Friday 14 October 2011

IIDD, Oct 14th

Before we set our hearts too much on anything, let us examine how happy are those who already possess it. -Francois, duc de La Rochefoucauld, moralist (1613-1680) 

Hello Gentlemen,

I'm afraid I have some bad news , It seems our mission has been
comprimised!. Just this morning I opened my email only to find that not
only did the target survive the attempted abandonment he actually appears to
have become stronger. His words have become even more complex and multiplied
tenfold !Not only that, the lies and mind wanderings have increased
dramatically also. I'm not sure how to proceed but obviously we have to
reconvene and come up with an absolute foolproof plan..prefferably over some
good malt and great food! Until then, Happy trails. Big Molly


Glad you got dried off in that fierce wind from Stink Island. Did you get
the fish out of the helmet?

May see the Guard at the Fifth Ave on Saturday evening. Thanks for the

Forecast is good for Saturday morning -- may be frosty. Let me know your
plannage. W
Dear Blackguards, (please don't sully the word "gentlemen"!), Scoundrels and Assorted Miscreants:

Bad news! Bad news! You'll soon be wishing that you were dreaming of bad news my cocksure friend! Hatch your dastardly, fool proof plans, if you can, if you dare, you fool! I spit on your machinations!!

Having dried myself with the help of the chinook blowing off Stink Island, (We don't need no stinkin' Iona!), as Whirlygig put it, ever so poetically, and feeding the wee fish, netted by my helmet, to Maggie, I am more than prepared to do great and glorious battle with the rag tag band of carpetbaggers from Burnaby, Upper Kits and Lower McKenzie Heights. I suggest Whirlissimo and I meet, Saturday morn, at Ray's place and we proceed, via Cypress to Marine Drive and thence to CSTB, headed for Stinkin' to high, high heaven Iona!

I'll let Robo Ray set time, keeping in mind his tutorial, mid-morning, and frost predicted by The Ice Man. Should either or both of the Burnaby Buffoons choose to join us, they are more than welcome to enter the fray. The gauntlet has been thrown down! Let my second know time of duel. I suggest tire pumps at 50 paces, engagement to begin after third honk of Giorgio's goose caller!

I'm off to VIFF shortly where I will be dealing with compassionate, caring, decent individuals! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

I was going to type in the middle of your letter but decided not to......thus the change in color.
You sound so busy.  Do you have to keep a day timer to keep your apointments?  I gardened a bit today but decided what was left could just winter kill and then maybe that would protect the plants that I want to keep.  Some of the yard just got overgrown with good stuff and needs to be thinned.  I am thinking it can wait until spring.
I am laying out Florida stuff for possibly being able to take.  We are going Delts 1st class so we each get 2 bags of 75#s each.  One bag will be a cooler of frozen stuff.  It doesn't matter what we take it won't be what we need.  gg

Hi Gail!

Garage is on same level as our place that is why you don't remember climbing any stairs. There aren't any! No day timer but a lots of notes on the calendar! I know exactly what you mean about packing the wrong stuff!!! Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Patrick,

You had a wonderful meal I suppose. Could you walk afterwards?
We don't know if we are going to visit Canada next summer. 
A lot of changes in our practice and social life have been taken place.

2 collegues has resigned. 2 new collegues have started to work in our practice.
We must advice them. This takes a lot of time. 
So this summer we didn't have a holiday.
But tuesday we are going to Barcelona 
And in November I am going te London for a conference.

Our eldest daughter is studying in Amsterdam. We bought a house for her.
Nice in the centre of Amsterdam. We can sleep there as well.

Greetings, Jaap Harkema
Hi Jaap!

Had hoped you might consider visiting Vancouver but as your message conveys, you are very busy with work. Congratulations on house in city, however. Your daughter, (Erna? Hanna?), must be delighted! After Thanksgiving meal nobody could walk, just a slow waddle!!! Best wishes to one and all. Keep in touch. Cheers, Patrizio!


7:45 start at my digs (or Tatlow) for an 8AM sharp departure from Ray's?

On route you might want to submerge off Kits beach and resurface a few
hundred metres along. There is a couple who swim in the nude every morning
all year round (true story) off the rocks west of Kits pool. Maybe the
presence of the lost rider of the deep will quicken their pace.  W

George and Pat,
Times look good for me. Look forward to continued verbal shenanigans.

Hi Lads!

No word from Marcus Aurelius but heard from Big Molly and he can't ride tomorro. However, Flamin' says she wants to join us. If she doesn't think 7:30am is too early for her to leave The Island Inn, we'll see you, Whirlygig, at the top of your street, at 7:45am so that we can meet Robo Man at the sub-station of 25th, one block, or so, east of Arbutus, at 8:00am. If she decides not to join us I'll probably wear goggles and scope out the nude swimmers off rocks near Kits Pool for a warm up! One way or another will see you both tomorrow. Cheers, Il Conduttore!

PS: Mum's the word!!! No verbal barbs. Rider breaking this rule will have to pay for lattes all round!

Hi Patrice,

Your friends at the VIFF obviously haven't been subjected to the dipsy doodling tortoise like pace of riding you adhere to. Or the constant nonsensical madman like ramblings you spew forth or they would probably not be so caring, compassionate or decent!.

Seriously though , Great fun trading barbs with you! And really sorry you went M.I.A. On us the other day, still can't believe that happened! Really enjoy the updates and I thought the description of your meeting with your mom was very touching.. Your a good son!! And good friend.

Unfortunately i have a number of things I must get done tomorrow and won't be able to make the ride however if you are heading out next week I should be able to join you.

Take care, Big Molly/ Al

Hi Big Molly/Al!

Dueling barbs next week my friend! Sorry that you won't be able to join us. No word from Marcus Aurelius but Flamin' said she wanted to join us. (Sarge is in Ottawa until next Wednesday.) If she doesn't think 7:30am is too early for her to leave The Island Inn, I told Whirlygig we would see him at the top of his street, at 7:45am so that we can meet Robo Man at the sub-station of 25th, one block, or so, east of Arbutus, at 8:00am. Found out an hour or so ago, that departure is in fact, too, too early for Flamin' so I'll probably wear goggles and scope out the nude swimmers off rocks near Kits Pool for a warm up! In response to Robo's reply I stated: Mum's the word!!! No verbal barbs. Rider breaking this rule will have to pay for lattes all round!

Did my last VIFF shift today and saw two films. The first was No More Fear. From program:

It is fitting to remember that what we have come to know as the Arab Spring began on a street in the Tunisian city of Sidi Bouazid, when 26-year-old street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi--humiliated by an encounter with a local police officer--set himself on fire in protest. From that act sprang forth a wave of protest that altered Tunisia, the Arab world and the world overall, forever. Documentarian Mourad Ben Cheikh was there to capture the mounting protests that erupted after Bouazizi's death, and he followed the uprising as it grew into a genuine revolution--a revolution that changed everything. This is his chronicle.

"As the first feature-length documentary about the Tunisian revolution, Mourad Ben Cheikh's No More Fear is exactly what one would expect: passionate, raw, and immediate... Fear brings together news footage of the demonstrations with a variety of players in the revolution, providing a diverse picture of the groundswell that rose up to topple the dictatorial regime... Ben Cheikh largely focuses on the educated middle class, though occasional interviews with people on the street make clear the cross-class alliances that brought down authoritarian President Ben Ali after 23 increasingly repressive years. Everyone agrees it was a revolution spearheaded by the young, who overcame the population's long-ingrained fear and rallied the nation via social network websites like Facebook, YouTube and blogs. [This is a] collage of intelligent, celebratory responses."--Jay Weissberg, Variety

Very, very interesting given recent political developments/changes in the Arab world. However, not as riveting as I expected it to be, under such world altering circumstances. Nevertheless, the wife, (lawyer fighting for the rights of victims of torture), and husband, (Communist Union President/organizer jailed during much of revolution), who carry a great deal of the film, are simply remarkable individuals. Their courage and tenacity in the face of this cruelly repressive regime are something to behold. Ordinary people with the strength of their convictions and willing to risk their lives to fight the injustice which permeated Ben Ali's presidency.

By chance, I met a couple, (I was taking tickets), who mentioned that they were in Tunisia shortly after the revolution. One thing led to another and I discovered that Adriana Kelder and Paul Kirby are the founders of Caravan Stage Company:

and they carry out political theatre from a 30 metre tall ship, the Amara Zee, which they designed and had built. At present they are based in Sicily and sail around the Mediterranean putting on plays with some local actors. To overcome language barriers, they project sub-titles in the language of the country/location and actually term the drama Tall Ship Theater Experimental Opera. They have a son in town, Ilya, who runs a theatre of some sort out of the old Finning Tractor premises. Just wonder if you might have heard of him and his company. Didn't get that name. Take a look at web site. Looks pretty interesting from brief glimpse I took.

Last film I saw, after my shift was over, was Nuit #1. From program:

In Montreal, two strangers--a man, Nikolai, and a woman, Clara--meet at a rave. They go back to Nikolai's apartment and begin what appears to be a typical one-night-stand. We know nothing about them, and they know nothing about each other. After making love, Nikolai falls asleep. Unable to follow suit, Clara bathes, gets dressed and walks out the door.

Then Nikolai catches her trying to make her midnight escape and asks her to come back. When she does, that's when the real intimacy of their night together begins. He caustically criticizes modern women's attitudes towards sex, then reveals his own loneliness, anxiety and despair--and his hopelessness for the future. He asks nothing of her, but describes what little he actually knows about her, and what he might not know. When Clara finally speaks, she discloses an equally candid portrait, going to the darkest places of herself. Revealing more to each other in these brutally honest soliloquies than many do during long-term relationships, the two play out the emotional arc of an intimate relationship over the course of the night.

What personal histories might bring two individuals to each other for just one night‾ First time director Anne Émond captures the physical intimacy of a sexual encounter with a stranger--and the awkwardness that follows. But she probes further into the possibilities of even the most fleeting encounter, in this bold exploration of sex, intimacy and love.

I was more than pleased that this film was shown at PCP as otherwise I may well have missed it. Certainly not one to be missed as it is a blisteringly frank, realistic, often painfully insightful portrayal of sexual, emotional and intellectual intimacy, the likes of which I have rarely, if ever, seen on the screen. The director, Anne Émond, was there to answer questions after the screening and I was quite taken with her. From the little she had time to say, she seems a remarkable person in her own right. I am proud that we have such creative and daring film makers in Canada. In many ways, a chilling portrait of "lost souls" but not a nihilistic one as the viewer if left with more than a hint of hope, after all is said and done. You need to volunteer next year!

Will be in touch about next week as we watch the weather unfold. Cheers, Il Conductore, No Longer MIA, at least until tomorrow's ride!!

Dearest Il Conductore,

How lovely to hear from you, and yes let's have some bridging soon!  This past while has been very busy with a couple of trips to T.O. to help Ma & Pa Legs out, and some Jewish holidays thrown in there too, but I am around for the next while.
Love to see you and Corinne, and timing is great as I have some more donation stuff for WISH.
L'chaim, Legs

Hi Legs!

Glad you are in town and want to play some bridge. When is a good time for you? Cora Lee and I are
busy eery evening from next Tuesday-Saturday with VIWF. We are staffing the bar at Studio 1398, one of smaller venues! Let us know what might work for you. 

L'chaim and Cheers, Il Conduttore!

PS: Covey has asked me to be auctioneer for coming Gamble!

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