Thursday 24 November 2011

IIDD, Nov 24th

To cultivate kindness is a valuable part of the business of life. -Samuel Johnson, lexicographer (1709-1784) 

SLAIS Mourns Passing of Jeff Stokes

SLAIS is saddened to announce the passing of a long-time friend of the School and the Faculty, Mona “Jeff” Stokes. She passed away November 19 at the age of 91.
Jeff, as she was affectionately known, was married to Roy Stokes, who served as Director of the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies from 1981-1991. She has been a stalwart supporter and participant in several School events, most recently in May to award the annual Roy Stokes Medal for the top graduating student in Archival Studies.
Jeff was born in Cardiff Wales and grew up in Manchester. She worked in libraries in England, having met her husband while studying for her library degree. She and Roy moved to Vancouver 40 years ago. A member of the UBC Faculty Women’s Club, she worked at UBC as a librarian for many years. Her leisure activities ranged from mountain climbing to Scottish dancing.
A funeral service for Mona “Jeff” Stokes will be held at St Mary’s Church at 2 p.m. on Saturday November 26.

Instead of other invites, what about Dec 7 or 8 at our place. Then maybe
Penguin can make it. (Also unavailable for the 9th) Gave Legs until the end
of week to get back to me. Charlie

Hi Champagne!

Thanks very much for suggesting alternative dates BUT Cora Lee is busy both of those nights as well! I think we should simply go ahead on the 9th, unless you wish to postpone. No sense in trying to make something work if it is causing all sorts of scheduling difficulties.

Perhaps we should play on-line! Then even Kerry and Ragin' Bull could participate! I'll put prizes up on eBay and then people can bid, using their scores as money. Each point=$1! That way everyone is happy and I get to keep cash as I'm not entitled to any of the prizes. Conflict of interest clause! Buona Fortuna with hearing from Legs, Arch-Procrastinator! Welcome to the world of trying to organize The Sisterhood! Cheers, Patrizio!

Poppa used to make us take bags out and pick up trash on our a kid I was mortified that someone would see I still pick up trash but now I hope someone will see me and do the same thing

 Wow! All the dirty talk - I'll be there on the 11th for sure now! Hugs, E 

Hi again, Lancela!

I've already filled up my bottle of Windex and tidied up my tool box in keen anticipation! Cheers, Mr Fix-It!

Pics: Take your pick!

Patrick James Dunn Hello Cruel Swiss Host Daughter: How is it you have time to listen to music and not communicate with your Dear Host Parentos?

Nadienka Wyss Let me finish my exams first, wanna write you a nice and long message, not a short one, only telling hi & what's up ;) Hope everyone's well (again) and Chloe's feeling better now? Lots of hugs and bisous your Cruel Host Daughter
Hi Nadienka, Exam-Stressed Host Daughter!

Trust you are well in spite of pressure of pending exams! Fondestos and Cheers,  Dear Host Father Patrizio!


Any views on this 16 minute presentation on global priorities. Regards, Jim

Hi Mr Suzuki!

Found the TED video to be quite informative and stimulating! Same series as one by Wade Davis, I believe. Trust you are both well. Still waiting for last assignment, Boy. TED video is simple, bald, bare-faced procrastination! Cheers, Patrizio!


How did you take the picture without getting off your cycle - or did you cheat and Dios prohíbe touch the befouled, un-sacred ground with your feet?  Did it burn? más adelante//bjp

Hello Mr Cynical!

As a matter of fact, my good friend, (something you wouldn't know much about, obviously, belonging,as you do to The Don West, Friends of the Friar, Fan Club), Big Molly, designed an extendo-arm, (also available with a mini-radar, stanchion detection device), which fits on my handlebars to hold my camera, obviating the need to stop, or God forbid, have me touch the ground, or in this case the bridge deck. Quite be-fouled, in fact, with all sorts of flotsam and jetsam, I assume deposited there from passing trucks, detritus of accidents, etc. Even saw a fairly large, thin
plank, atop divider barrier, yesterday. Heavy covering of pine needles at north end, west side, presumably wind borne from Prospect Point. 
Aforementioned Extendo-Arm, (patent pending),  is connected to valve on my camel pack and I control shutter speed, etc., by taking a pull on the bladder, much like wheel-chair controls for disabled. Both nifty and efficient as you can judge by my stellar shot! Still fine tuning vatted malt ratio in pack. I have found that a higher % of Islay causes me to overexpose while more Lowland results in underexposure. Obviously, more testing required! Unfortunately, Bushmills precipitated a jammed mechanism while Johnny Walker Black drained battery! The longer the ride, the more expensive. AM wondering if Bourbon might work since it is almost a bio-fuel anyway.

Back to the lab now! Cheers, The Mad Scientist!


Things are busy as usual with Dustin's hockey, my volunteer activities, I am still on my Hockey Board, the Board at my community club, the Executive for my curling club and am also the manager for Dustin's hockey team. We are going to Gimli this weekend for a tournament. Trying to get ready for Christmas, and it has now been about a week and a half that Cody has been gone. He was parked at work and snow/ice fell on his windshield, it was smashed so he had to go to Kelowna to get it replaced. His job seems to be going well and I am sure that you guys will see him at Christmas or some where close over the holidays depending when his days off are. He wants to come and visit and he has never been to Vancouver. We will be heading to the lake at Christmas, and we have no hockey so should be a good relaxing time. Give love to the sickies, hope you are all well!! PS: I don't know when I will be in Vancouver, will try and get something planned for the new year. Love Pam

Stay busy, get plenty of exercise and don't drink to much. Then again don't drink to little.
~ Herman JJohannsen

Mac n Cheese ready for the for Verneen's family and one for my Simi Valley family!

OK let's keep it at 5 of us. You, the youngster Durstons and us. We'll
rotate which means Susan will have more time to prepare the dinner and I
will more time to do the stacks of dishes.

Looking forward to seeing everyone. 6pm? Charlie

Hi again, Carlos!

Do you want me to see if friends, Susan and Mark Tanner are free/interested. They are good bridge players. Let me know. Cheers, Patrizio!

Alex Prince, your food is ready for pick-up and delivery
 Hi Patrick,

Normally never a problem. We were also thinking of inviting the couple we
know (you met once re: bridge - Vivian and Karol). Either way we have an
extra body. 5 or 7 if Legs doesn't commit by end of week. Should we leave
until end of week to decide further?
I am getting a headache. Charlie

Hi Migraine Man!

I'll talk to Marcus Aurelius and O Susannah II and see what they think. Take two Aspirin and call me in the morning! Cheers, Dr. Strangelove!

 Hi again, Spumoni!

Clarisse just came by and left me another piece of wonderful cake! Cora Lee's nose twitched as it's not gluten free and filled with maraschino cherries, her favourites! As well, she brought over a small ornament we'd bought in Mexico last February. Unfortunately, Cora Lee accidentally, (She wasn't planning to hurl it at me in frustration!), knocked it off the fireplace mantle and it smashed. She wanted to throw it out but I collected bits, (some very small shards), and  put them safely away. Took them next door a few days ago for Master Re-Conditioner to work upon. Unbelievable piece of re-assemblage! Dusty stuffed paper inside hollow shell as he was gluing to support intact structure as he added pieces. Given the original colouration of small bird, one can hardly tell that it had been broken. Where was Dusty when All the King's Horses and All the King's Men were trying to patch Humpty-Dumpty together again?

Please let Cody know that we'd love to see him anytime he is able to come to Vancouver.Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizio!

 Hello Lads!

I thought that you might like to read about Ragin's nasty comments in reply to my latest cycling adventures!

I have posted original messages for reference only. Apologies to those of you who have already received some of earlier posts. Shouldn't matter as I'm sure, Dear Reader, that you never bother reading them anyway!

 I'm Mrs.Alyssa Sebastian, A devoted Christian.I have a business proposal for you, Please get back to me for more details.

Hello Lads!

The forecast looks pretty fine for riding tomorrow. I'm planning a jaunt so wondering if anyone else is interested. I'm open to suggestions but will suggest Deep Cove as a possibility. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizio!

The calm before the storm in my cousin's dining


I am back, recovering.  Tomorrow could work if:
(a) not too early
(b) stop at the pub or Starbucks in Deep Cove
(x) can I bring my camera and stop for photo ops?

If those conditions don't work, a more demure cycling adventure can be considered - coffee in Richmond?
Hi Ragin'!

You are a tough negotiator! No takers, other than your highly qualified proposal, for Deep Cove, so since it will probably be the only day, in the next week or so, for a longish ride, I've decided I want to try for 101.33K + tomorrow. To do this I'm going to cycle around Stanley Park, up and over Lions Gate and into West Van, past Dundarave Village and then back to Stanley Park to attempt the bridge five more times. If you feel you'd like to join me for first part, bridge or otherwise, I plan to leave after I pick up my bike at Reckless. Earliest will be around 10:30am as they don't open until 10:00am. I discovered I had a flat when I started my ride yesterday. Took my other bike and towards the end of the ride the chain was slipping inordinately. Consequently both bikes are in Emergency.

Anyway, let me know if I should call tomorrow before I head out. Cheers, Patrizio!

I'm teaching 10 - 12 tomorrow near Marine Drive and 3:30 near Blanca so
I only have a few hours in between so won't be able to do the Deep Cove run. Ray

Hi Ray!

Looks like we will probably not connect tomorrow. No takers, other than Ragin' Bull's highly qualified proposal, (stops for photo ops, java, etc.), for Deep Cove, so since it will probably be the only day, in the next week or so, for a longish ride, I've decided I want to try for 101.33K + tomorrow. To do this I'm going to cycle around Stanley Park, up and over Lions Gate and into West Van, past Dundarave Village and then back to Stanley Park to attempt the bridge five more times.  I plan to leave after I pick up my bike at Reckless. Earliest will be around 10:30am as they don't open until 10:00am. I discovered I had a flat when I started my ride yesterday. Took my other bike and towards the end of the ride the chain was slipping inordinately. Consequently both bikes are in Emergency!

Anyway, keep in touch and perhaps we can squeeze something in if forecast is wrong! Cheers, Patrizio!
I'm in if it's not too early - i need to walk the dogs first. It looks to be dry, but it will be cool and windy...
8^) cheers, Mark 
Hi Marcus and Big Al:

Had no takers, up until your email, Marcus, other than Ragin' Bull's highly qualified proposal, (stops for photo ops, java, etc.), for Deep Cove, so since it will probably be the only day, in the next week or so, for a longish ride, I've decided I want to try for 101.33K + tomorrow. To do this I'm going to cycle around Stanley Park, up and over Lions Gate and into West Van, past Dundarave Village and then back to Stanley Park to attempt the bridge five more times.  I plan to leave after I pick up my bike at Reckless. Earliest will be around 10:30am as they don't open until 10:00am. I discovered I had a flat when I started my ride yesterday. Took my other bike and towards the end of the ride the chain was slipping inordinately. Consequently both bikes are in Emergency!

Let me know if you are interested in any part or all of ride and we can arrange to meet near Science World, per esempio.  Cheers, Patrizio! 

Remember what Herman "Jackrabbit" Smith-Johannsen said:

Stay busy, get plenty of exercise and don't drink to much. Then again don't drink to little.

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