Monday 12 December 2011

IIDD, Dec 12th

That action is best which accomplishes the greatest happiness for the greatest numbers. -Francis Hutcheson, philosopher (1694-1746) 


Sounds like Cora Lee may be better to stay at home? We would take you out for dinner, but maybe better to dine in? If so, we would like to pick up some steaks from our old favourite butcher at Granville Island, plus some appies. I'll also take care of the wines. Among others, I have a magnum of Osoyoos Larose that I was saving until we all got together. Might be a good night for that. Plus some other old Washington favourites...

Let me know if you like that idea, or anything else. I'll call you around 6:00PM tonight. (I'm playing squash WED at 5:00PM, but could get to the Island Inn by around 7:00PM.) Francesca would get there earlier with supplies. Maybe talk you into doing your delicious salad and spuds? If Sarge is there, he & I could BBQ-probably too late for Dusty. We can discuss details later...Cheers, Gregg

Hi Grogg and Lurch!

Dinner fixin's and hootch sound wonderful BUT we have tickets for White Christmas at the Stanley! I had forgotten about the musical when we chatted last night. Not sure what Flamin' plans to do. Latest is that her Doc thinks she may have a broken or badly bruised rib or two. I talked with her just after noon when I brought Cora Lee back from seeing her surgeon. She and Molly Mop were on the couch. Apparently she made it to parking lot at work and then turned around and came back home. She's poppin' Chloë's Tylenol 3's, (overlefts from her recent tonsillectomy!), so she's all jacked up on goofballs! I happened to tell her about Cora Lee running over Maggie's tail this morning just after feeding her and she started to laugh, only to be immediately wracked with pain from her ribs! I told her I would tickle her if she didn't give me the key to Sarge's malt cabinet! Anyway, I'll let her decide on dinner as if she doesn't feel up to play then she might well appreciate your offer.

We are going to the Keatings tomorrow, before curling, as we are meeting with Laura, their youngest, and James, her fiancee, in from Oz fro Christmas hols. His parents live on Mornington Peninsula, below Melbourne, and have invited us to stay. As well, Kathleen and Steve have close friends with a mansion there and might well arrange a visit at same time. Unfortunately, set up evening so that Sarge and Flamin' could meet James but now Sarge can't come as he has meetings before late draw and Flamin' is injured.

Speaking of K/S, they will be checking out of the Island Inn on Wednesday to stay with Kathleen's Mom, in Burnaby, so I don't think dinner will work for them. I had thought, initially, that perhaps you could connect here, given our theatre commitment.  I've copied Stevealimo/Colonel Cathcart so he/she will be in touch about getting together.

With respect to Cora Lee, fortunately she didn't do any damage to her toes, (only Maggie's tail suffered!), when she lost her balance getting up off the couch this morning at 5:00am to go to the bathroom. She inadvertently put all her weight on the foot that isn't to have any weight bearing for next six weeks! Dottore said all was fine, x-ray taken after surgery shows all is well and fall/misstep didn't do any damage, other than to cause excruciating pain for some time! (She probably did it on purpose. Good excuse for more goofballs!!) I parked at Safeway on Broadway and Macdonald and skateboarding on her nifty, mini-four wheeler, kneeling with her right leg on padded support, she managed distance from office across the street to car with little, if any, difficulty. I suggested that she do shopping for fruit and vegetables at Young Brothers, (Broadway and Trutch, hardly five blocks west!), and I'd run a few other errands before collecting her. Bit of eye daggerage, Dear Reader!

Back at The Island Inn she settled onto couch and I took out the recycling. Met neighbours, Dianna and Bob, who moved into Harbour Terrace this past July. Bob had his left knee replaced two weeks ago and is still using a walker. I invited them in to say hello to The Canadian Patient and they compared notes on pain medication, bowel movements and the like! I suggested that we hold races in the hallway, placing bets on the walker vs the mini-bike. Even have extra bike helmets in case of spills or dirty racing moves!!!

Anyway, we'll chat this evening but just wanted to let you know our schedule so that you can better figure out your plans. Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for a great party last night. Everything was superb - the food, wine,
the conversation. You do throw great parties! Hope you're enjoying the sun today. Have a great Christmas if I don't see you before the holidays! Talk soon! Milton

Hi Generalissimo!

Glad you enjoyed yourself! Delighted that you could join us. Thank you for all the lovely gifts. Only sorry that we didn't have more time/opportunity to visit. Would like to arrange an evening when we can chat about Hong Kong so let's try to figure out what might work over next month or so.

In case we don't connect before 2012, Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you, Milton, and your family. All the best. Cheers, Patrizio!

OK, Canadian Fagin! Thanks for the news. You'll have mine, much drabber I'm sure, when I get there.
Please, bring Corinne my very best wishes for a quick recovery. Scrooge

Hello Scrooge!

Cora Lee sends her thanks for your sympathy since she says she receives little if any here! Must really apologize, once again, for having taken so long to reply but life has been a veritable whirlwind of social activity over last week and more, what iwth visitors and post-op blues!. These two events alone have kept us hopping, (literally, in Corinne's case), so to speak!

We held a mini-Christmas Open House/Welcome to Vancouver/Birthday Party this past Sunday. Close friends, Kathleen and Steve, from Melbourne, are here for a month, visiting friends and family. They have been staying with us since they arrived on Wednesday, Decemebr 7th and de-camped to her Mother's in Burnaby, a week later. We will be staying with them, mid-March, shortly after Flamin' and Sarge arrive in Melbourne. They live about 30 minutes south of Bendigo, in a tiny hamlet, North Harcourt, about 20 minutes north of Castlemaine, only about 90 minutes north of Melbourne itself, with new highway, completed since we were last there in 2006.

Flamin' and Sarge were planning to attend celebrations once they returned from Whistler. Flamin' had arranged to take ski lessons and on Saturday morning, shortly after session began, she hit a patch of ice and fell, not really doing any damage. However, a few moments later, another student in class came flying over same small rise, lost her balance and went flying, making a landing, with her ski boots right into Michele's back! The impact knocked Flamin' further down the slope and then the "slammer" drove into her, yet again, helplessly carried along by momentum on the icy slope, following after the "slammee", her newfound punching bag/brake! Long and the short of it is that Flamin' sustained two cracked/broken ribs, #9 and #11, as well as some considerable soft tissue trauma. Not sure of the all the details but she will be allowed to go back to work on Monday. She was in terrible pain, barely able to move on Sunday and was popping Chloë's Tylenol 3's, overlefts from her tonsillectomy, about two months ago now! She did make a brief appearance that evening but only stayed long enough to knock back a stiff rum 'n coke poured by ex-Navy, No Good, (NG, Norman Glen), Dusty Durston!

In addition to the gifts I'd received earlier in week, cycling friend, Big Molly, gave me a hilarious framed "photo-shopped" cover of Cycling World and a glorious green lycra cycling shirt that is really too, too good to wear, at least for riding! Chloë gave me some snazzy cycling shorts, (more zippers than a Hell's Angels' leather jacket), once again, so stylish I can only wear them to Church on Christmas Eve! (This "pretend" refusal to wear stylish garments drives The Sisterhood nuts!")

The Island Inn was also the fortunate recipient, from Famiglia Banks, of a huge container of leek soup, (last of the leeks from the garden, I gather), and a quarter round, or so, of one of the giant red cabbages we've enjoyed, from their garden, over the Fall. Clarisse had baked two Angel Food cakes for my birthday, slathered in chocolate pudding icing. Discovered I was nine years younger when I blew out the candles as The Sisterhood could only find two "Fives" in drawer when it came time to decorate cakes! Also noticed that Robo Ray had more than one piece of cake but refrained from making an issue of it as Sylvia mentioned he is rather testy these days, the cold temperatures getting to him! As well, he is fretting over the expense of having had his two bikes over-hauled and to recoup the outrageous expenditure is now working on a web-site to make PsCyco-Socks, (He wears large socks over his cycling shoes!), available on-line! Perfect stocking stuffers or indeed, perfect stockings, particularly the XXL, to hang on the mantlepiece! Nevertheless, a grand time and loads of fun visiting and celebrating with wonderful friends and family!

For her part, Cora Lee continues to do well. This past Monday, at noon, I drove her to a scheduled post-operation appointment with her surgeon. She was more than a bit concerned as she lost her balance getting up off the couch that morning at 5:00am to go to the bathroom. She inadvertently put all her weight on the foot that isn't to have any weight bearing for next six weeks! She was very concerned that she had done some serious damage to her toes. Fortunately, Dottore said all was fine, x-ray taken after surgery showed all was well and fall/misstep didn't do any damage, other than to cause excruciating pain for some time! (She probably did it on purpose. Good excuse for more pain killers!) I parked at Safeway on Broadway and Macdonald and skateboarding on her nifty, mini-four wheeler, kneeling with her right leg on padded support, she managed distance from office across the street to car with little, if any, difficulty. I suggested that she do shopping for fruit and vegetables at Young Brothers, (Broadway and Trutch, hardly five blocks west!), and I'd run a few other errands before collecting her. Bit of eye daggerage, Dear Reader! If looks could kill!

Back at The Island Inn she settled onto couch and I took out the recycling. Met neighbours, Dianna and Bob, who moved into Harbour Terrace this past July. Bob had his left knee replaced two weeks ago and is still using a walker. I invited them in to say hello to The Canadian Patient and they compared notes on pain medication, bowel movements and the like! I suggested that we hold races in the hallway, placing bets on the walker vs the mini-bike. Even have extra bike helmets in case of spills or dirty racing moves!!!

Tuesday night she was getting up from toilette and thought that she was going to fall so she grabbed the towel rack on the wall, to steady herself, and ripped it right out of the gyp-rock! Wonder Woman, fighting inanimate objects wherever they lurk! No evil coat-rack, nefarious picture frame or villainous lamp stand is safe from her all seeing eyes and deadly stumbling! Dusty came over next day to inspect damage and I wondered if we should move the rack up when re-attaching it. He replied, rather testily, that it would have been be better by far if she simply hadn't grabbed onto it in the first place. And this is his first born!!! Of course I could never agree with such a cruel statement of fact!!!

Took in White Christmas: The Musical, at the Stanley on Thursday night. It was a wonderful production, energetic and spirited cast and ensemble. Terrific music, of course, and all of the choreography, tap-dancing atop a piano, per esempio, was just delightful, even thrilling. Everyone enjoyed it immensely. Took a bit of effort to get The Injured and Recovering Sisterhood to the theatre. Sarge drove Cora Lee and her Mom, as well as Flamin' and Nicole followed in her car with Dusty and I, dropping us off. Helped Cora Lee into her seat in "handicapped" section as she had use her "skateboard" while Sarge parked a block or so away. Nicole had found a spot shortly after she pulled away and called her Dad to let him know that she was offering Valet Service! Saving space until he arrived, she pulled out and he pulled in. Slick!!!

I walked over to Arts Club Box Office that afternoon to pick up tickets that Corinne had been able to exchange for seats that would allow her leg to be elevated. Usher was extremely helpful and provided two stiff, foam cushions to act as a foot rest. Funnily enough there was another young woman beside us with her leg in a boot. She had an injured achilles tendon but ultra-sound showed but a 25% tear so her dottore said she only had to wear it for two weeks. Unfortunately, Flamin' had to leave at the Intermission as she was in too much back pain, exacerbated, I suppose by having to sit through almost 90 minutes of Act I. Nicole came to fetch her so after the performance there was room for everyone in Sarge's vehicle. Dusty and I were pleased as otherwise we'd have had to walk home in the cold and the rain.

Quiet evening last night as together with Rosie and Dusty we watched Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. Everyone, except Dusty, had seen it when it came out so we wanted him to see it before going to sequel. Think I even enjoyed it more the second time as I could appreciate what was going to happen and concentrate on how events unfolded.

Tonight we are having two tables of bridge at The Igloo, The Penguin's abode on Maple and Broadway. Used to play doubles with Janet Scott. Her Mom, Gladys Knight and the Pips, is in town for hols and we have played with her on a number of occasions. Should be fun, especially as I have "fabulous" bridge prizes, purloined from he re-cycling area in our parkade! Re-gifting Never Sleeps!!!

Off to the Aquatic Center after I run Her Ladyship's shower. Molto difficile to aid in the bathing process when Mistress Nibs insists I am to be blindfolded while she annoints herself with unguents and scented oils. Bit like the Blind Leading the Lame and Halt! Onward! Fight!! Cheers, Fagin!

Amazingly in this economy here are some job opportunities! See the website for further information. 
 Hi Jill!

Trust you are well. Best wishes for a Happy Christmas and Healthy New Year to you and family. Please pass along seasons greetings to all the friends we made in Skopelos! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

akikoomeara @akikoomeara562 is now following you (@patriziodunn).

I am really love the outdoors from playing softball, going for hikes, rock climbing or just relaxing at the lake. please follow me.


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