Monday 30 January 2012

IIDD, Jan 27th

Prayers are to men as dolls are to children. They are not without use and comfort, but it is not easy to take them very seriously. -Samuel Butler, poet (1612-1680) 

Hi Brenda Louise!

Must really apologize for being so tardy with my reply! However, as Manservant to her Liege Ladyship, I still have a heavy number of unpaid chauffeuring commitments to discharge, even though Her Royalness was able to start weight bearing this past Friday! Unfortunately, for me, she now has use of the Royal Cane with which to beat me soundly about my hunched shoulders/withers! Nevertheless, my imposed obligations are still fairly onerous and she keeps finding ways to order me about with but the flick of a royal finger, the practiced ease of a haughty aristocrat! (Parenthetically, on my begrudged half-day off, Thursday afternoon, saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, US version, and enjoyed it immensely. Still like the Swedish films but feel that this remake is very, very good. Not something that I had expected, to tell you the truth.)

Great snap of your lovely grandchildren. Can see you in them!!!

My swimming continues to go well. Last Wednesday I was able to do 3.25 miles and did shave off a few minutes for each mile so was pleased to see that my form seems to be improving, even if slowly. Still, this exercise seems to be helping my shoulder so am grateful for that. Doesn't seem to ache quite as much on longer rides, per esempio.

On that front, Robo Ray and I did our usual Stanley Park jaunt on Friday, meeting Kjell, on the West Van side of Lions Gate. (He is only an inch or so taller than Whirlygig, if that, yet is quite uncomfortable about riding over LG, fearing, so he says, of being blown over railing!) At any rate, we made our way to Travers and Marine Drive and then back to his place, near Tatlow and Marine. Kjell has not been riding much of late so he didn't want to attempt Seymour, as I had first suggested when we rendezvoused. At any rate, after we waved goodbye, Raymundo and I made our back towards LG and discovered a very pleasant, freshly surfaced bike trail which we followed back to the bridge. At some point it skirts the Capilano Reserve of the Squamish First Nation. Not sure how far it goes to the east but will investigate on our next ride in this vicinity. From looking a some cycling maps, think that it might go as far along the north side of Welch Street and West 1st Street from Pemberton Avenue to MacKay Avenue. Eventually, I gather, "The Spirit Trail will be a unique, waterfront-oriented, multi-use and fully accessible greenway that will provide pedestrians, cyclists, inline skaters and people with wheeled mobility aids access across the North Shore, from Horseshoe Bay to Deep Cove."

For the present, however, it makes a wonderful addition to our North Shore ride and we had logged almost 40km by the time we were headed back over LG. Weather was superb and sun even graced us by peeking out from behind the clouds as we made our way downhill from Prospect Point. At bottom, I asked Robo Ray if he fancied another loop of the Seawall but he declined. he has not been riding much since snow and nasty weather have prevented much sustained cycling and felt his legs were tired. This being the case, I accompanied him to Macdonald and Point Grey and then, waving goodbye, made my way back towards Science World. I wanted to stop at Tru-Value Optical on Ash and Broadway to collect another receipt for new glasses I had purchased last August. (Couldn't seem to find original and needed it to submit a claim to our Pacific Blue Cross plan, along with physio charges I'd amassed last fall before seeing shoulder specialist. Had waited to submit former as our vision allowance didn't kick in until 2012.) Was pleased to pull up to storefront with 75.33km on my trusty odometre!!!

Home by just before 4:00pm so it was a pretty lengthy ride, chronologically speaking, as we left Harbour Terrace at 11:00am. Slow but sure!! Still, I was delighted to have been able to enjoy the wonderful day. The temperature was truly pleasant and I didn't realize until I took off my cycling togs that I hadn't been wearing the vest that I usually put on for extra warmth/wind protection, over my two long-sleeved undershirts. Had fully intended to wear it as forecast indicated that it was to be cool and windy. Not so at all. (As an aside, I had a brief telephone chat with my brother-in-law, George, in Manitoba, yesterday afternoon, and he harangued me, as he is wont to do, about how inexpensive it is to live at Falcon Lake, property values/taxes, etc., compared to Vancouver. I just laughed at him and asked if he could cycle in January, dressed as I had been, without even socks!)

After a quick cup of java I went over to Broadway Lodge to give Mom her dinner so wasn't back until close to 6:00pm. She is spending much of her time sleeping now so meal times really are the best way to visit with her. Forecast here looks promising for Wednesday so am hoping to get out again.
At this point, not sure which other Riders of the Purple Sage might wish to join peleton. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

So the valley has all these older apartments with '80's wet bars in the living room (giggle)...I can just picture myself with a 'lil soft muzak (a disco rendition of Girl From Ipanema perhaps), shaking dirty martinis...I'll need a shag rug to complete the whole scene...and some glass and chrome tables...oh yeah pad will be the place to be.
 Patrick James Dunn Femme Fatale with an alluring, enigmatic smile!!!
Jake and Angelo!

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