Wednesday 18 January 2012

IIDD, Jan 16th

 I prayed for freedom for twenty years, but received no answer until I prayed with my legs. -Frederick Douglass, Former slave, abolitionist, editor, and orator (1817-1895)

brunch with my Alexander...he's a man now...sigh
 Flight just got cancelled! Will send update info when available.

New itinerary

WS101 Arr YVR 3.29 pm. Will call from the train. 

Jim Hilson! Please tell him hi. Snap a picture...
Ruth Chang15 January 21:52
Jim Hilson! Please tell him hi. Snap a picture of him if you would. Also tell Her Majesty to hang in there -- it's certainly trying when the servitude is not quite the properly trained kind. It might just interfere with the recovery! I feel her pain. Hope the C$196 ticket (what is it? US$223?) work out ...

Hi Ruth!

Jim was supposed to be here by now! This from his Blackberry:

 Flight just got cancelled! Will send update info when available.

 New itinerary

 WS101 Arr YVR 3.29 pm. Will call from the train.

Once I collect Jim, we plan to play bridge with Clara and Dusty before dinner. I'll trade off with Clara as she is preparing two roast chickens and I have to do some "fancy" nugget potatoes on skewers. Bob Altwein and his girlfriend, Corinne(!), will join us. We've never met her so should be interesting! Swedish friend, Kjell, will be over as well. His girlfriend, Jane, has to work this evening at West Van Public Library so she is unable to join us. I'll take some snaps and send them along. Hello to The Absent-Minded Professor!!! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

On December 1, 1955, a white man boarded a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.  The bus driver, James F. Blake, instructed some of the African-American bus riders to move toward the back of the bus, yielding to the white passenger.  Famously, a woman by the name of Rosa Parks refused.  For this insubordination, she was arrested.   This moment is rightfully considered a linchpin moment in the American civil rights movement, as a year-long bus boycott (lead in part by Martin Luther King, Jr.) followed, ending a year later, after the federal court system finally declared the segregation of public buses to be unconstitutional.


My most humble apologies for not showing up last night and only being able to send a very hasty email to Patrick only moment before the meeting to let him know I would not be in attendance.

Without getting in to details, everything is fine although I would have enjoyed a rousing discussion on the benefits of marijuana vs. granny smith apples.

I trust the night was a rousing success and I will see you all again soon. Cheers,..Dave

Hello Patrick,

First up I want to again apologize for not making it last night and only offering up  short email explaining my absence.  I had some personal matters that arouse at the last instant that I needed to look after.  Suffice to say everything is ok.  But I did / do feel bad about the abruptness of my not being present.

Second, I received a confirmation email from the VPL for the singles event.  So thank you very much for getting down there and registering me for the event.  How nice it would be to meet a lovely lady who enjoys reading and knows the difference between Paul Austre and Dan Brown!  I am looking forward to event, if only to meet like minded readers.  And who knows what will happen at the event.

The past week for me has been uneventful.  Pretty much the same old of going to work, slugging it out, and then going home. I have been reading some great books about internet credit card and identity theft, and have been enjoying them immensely.  Current reads include The Swerve, which details the locating of a lost manuscript and how it changed the course of the world.  I love non-fiction like that.  I am also eagerly waiting The Sisters Brothers at the library.  The wait list is huge though so who knows when it will come through.

I had a good run on the weekend, which was nice.  The snow made it wet and slippery, but it was good to be outside.

Anyway Patrick I need to get back to work  Someone around here has to make some money right?

I trust you and your family are doing well.  And thanks again for the VPL favour. Cheers,..D

Hi Dave!

Glad VPL send confirmation! Your name was first on the list! Did email contain the name "Jacob Bearer"? I gather that this is to be your "character name"! As well,, is contact email address but you may well already have this information, as well as suggestions to bring a bottle of water and two or three of your favourite books, DVDs or CDs as a conversation starter. The Swerve looks very interesting and I hope to read it at some point, in the not too, too distant future. I received The Sisters Brothers for Christmas and have but a few pages left. Like it muchly and you are welcome to borrow it should you not want to wait for VPL's copy to become available. Were any of the books about internet credit card and identity theft by Misha Glenny? I heard him speak at this past VIWF in October and he was riveting. I bought both Dark Market and McMafia but haven't had time to get to them yet.

Sorry that you missed Sunday's NRBC gathering. Please don't feel badly about cancelling on short notice. Not a big deal at all. Just sorry no to have you at the table. Loads of fun. Trust you will be able to attend next one on Saturday, February 11th. You can use it as a trial run for Read Dating on 13th!

Not sure about riding weather over next little while so I'll be heading back to the pool for next few days at least. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Morana! (Morana Perić)X 
Congratulations on your new job! (Content Editor at™, part of (Nasdaq:PCLN) is the No.1 online hotel reservations agency in the world, in terms of the number of online hotel room nights sold.)
We are celebrating Branko's birthday this coming Saturday, at the Spruce Harbour Marina where he berths his boat, so should be fun. Cheers, Patrizzio! 


    Hope Corinne has a little less pain each day and is able to start moving comfortably a bit further each day.

    The ticket is outrageous. Most racks must block licence plates to some extent, especially with bikes on the rack. Probably worth contacting the manufacturers. I've always felt that officers should use a certain amount  of discretion and common sense over and above the letter of the law. It sounds like the perfect test case for a young lawyer - preferably an avid cyclist. It's all well and good being able to test the case as suggested by the motor cycle police woman but what of the inconvenience. What a farce! Ray

As you have been known to run the odd red light, Pat,  I thought this might be of value in your defense. Ray

Hi Raymond!

Enjoyed the video! I'll be sure to take it along to court on my iPad!

What with weather, of late, haven't been riding since last Thursday/Friday. On Thursday I did a re-run of Tuesday's "dissolved peleton" except only went as far as Argyle and 28th in West Van and then around Seawall again for a total of 61.33K. On Friday, it was an even nicer outing, made more special by the fact that the same, (at least I assume it was same), bald eagle was perched on a lamp standard at the very tip of Canada Place, almost at eye level since pole was one level below. What a magnificent creature! Seemed not at all concerned by the few people snapping pictures, swiveling its head almost back to front, scanning for prey, I suppose, eying us with its piercing gaze whenever the arc of vision swept past. Told a number of people, further down promenade, about its presence and they were beside themselves to be so close.

Went all the way to Marine and Travers on Friday and when I was climbing Lions Gate a large ocean going barge, pushed by a fairly decent sized huge tugboat, fitted into the horseshoe shaped stern of the barge, so designed, I presume, to accommodate the tug's bow, made its way under the bridge. Quite a sight, one that I had never encountered before. Much delighted by my good fortune at seeing the eagle and then the ingenious craft, I made my way to Prospect Point, looking forward to the "free" ride downhill! With another loop of SP Seawall I was able to clock 71.33K by the time I was home.

Managed two swims on the weekend, 2.25 miles on Saturday and just a 2K on Sunday as I had church chauffeur duty for Her Majesty. On way back from taking Corinne to morning service, I stopped about half a block form Vine to allow a cyclist to proceed up the hill, between the parked cars on either side. Knew that the roads were slippery so didn't want to chance an accident if cyclist fell as I was quite concerned that I might have little, if any chance to stop if bike and rider slipped into the middle of roadway. Once cyclist was past, I proceeded towards Vine and noticed a rider approaching the intersection. Almost as soon as I registered his presence, his bike went sideways from beneath him and he fell, sprawling just short of Vine. Lucky he was there as a car came through intersection moments later and I really don't know if it would have been able to stop in time.

At any rate, I rolled down my window when I reached the intersection. By this time rider was across Vine, pushing his bike. I asked him if he was injured and when he replied that he was fine I realized that I knew him! His name is Rob Miller, a prof in Civil Engineering at UBC. I knew him from ILL at the Library, as well as swimming at the pool there. We always chatted about Australia as he is originally from Queensland, Brisbane I think. Anyway, he said, when I asked him what happened, "Stay away from the brakes!" I gather he had braked when he saw the car coming down the hill and that caused his fall. Couldn't continue chat as another vehicle came up behind me so I waved goodbye. Anyway, glad he was unscathed. A cautionary tale nonetheless!

Not sure about riding weather over next little while so let's keep in touch. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Pat,

Thank you for the lovely evening in company of you, George, Guy, Misha, Mark, and Sarge. Looking forward for the Heart of Darkness. Cheers, Moe

Pat, thanks again for your hospitality at the Island Inn last night.

The next meeting will be Saturday, 11th February, 2012. The book is Heart of Darkness (Joseph Conrad). The plan is to watch Apocalypse Now so we probably want to begin earlier than usual. We will await confirmation that The Island Inn is available.  

Moe has suggested five books (below). Unless someone has another idea, I am going to recommend we read Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia by Michael Korda. Misha will give us his pick to follow the Korda.  

Newish to the List:
Catherine the Great by Robert K. Massie, (Moe)
Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia by Michael Korda (Moe)
Germinal by Emile Zola (Moe)
Cleopatra: A Life by Stacy Schiff (Moe)
Truth by Peter Temple (Moe)

Hi Lads!

Great evening this past Sunday. Thanks for delicious sweets, Moe. All gone now!!! As well, thanks for all the residual beer left, and Quarter Cask, Whirlissimo.

Have made the booking for the Island Inn Media Room so we are on for the screening of Apocalypsis Now, (Misha's take on Apocalypse Now!), to be followed by a spirited discussion of Heart of Darkness by Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, on date noted above. Please indicate time you'd like screening to start. Will Comrade Kalashnikov be responsible for obtaining DVD?

If everyone is agreeable, perhaps we could do a pot-luck dinner with wives/significant others should The Sisterhood be amenable.

Let me know your collective thoughts and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Il Conduttore!

 My ex-wife started taking flying lessons about the time our divorce started, and she got her license shortly before our divorce was finalised, later that same year. 

Yesterday afternoon I got a phone call, that she had narrowly escaped injury in the aircraft she was piloting. Seems she was forced to make an emergency landing in Hamilton because of bad weather. Thank God the kids weren't with her. 

The FAA issued a preliminary report, citing pilot error: She was flying a single engine aircraft in IFR (instrument flight rating) conditions while only having obtained a VFR (visual flight rating). 

The absence of a post-crash fire was likely due to insufficient fuel on board. No one on the ground was injured. 

The photograph below was taken at the scene to show the extent of damage to her aircraft. She was really lucky.

To: Corinne Durston; Michele Sutherland; Wayne Sutherland; Ayn Prince;
Chloe Dunn; Nicole Sutherland; Corey Sutherland; Ryan Sutherland

Subject: Young Lovers Beware!

Hi Kids!

Always get a second opinion!

Ayn Prince

Gee thanks...'cause there's nothing we like more than getting jokes
about oral sex from our Dads, right kids??

Ryan Sutherland

Thanks Ayn for saying what we are all thinking...
Michele Sutherland
He goes where angels fear to tread! 
 Hi Pat and Corinne,

Thanks to you folks and Claire too, for the fabulous dinner. I am dead tired and heading to bed, but before that i would like to share with you how inviting and
welcoming Corinne found the evening.

The part below is copy and paste from an earlier email today.

Word from Bob


Attached are some photos, before and after retirement, from recent days. The send-off from VCC was wonderful! The card, made in house, is Warhol inspired.

The blog links take you to my work in progress. This is intended for the trip to Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, from Jan 23 to March 19. If you open it up there
is a very compressed 32 minute digital conversion of a Super 8 movie from 1974, made by my friend Hermann Goldkamp, who lives in Germany. The "Wolfsburg Kalender 1975" includes such bad actors as Evi and i. Blogs have all the allure of slide shows, from the days of old, so proceed cautiously.

Have to share these other images with you. Spent first day of retirement on the 48th floor of the unfinished high rise at the Hotel Georgia. The wind was whistling
through the floor as not all the windows (made in China) had been installed yet. Large sheets of plastic, flapping in the freezing gusts, added to the drama of the place.
The weather on Saturday was magnificent, as you know, by the afternoon. A friend is the one of the architects in charge of this project so he took me through the security
and up to the top.

All the Best, bob ps: am copying Jim for the blog information

Hi Bob!

Great to see you and finally meet Corinne! Glad she enjoyed getting to know us!! Haven't had a moment to look at he movie but looking forward to it. Enjoyed high rise snaps very much but not sure if Warhol card was attached. Belated Happy Birthday! Buona Fortuna and Bon Voyage! Will be following your blog. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

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