Saturday 15 October 2011

IIDD, Oct 15th

Hi Pat,

Sorry I have been so terrible at keeping in touch lately.  Lots of things have been happening.  I will, however be in Vancouver-ish from the 16th to 25th, although back and forth to the island (The parents have just moved over to Cobble Hill).  If you are around, it would be great to hook up for a bit!  I will write more shortly, and give you a call on tomorrow.

Hi Pedrito!

Glad you are alive and well and visiting Vancouver! We should be home, on and off, tomorrow. For next week, however, we are both busy volunteering at the VIWF, every evening from Tuesday-Saturday, but are, generally speaking, available during the day. We are staffing the bar at Studio 1398, one of smaller venues! Let us know what might work for you. Leave a message if we happen to be out when you phone. Look forward to catching up. Cheers, Patrizio!

Thanks for the invite for this morning's ride, but I'll have to pass today. Enjoy STHH secure in the knowledge that at least it's not going out raw into Georgia Strait.
8^) cheers, Mark

Hi Laddage!

Too, too bad that the Burnaboids were not able to join us as we had a grand ride out to Iona. Flamin' was too sleepy to make the 7:30am lift-off so I rendezvoused with Raymundo and Whirlenheimer at 25th and Maple and we proceeded to Iona. Not overly breezy so going was most pleasant other than the fact that Robo Man set a furious pace, Giorgio and I gasping for breath as we tried to keep him in sight. Once at Iona Park we rode to end of spit and then headed back. Took us almost exactly an hour to get there so poifect timing for Tutor Man as he had a student to see at 10:00am, on Cypress just north of Marine.

Over the CSTB and left on Heather and 70th to drop Robo Ray off while we continued on Marine to UBC and then home. I waved goodbye to Whirlage at Talow Park with 60K on the clock. Had planned o log 100K so dips doodled around Kits Point until I upped distnace to 70K and then did the same on streets around Reckless, showing 75K as I whizzed east on Lamey's Mill Road, the breeze shooting me along!

Continued on 1st Ave to Mario's Gelato and then circled back past Science World, taking Seawall almost to Davie. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn't nearly as busy I had expected it to be so ride was most enjoyable, especially since I could lollygag along without being half-wheeled by Raymundo all the time!!! Bit more backing and forthing around Olympic Village and then I was able too head for Harbour Terrace, a cool 103.33K on my odometre as I pulled to a stop in front of garage door, my feet touching the ground for the first time in six hours as it had just gone 1:30pm. Pleased as punch I headed straight for the kitchen and enjoyed a delicious cup of java, my first of day, Whirls and Robo Man refusing to stop for lattes en route!!!

Decided I'd try to make the distance I did as weather was so glorious and I didn't know when I'd be able to log another long run over next few days/coming week. Anyway, it was a wonderful ride. I could feel it in my legs as Giorgio and I were riding along Spanish Banks and I'm sure it was the sustained speed, thanks to Ray's keeness and steady push, that we maintained for almost the entire time we were on straightaways to and from Iona. As Whirls put it, so aptly, "that boy needs a bit in his mouth!! Cheers, Il Conduttore!


Steve Lawton and I are organizing this year's Gamble. Similiar plan as in
the past. Would you be able to be our auctioneer for the calcutta on Tues
Nov 29 at 7pm?

Let me know. Thanks.

By the way, Bruce Macfarlane and I and some others are going to Portland for
the Wrightson next weekend. I will say hello to everyone for you.

Hi Pepperoni and Locker Room!

I'm more than honoured that you'd like me to be the auctioneer for the Gamble Calcutta, once again, even though I know I'm probably the last resort! Where is Brewster when I need him? HOWEVER, I'm so far out of the squash loop that I must decline, UNLESS you can provide me with the names of the majority of the teams now, as well as some biographical details about any of the players I may not know well or at all, for that matter, so that I can assess what would be involved in preparing my remarks. If I agree, (and of this writing I have not done so), I would like to do the job properly, from my point of view, and that takes a fair bit of work, whether it seems like it or not.

Please send along my best wishes and fond regards to all the Portlandians. Buona Fortuna in Wrightson. I remain, as always, your most faithful and humble servant, Il Conduttore!

Hi All,This season's sample sale officially starts on Monday, as per the message below. If you are unable to come during the week and would like to come on Sunday, call my cell on Saturday afternoon, and we can set up a time for Sunday so that I can let you in the gate.SAMPLE SALE WEEKGilmore, Far West, Viyella, Chevalier, Cavori,San Dino, La Milano, Utex, Daniel Hechter, MassimoMens'  Ladies' Spring  Fall Clothing!Lots of dress shirts, sport shirts, sweaters, suits, sports jackets, pants, belts, ties and much more! Location:Room 222- 1951 Glen Drive The FX fashion building next to Home Depot on Terminal Ave Monday, October 17- Wednesday October 19, and Friday October 20, 2011Time: 10 am- 5 pm. See you there!!!

Hi Stormin'!

Trust you and Janet and Lucy are well. Plan to pop by and say hello and add to my wardrobe!
See you this coming week. Cheers, Patrizio!

are you going?

Hi Kids:

Not sure if Cora Lee plans to take a look, (perhaps for something for Annie), but I hope to cycle over during on a day that rain isn't forecast, probably Tuesday. Cheers, Patrizio!

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