Friday 20 January 2012

IIDD, Jan 20th

So many gods, so many creeds, So many paths that wind and wind, While just the art of being kind is all the sad world needs. -Ella Wheeler Wilcox, poet (1850-1919) 

Ms. Etta James...

Missing Jumper

I got a red jumper from Jan for Christmas which I think I may have left in Chloe's room. Would you mind having a look. Thx. 


The lost is found. I'm good. Thx.

Missing Jumper Never Missing Found! 

Hi Zircon!

Soon as I read your message I checked out closet. To no avail, of course. Quizzed Her Royalness and She simply sneered and dismissed me with a wave of her Royal Hand, muttering something about absent-minded clerics! Back to keyboard to discover I had been sent on a Wild Goose Chase! Rest assured, The Red Queen has an elephant's memory and there will most certainly be painful consequences come Canmore! Garner divine support at your conference as I fear you may well need it, Zirc The Jerk! (Her Majesty's words, not mine, Your Holiness!!!) I wish you well. Your Fellow Sufferer, Patrizzio, Third Coachman and Despised Under Footman!!!

PS:  Groundskeeper Dusty is clearing estate pathways of snow as I scribe, shovelfuls being tossed to left and right! 

I keep telling Albertans that Vancouver rain does not need shovelling! Dusty will be ready for the cruise.  

Hi again, Zircon!

If he isn't shoveling, he's sweeping or painting! Idle hands never!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!


How about bridge next Friday or Saturday at 5pm?  We will try and get 2 more players

Hi Mick!

Gang would love to play on Friday, January 27th if that still works. Let us know what we can contribute. Not sure about riding weather over next little while so will probably be swimming over next few days. Let us know about bridge fixings. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

My swim pal of years gone on her round the world adventure

Thought you might enjoy this page from their blog....
Cactusian (who is at work, it's 8 AM, and I don't have a blessed thing to do....)

"Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est." 

Hi Cactus!

Thanks for blog entry! Really enjoyed wonderful descriptions and pics!!!

Groundskeeper Dusty is clearing estate pathways of snow as I scribe, shovelfuls being tossed to left and right! If he isn't shoveling, he's sweeping or painting! Idle hands never!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Personally, I’ve always accounted the behavior to a mild form of Tourettes Syndrome…luckily he has supportive family and understanding friends in the Mental Health industry!

Hello Kidlets et al!

Yes, in fact, I am a sufferer, with "Clouds of Frustration Billowing from my Febrile Brain!" 

RIP Ms. Etta James....will always remember the privilege of seeing you perform live with my family at World Expo '86. *now playing...."Something told it was over..."

    • Ayn P Make that "Something told ME it was over..."

      Patrick James Dunn ‎"You can take your hat off" to this extraordinary woman, this extraordinarily gifted woman! Saucy songs with a sexy edge, raunchy and utterly human at one and the same time!

Step in the right direction...
It's been two years since the Citizens United ruling gave corporations the right to spend unlimited money buying elections. Ask Obama to undo as much of the damage as he can right away and support a constitutional amendment to get big money out of politics permanently.
You and 2 others like this.
Patrick James Dunn Unfortunately, probably just a baby step

This is my President...♥
Apollo Theatre, New York, January 19, 2012 Four More Years!!!

Women at work...

Nelson Rajkamal's photos

European Member of Parliament Takes Her Baby To Work......
Licia Ronzulli, an ME...
Patrick James Dunn Just like Nana and Chloe at Library School!

Ayn P That's exactly what I thought as well Poppa

Pat see below
Thanks for your e-mail. I didn't know you were swimming again! 
I hope you can make the Saturday or Sunday
We leave for NZ on wed 1st Feb. for 6 weeks holiday. Mick

Please tell Pat this is not the sisterhood conspiracy.  I just don’t have his email!  Mick invited you guys for dinner/bridge next Friday or Sat. Unfortunately  I  have organized for us to go out Friday.  How about Sat or Sunday??  Hope to see you , Pauline

Hi Mick and Polly!

Another Sisterhood Conspiracy in spite of disclaimer! At any rate, we'd be delighted to come on Sunday, January 29th, at 5:00pm! Let us know what we can contribute as well as an alternate date in case the 29th has already been booked by The Sisterhood, as well! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Patrick, I've seen AN a couple of times and, although I like the film, will pass on seeing it again now (not Apocalypse Now now). I look forward to post-movie spirited discussion of book and movie.

If the pot luck is on I will contribute and consume. Nancy doubtful at this point. I'm pretty flexible as to timing. Guy
Hi Guy!

So far, not many takers to view film so am wondering if we should forgo screening and just have an early meal and then discussion. May well be the last NRBC for me until we return in June so it would be fun to see everyone before we leave. Don't have to decide just yet but thought I'd mention the response to date.

Time to help Cora Lee Regina settle into bed with her twin bean bags, two ice packs, water glass,(not more than half full), latest book, reading glasses and five pillows! I exaggerate not! Cheers, Patrizzio, Her Ladyship's Long Suffering Man Servant!!!


Thanks for offering to host yet again and suggesting a potluck to precede.

Kerry and Tia would love to come for an early dinner but will not stay for
the film. Tia finds this film to be passé. She prefers something more
current with a little more graphic or gratuitous violence.

Maybe the riders can get out next week in the rain or on snowshoes. G
Hi Whirlage!

So far, not many takers to view film so am wondering if we should forgo screening and just have an early meal and then discussion. May well be the last NRBC for me until we return in June so it would be fun to see everyone before we leave. Don't have to decide just yet but thought I'd mention the response to date. As an aside, we have a copy of Reservoir Dogs which Tia is welcome to watch in the spare bedroom, although this may not be violent enough for her either!!
Rain is supposed to let up by mid-morning so I'm hoping to do some biking. Don't mind if it is a light drizzle but should it be as heavy as it was at times this afternoon, I'll be heading back to the pool. Otherwise I'd like to do another jaunt around Seawall to Stanley Park/West Van, etc. Forecast suggests a southeast wind gusting between 50 km/hr and 70 km/h in the morning so not sure how that will play out! Any interest?
Glad you are able to ride in the grip of winter, and swim of course!

They will definitely rethink the plan once they review our consumption.

Included in the cost is all wines by the glass (choice of about 20), not to mention 25 year old Highland Park ($25.00 per glass if paying separately), plus 18 year old Mac Callan, and several others!!

2 shots of the 25 year old, and you are ahead of the game-not to mention countless other goodies from the extensive bar menus.

Today we anchored back at Bora Bora-hired a local boat driven by a great Aussie guy, very passionate about the marine life, history etc.., so joined 3 other couples for agreat boat ride, swim & snorkel in lagoons.

Back to ship for a sald, pizza, and (complimentary/with package)Tahitian beer.

Once that settles, and after brief internet, back to the gym to re work the thirst and appetite.

Lurch remained in town to find a way to empty wallet of remaining local currency!!

Should be no worries there!

Will keep in touch-when do you leave?

Cheers, Grog (living up to nick name for forseeable future)

Hi Highland Park High Flyers!

Sounds like quite an adventure. How many passengers aboard?

Bit of a slow day today as I had too chauffeur Her Majesty to VPL where she wanted to work on some Friends' projects. I dropped her off at 11:30am and then made for home to pick up my swimming gear. Walked over to False Creek Ferry stop near Bridges and caught a boat to the Aquatic Centre. Found that there was a swim meet on so only widths, and just 20m at that! Centre part, with 25m lanes, was given over to competition. Nevertheless I adapted and enjoyed 1.25 miles before heading to sauna for some stretches.

Back home by 3:22pm and called Her Ladyship to say her coach was available. Picked her up and it was raining heavily by then. Once she was back at The Island Inn and settled on couch with her ice packs and tea, book and TV remote, I made for Young Brothers to pick up fixin's for the Greek salad we will take to Ragin' Bull's 60th tomorrow at Marina. After I found everything on list I popped into Minerva's to buy some feta and Ragin' walked in, doing some of his own shopping for party. We chatted and then I made for the Island Inn as we were planning to watch Pierre's game on TV, (We bought an online subscription for a month and have watched a number of games so far. Branko showed us how to connect laptop to large screen and it works well.), and I wanted to feed Mom her dinner before that.

She was in pretty good form when I arrived at Broadway Lodge and I spoon-fed her her entire plate, plus dessert! She probably has one of the best appetites of those sitting at neighbouring tables and I suppose this accounts for her longevity. Once dinner was over, I wheeled her back to her floor and put some lotion on her arms and hands. Pleased to say that the bruising there is much better than it had been before Christmas. Her skin is so thin and sensitive that it doesn't take much of a bump or pressure of some kind to cause nasty bruising to occur. At any rate, she looked well, her hair nicely done. 

Back home to connect laptop and sign-on to the host website. Tonight's match-up was an important game as both teams needed a win to help advance them to playoffs. Everyone on Thunder Wolves played well and they dominated the opposition, winning by almost 30 points. Much better than result a week or so ago when they lost by about 16 points. Unfortunately, Pierre didn't see much court time so his Nana was railing against the coach!!! Chloë, Maggie and I were quite embarrassed at her carrying on in such a fashion but she would not be restrained, shouting unmentionables at the coach and his staff. She wanted to phone in to the post-game show but I opened a Malbec and diverted her short attention span from her upset with the @#&%*)!^ coach!

Shortly before dinner, Stefano called from Old Oak. We will be in the Hunter Valley over Easter weekend and accommodation is already starting to fill up. He and Kathleen will join us there but we didn't know when they planned to arrive so had sent an email a few days ago imploring them to let us know when to expect them. Once we had the details of their itinerary we were set to book our stay. After dinner, Coriandre called Flamin' and she came up, (Sarge is in Creston for weekend at a figure skating competition), and the Sisterhood found and booked a spot. (Andrew "The Sheshevski Tapes" called, his third time today, and so I spent almost an hour listening to him while they guzzled wine and went crazy looking at places that are far too expensive for what we really need, or at least what I believe we will actually use!) At any rate, place they decided upon looks pretty comfortable so everyone, (Well, almost everyone!), is pleased to have that side of things confirmed.

Rain is supposed to let up by mid-morning so I'm hoping to do some biking. Don't mind if it is a light drizzle but should it be as heavy as it was at times this afternoon, I'll be heading back to the pool. Otherwise I'd like to do another jaunt around Seawall to Stanley Park/West Van, etc. Forecast suggests a southeast wind gusting between 50 km/hr and 70 km/h in the morning so not sure how that will play out! Plan to stop at Legacy at some point to pickup a bottle of interesting bourbon for Ragin' as he seems to be partial to corn liquor of late!!

Time to help Cora Lee Regina settle into bed with her twin bean bags, two ice packs, water glass,(not more than half full), latest book, reading glasses and five pillows! I exaggerate not! Cheers, Patrizzio, Her Ladyship's Long Suffering Man Servant!!!

Corinne and Pat,
    Hope you are making good progress, Corinne. Had a letter from Felicity saying how nice it was to meet you both. She also included a newspaper article on cycle trails in NZ. I have just gone into the web site and I think you will find it interesting, Pat.
Hi Raymond!

Thanks for website. Not sure if I'm looking at same one as address provided doesn't seem to exist!

According to Google:

We did not find results for:

Did You Mean: NZ Cycle Trail

Did a bit of searching and found some sites of interest but thought I'd ask first so let me know when you have a moment. Really enjoyed meeting Felicity as well and will send along an email shortly. That is, a long email shortly!!!

Sorry to hear the peleton has been suspended.With a peleton of one I don't have these problems unless Chris accompanies me when I have to pass the coffee shops. She usually does around 10 miles and I get up to about eighteen before I lose the will. 

I have Christine out working part time most days, Doncaster yesterday, York today and Pool in Wharfedale earlier in the week (twice). After driving her to near Doncaster and  hitting a few balls on the driving range I set out to walk along the canal banks and met up with four locals who encouraged me to join them on their daily walk. Two were pushing bikes for some reason, one had two dogs- not his own, and the other kept marching off to the others' annoyance. Through them I found some new routes and we did 4 to 5 miles, which is twice what I would have done, before my coffee break. They even told me their meeting time for next time Chris was down there. It was interesting to hear their views on life round there- although it was a mining area and still is to a limited extent , none of them had been miners. We chatted about Alick Jeffrey you might remember him Ray as a precocious footballer for Doncaster Rovers who broke his legs twice and was finished by the time he was eighteen or so. I had my first walk across an aquaduct where one of the canals crossed the River Don.

I am now becoming even more obsessed by exercise - I might blame you two for this. Running this morning- I am gently trying to build my stamina back  and have set myself some modest targets for the end of the year. With weight training in the garage, cycling, the static bike, occasional forays to the tennis courts and some local walking and my once a month to the Harrogate gym I feel I justify my Americanos and real ales to say nothing of the occasional malt. I try not to be intimidated by reports of excessive cycling and swimming form the New World.

It is grey and miserable outside at around 5 degrees C and getting dark at 4.45pm. We paid our second visit to the local golf club for a drink on returning from my mothers the other day and chatted with a father, Alistair,  of a boy Rich used to go to school with and play soccer and rugby with. He was an ex captain of the club and his three boys all have low handicaps. Quite nice to be able to pop round the corner to the club- less than half the distance to the Windmill, Ray- although we did use the car. A bit like  a more luxurious version of  the West Clubhouse before its nemesis. Alistair mentioned they were going to Mauritius for 2 weeks which seemed like a good idea in January. They are from Northern Island and he used to work for ICI Fibres in Harrogate.
We hope to have dinner together at the club when they return.

We are also hoping to get a seat in the local cinema to see War Horse and then the Iron Lady in the next couple of weeks. I trust there will be no trouble these times over seating, programme or talking.

Do you get up into the snow fields at this time of year? I imagine the cable cars to Grouse Mountain etc and the roads to Whistler are very busy. I read today about a Canadian free style skier being killed. Can one do Nordic skiing without going to the top of these mountains? 

I watched a glimpse of last week's rugby and Hopper who Ray and I discussed scored a neat try but then at the other end missed a tackle from which a try resulted. Perhaps as well he isn't selected for the squad. Looking forward to the light relief of the Six Nations Games and tea in front of the box at half time.

Now you have both mastered the science of particle physics, no doubt on your collective bike rides, have you given any thought to putting your blogs into the "cloud"? That way Patrick wouldn't have to send out emails, merely put his thoughts and accomplishments on the cloud and let us access them when we feel like it - Ray from his ipad for example or, for those lucky enough to have one, from their iphone or similar. As you may have gathered I am experimenting with this in parallel with my abortive foray into LinkedIn. All was not entirely in vain as through Rich we have persuaded Laura to put her background into Linked In- my original objective.

Ed had his plaster taken off yesterday- any similar success at the Island Inn?

We had Brian and Pat round for coffee last weekend Ray- they are looking forward to seeing Sylvia. 

I hope winter is passing pleasantly. Best wishes Jim

Hello Mr Exercise Buff!

Not sure that knocking back countless Americanos, numberless pints of ale and daily drams of malt qualifies as exercise but certainly marks you as suffering from an obsessive/compulsive disorder, not to say triple addiction! Flamin' needs to get you into one of her treatment centres, Lad!  And sharpish, like!!!

Bit of a slow day today as I had too chauffeur Her Majesty to VPL where she wanted to work on some Friends' projects. I dropped her off at 11:30am and then made for home to pick up my swimming gear. Walked over to False Creek Ferry stop near Bridges and caught a boat to the Aquatic Centre. Found that there was a swim meet on so only widths, and just 20m at that! Centre part, with 25m lanes, was given over to competition. Nevertheless I adapted and enjoyed a paltry, hardly worth recording 1.25 miles before heading to sauna for some stretches.

Fondestos to the hard working spouse, Christine! Cheers, Patrizzio, Her Ladyship's Long Suffering Man Servant!!!


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