not, here is our response. Si, si! We would love to dine at the Island Inn along with Sarge and Flamin'. Can't think of a better way to spend the evening … and not have far to toddle off to my bed. Thanks for having us and putting together a little party to celebrate our being in the big city. Worry not about Tuesday night. We'll find a way to amuse ourselves. I'm sure we can find a good movie there … because there hasn't been anything on in Penticton that we've wanted to see for awhile with the exception of a movie called "Beginners", which we saw as part of the art galleries series.

As you know, we are staying over at Anne's on Sunday night and Petey is heading off to his conference downtown on Monday morning. I have an appointment at 11:00 in Kerrisdale and will most likely hang around there and/or at Oakridge for bait afterwards. Then I'll make my way to the Island Inn in the afternoon. What would be a good time frame for you for me to do this? I'm very flexible (time-wise anyway) and can come by whenever it is most convenient for you. We'll confirm when we are in town and can talk to you directly by phone, but I wanted to have a bit of a heads-up before so I can assign myself tasks as apropos. Okay? Okay!

Cheers for now. I'm really looking forward to our get-together. Lynnie XOXOXO

Hello again, Naramatians!

Your room is available at any time so give us a shout, (604-734-9200), some time on Sunday. Weather looks like it may be wet on Monday so I'll probably be at home for most of the afternoon to let you, Lynne, into The Island Inn. I think I'll be able to arrange a spot inside for your new baby Lexus. Will confirm when we chat on Sunday as I'm not sure what Cora Lee's schedule is for the day and she is in slumber-land as I scribe.

I've talked to both Sarge and Whirlygig and they are free to play a few hands of bridge before dinner, 
while The Sisterhood plots whatever they plot. Since you, Peter, mentioned you'd be checking in around 5:00pm, I'll ask them to appear then as well.

If The Guard is still playing at Fifth Avenue Cinema, and you have not seen it already, I suggest you take it in. More about film when you are here. Of course, there may be others you'd like to see.

Picked up eggs at Costco today so should have one for your Caesare, JDP!

Wednesday night Sarge had invited us to join them for the evening at Vancouver Fashion Week, held at Masik Studio on 2nd Ave, not far from Manitoba. Chap in office next to his is one of the organizers and gave Sarge four 5 Day passes. We went down around 6:30pm. Venue itself is a converted warehouse with an art gallery in front, the fashion show, itself, in a larger, open space behind. Huge wooden beams support roof, with similar, but slightly smaller cross braces. This dates the structure as I don't think one sees such massive lumber much anymore.

At any rate, the runway pretty well ran the length of this room, dividing two sets of bleachers. We were sitting on the top level, fairly close to the room where the models changed so we had perfect seats to see the activity at the door of the dressing room, as well as watch the models as the came onto the runway and then left, after stopping, and posing, at the opposite end to be blinded by the barrage of flashes from the huge Nikons and Canons wielded by the photographers seated on the smaller bank of bleachers there.

Simply wonderful to watch the people in the audience, (perhaps as interesting as formal show, if not more so), as well as the models themselves. For me, their brief time, (probably well under two minutes, [Never mind Andy Warhol's "five minutes"], although I never actually timed it), on the runway is a deliciously biting, ironic metaphor for fame in all its fleeting, ephemeral and finally fickle nature. Each model parades her dazzling wares, usually unsmiling, (a little self-deprecating grin, acknowledging the essential meaninglessness of the whole endeavour and one's awareness of being ensnared in this silly game would make the entire charade a tad more palatable, to me at least), often stern, sometimes frowning, to be replaced by another and another and yet another. The glory of being alone, the focus of everyone's attention, the centre of attention passes, like a relay baton, (of course, most of the models were as thin as female track and field athletes or long distance runners), though moving in opposite directions, in this situation. Just as the newcomer replaces the one before, the newcomer is then eclipsed by the next and the dance on the treadmill continues. Funnily enough, the image of the raised conveyor belt, spilling the remnants of the latest catch at the fish processing plant we pass when cycling back to the CSTB along River Road, came immediately to mind!

Of interest, as well, was the fact that apparently all of the models are volunteers, [A measure of where the event and its designers sit on the fashion totem pole, one suspects.], sent by agencies to gain experience and exposure, obviously. Quite early on, I happened to notice a number of older women, rather plainly, if not dowdily, dressed. After one of the presentations, (we saw five), was over, I noticed a few of the models, now in street clothes, surrounded by mothers and fathers. I guess the parents were along to support and protect. In one case, I even overheard a mother ask: "Did you eat anything? or "Have you eaten anything?" Anorexia, a curse, or one of the deadly curses, of the profession, I suppose. I suggested to Sarge that if he had had the forethought to purloin some coke from an RCMP evidence locker, we could have made our way backstage and been the centre of attention there, in spite of our certifiably unfashionable threads!

Buzz for early part of the evening was the appearance of Miss America, 2011, Teresa Scanlan of Nebraska, beating out Miss Arkansas, (must be all that corn pone and grits), to become the youngest MA to date. While Teresa is certainly attractive, (a stereotypical blonde), her crown looked rather silly, perched on her head like a faux New Year's Eve tiara! Still, fascinating to watch people line up to meet and have their picture taken with her. Sarge was bemoaning the fact that he'd not dressed in full uniform. Who knows where the evening would have ended if he'd worn his red serge and brought along a couple of grams of blow! Could have used a few lines as wine was $10/glass, although not a bad Okanagan Pinot Gris, although I forgot to note the winery.

Last set we watched was by a designer who showed jeans for men:

"Kings & Paupers by Jude Neale is a contemporary approach to the vintage era defined by classic distinctive styling, ultimate fits and artisan workmanship.

Our jeans embody the imagination of our artists at their very best. Non conformist and averse to clichés and status symbols, Kings & Paupers breaks the mould one jean at a time."

The Sisterhood was delighted as most of the models were extremely well muscled and sculpted young men who wore nothing but the jeans! For our part, Sarge and I thought the last model on the runway was by far the best! (See second attachment!)

All in all, quite an enjoyable outing but one evening with the fashionistas is more than enough, although if rain persists I may have to get my heart rate up back at the Runway! Cheers, Patrizio!

    Your forecast was very accurate. It started to rain right at 3:30 with riders safely in warm, dry environs.
    Warmed up with the remainder of the leek and potato soup on return before embarking on my Christmas cake which evidently requires 3-8 weeks of aging to be at its optimum. Just finished piercing and adding brandy which I will do on a weekly basis. Have enough ingredients to make another one tomorrow and I'm considering making a third from my mother's recipe. I'll photocopy both recipes for you and pass them along.
Hello Lads!

Blanket message to keep everyone in da Loop!

Wondering who is up for a ride domani and where we might cycle. Had talked to Big Al, earlier in week, about exploring some of Burnaby. If we do this, those of us on the west side will need to decide on route to rendezvous, timing etc. I suggest, whichever route we decide upon, that we start, from west side, around 8:45am-9:00am, to connect with Big Al around 10:00am, should Burnaby be the excursion/route for the day. Let me know your thoughts and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
I'm up for a ride in the morning. Hope we can avoid frosty surfaces. 9
or later suits me. 2nd Xmas cake complete. Ray


No can do mañana - furnace issue + drainage problem @parents, boat cover coming, total sensory overload.  Keep me in the loop though.

Did do Steveston th other day, but was a bit cold and clammy despite a Lance Armstrong pace.

más adelante//bjp


I am up for whatever ride is in the offing. Would like to be back before
noon if possible. W
Hi Giggster!

Not sure if you listened to my phone message or not but I've arranged to meet Robo Ray at 37th and Cypress at 9:00-9:15am, to then rendezvous with Big Molly at the Central Park Outdoor Pool, near 45th and Boundary, at 10:00am. His cell number is 604-315-6110. Give me a shout in the morning to co-ordinate, if you are on for such an expedition! I'll probably leave here about 8:30am or so. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Aloha! Riptide, Linda, The Cooks $ others waiting for sunset...Greetings to the Island Inn! Mahalo!

Hello Hawaii!

Looks like everyone is having a good time!

Weather here on Wednesday was gorgeous but air had a definite wintry feel to it. Left from our place at 8:50am with Whirlygig and Raymundo to meet Marcus Aurelius at Science World. Circumcycled Stanley Park and then Marcus branched off, back at Science World to follow bike route which follows Sky Train out to Burnaby, while Giggster peeled off at Macdonald/Point Grey. Robo Ray and I headed out to UBC and then onto 41st, via Marine Drive, to Crown and thence to 16th and back to Ray's place near 23rd and Arbutus. After I left him I made for home, following the my regular return route, down Macdonald to Kits Pool/Kits Point and home. Once past Harbour Terrace I continued on down Lamey's Mill Road to Olympic Village and then Plaza of Nations before turning around and calling it a day. Managed 71.33K so was very pleased, in spite of the ice cubes my toes had become! Hot shower was wonderful, as I'm sure you cannot appreciate, being in paradise!
Hello and best wishes to one and all. Cheers, Patrizio!

Hello! Just wanted to let you know about my upcoming Wearable Art show.

Details are on my most recent blog post.

You can find out specifics either at or

Hope to see you there! Deborah

Hi Buffalo Soldier!

Glad you are still a fashionista! Interestingly enough, this past Wednesday night Sarge had invited us to join them for the evening at Vancouver Fashion Week. 

John, in the 1971 Cadillac Coupe de Ville.
Photographed on a sunny afternoon in Late June.
For more from this series, in and among some other photos, please visit
Thanks for looking

Hi Flash!

Great photographs! Were some taken at Christina Lake? Have been thinking of you as we have cycled past your studio a number of times over last few weeks.

Glad you are still taking such wonderful pictures. Interestingly enough, in somewhat the same vein, (given all the photo ops), this past Wednesday night Sarge had invited us to join them for the evening at Vancouver Fashion Week, held at Masik Studio on 2nd Ave, not far from Manitoba. Do you know it? 
Hello and Fondestos to your Hareem! Cheers, Patrizio!

David Kessler
David Kessler shared a link: OCCUPY

David Kessler
David Kessler shared a link: Christine Ambrose, project manager of the - Media (1 of 7) Shady Dell deal preserves majestic redwoo
Christine Ambrose, project manager of the - Media (1 of 7) Shady Dell deal preserves majestic redwoo
previous next
Christine Ambrose, project manager of the Shady Dell proj... Michael Macor / The Chronicle

Christine Ambrose, project manager of the Shady Dell project and a member of the Save the Redwoods League, walks through the, trees of mystery, part of the dense redwood forest on the acquired Shady Dell property in Usal, Ca. on Wednesday November 02, 2011. Save the Redwoods League is working with partners to protect 957 acres of remote redwood forest known as Shady Dell and extend California's rugged Lost Coast Trail.

 Hi Kids!

Trust all goes well at Villa Vicente. Busy times here.
Fondestos and Cheers, Il Conductore!

I will be fimished teaching at about 12:45, home about 1:00. Quick bite
to eat and ready to ride about 1:30. If you could come my way that would be
great. If at your place, it would be closer to 2. Let me know.

Hi Raymundo!

I suggest we meet at Macdonald and Point Grey at 1:45pm and make our way out to UBC and decide where we will head after that. Give me a call before you head out to tutor to confirm. Cheers, Patrizio! 

Cora Lee:

Does this affect us?

In order to provide you with updates regarding RBC’s announcement to sell its U.S. banking operations, and to communicate important information about the transition of your RBC Bank (USA) accounts -- including new account details -- we need to ensure we have your accurate contact information.

To verify and update your mailing address, email address and phone number(s) currently on file at RBC Bank, please respond using one of the options below:

If you have access to the personalized letter we recently sent to you, which includes a 10-digit number (reference code) above your name and address, then you can do one of the following:
Verify Address Online, or
Complete and mail in the tear-off slip included with your personalized letter
Call 1-800-769-2553

Thank you for your prompt attention to this important request.

The Potter books in general are a prolonged argument for tolerance, a prolonged plea for an end to bigotry, and I think it's one of the reasons that some people don't like the books, but I think that it's a very healthy message to pass on to younger people that you should question authority and you should not assume that the establishment or the press tells you all of the truth. -J.K. Rowling, novelist (b. 1965) 

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