Wednesday 14 December 2011

IIDD, Dec 14th

If you pray for rain long enough, it eventually does fall. If you pray for floodwaters to abate, they eventually do. The same happens in the absence of prayers. -Steve Allen, television host, musician, actor, comedian, and writer (1921-2000) 

You folks in Friday a.m. around 9 to 10am? We could stop in to see how everyone is doing. Thought we’d also drop off the Durston’s invoice for their insurance when we go to the market that day. 

Hi Duhlink!

Sorry to hear about Doug's back and your over-extended self. Trust things are better, on all fronts, by now. We missed your company but certainly understand. Had a grand time and it was loads of fun. 


Hi Charlie, I will be here. See you then. Corinne

Hi Champagne and O Susannah!

We'd be delighted to have you pop by on Friday and have a chance to share Life With The Crabby and Crabbier!!!!

On Monday, at noon, I drove Cora Lee to a scheduled post-operation appointment with her surgeon. She was more than a bit concerned as she lost her balance getting up off the couch that morning at 5:00am to go to the bathroom. She inadvertently put all her weight on the foot that isn't to have any weight bearing for next six weeks! She was very condcerned that she had done some serious damage to her toes. Fortunately, Dottore said all was fine, x-ray taken after surgery showed all was well and fall/misstep didn't do any damage, other than to cause excruciating pain for some time! (She probably did it on purpose. Good excuse for more pain killers!) I parked at Safeway on Broadway and Macdonald and skateboarding on her nifty, mini-four wheeler, kneeling with her right leg on padded support, she managed distance from office across the street to car with little, if any, difficulty. I suggested that she do shopping for fruit and vegetables at Young Brothers, (Broadway and Trutch, hardly five blocks west!), and I'd run a few other errands before collecting her. Bit of eye daggerage, Dear Reader!

Back at The Island Inn she settled onto couch and I took out the recycling. Met neighbours, Dianna and Bob, who moved into Harbour Terrace this past July. Bob had his left knee replaced two weeks ago and is still using a walker. I invited them in to say hello to The Canadian Patient and they compared notes on pain medication, bowel movements and the like! I suggested that we hold races in the hallway, placing bets on the walker vs the mini-bike. Even have extra bike helmets in case of spills or dirty racing moves!!!

Last night she was getting up from toilette and thought that she was going to fall so she grabbed the towel rack on the wall, to steady herself, and ripped it right out of the gyp-rock! Wonder Woman, fighting inanimate objects wherever they lurk! No evil coat-rack, nefarious picture frame or villainous lamp stand is safe from her all seeing eyes and deadly stumbling! Hope we'll be able to offer you a cup of java, if the kitchen is still intact, by Friday morning!!! Cheers, Patrizio! 

See you then! Charlie

Sorry to have missed your soiree… and to be such a bah humbug.  I was at capacity this past weekend with events and tasks/chores and simply drained myself.  Doug threw out his back working on building a deck in our back yard with a friend and I just got to the point where I had to stop and concede that I over extended myself.

My apologies for pulling a no show.  I know your house would have been filled with laughter, great food and fab peeps.  I wish you and Corinne all the best and send you my love.

Cheers dahling, E

Hi Duhlink!

Sorry to hear about Doug's back and your over-extended self. Trust things are better, on all fronts, by now. We missed your company but certainly understand. Had a grand time and it was loads of fun.

Hope we'll be able to see you over hols so keep in touch. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizio!


Thanks for the photos from which I detect that you have had some great clear days while somewhat cold? I also note the booties and it occurred to me they could be a possible Christmas present for me but then I assumed one might have to have clip on pedals to use them? I couldn't work out where the impressive passage through the rock was.

Today the gales have abated and we have also a beautiful clear day so far at 4 degrees- good for a trip out on the bike. however I am still struggling to get rid of the Tenerife cold and feel I will never recover until  I cut out the exercise. I was in Harrogate yesterday mainly to their library and it was freezing. I managed to use my bus pass which I felt good about as Chris had the car in York doing some interviewing for York St John University.

Apologies for not responding earlier but apart from the cold we are playing Christmas catch up , one of the downsides of going away. I erected out two artificial trees yesterday and received the usual flak- not real, not tall enough, poor lights etc.

We received a short email circular from Ken from which I take it his Mum is worse and he may be coming over at any time.

My mother has just become a great great grandmother- the circumstances I shall tell you about some time but it involves a 16 year old great grandson and a fifteen year old girl- all this on my sister's side- pretty upsetting when it started though everyone seems to have come to terms with it for the time being.

The holiday went well for us apart from my cold and Chris having a sickness bug for a day. I was swimming in the sea comfortably up to our last day ie December 8 and I find that remarkable at this time of year whilst in Europe- although strictly speaking off the African coast. With little in the way of waves and so far no threats of sharks I find the swimming very pleasant- only playing at it really.

We saw Rene and Carol at the weekend after their trip to Perth (and Bali) to see one of her sisters. They loved being there again but said there were plenty of spare seats in the aircrafts indicating less Uk people travelling to Oz on account of the exchange rate and general cost of things over there. I have to say that with the length of the journey coupled with the exchange rate I can see myself having to make do with the short trips to the Canaries in late Autumn rather than the longer trips we have taken to oz in the past. Rene hope to go again in 2014 when he finally lets Carol retire.

Have you been following events in the EU? It appears we are outnumbered 26 to 1( as stressed by the dear old BBC) whilst it appears to a neutral that the EU have done nothing to address the fundamental problems of the euro and it looks as if they will have problems with their embryonic agreement. Much of this seems to be posturing by Merkel and Sarkozy who have elections to face internally. How is your North American agreement going with USA and Mexico I wonder. If the bureaucrats had their way we would no longer be in England but in some north eastern department of Europe.

Speaking of agreements or non agreements I read that Canada is taking flack on the environmental front by withdrawing from Kyoto and that the environmentalists are against your exploiting shale oil or as they would say "tar sands". We have discovered massive shale oil deposits in Lancashire so we will be facing similar obstacles. Meanwhile it looks like more and more windmills on sea and land even if one or two blew up in the wind last week when most were not working.

I was devastated when I read of Patrick swimming for three miles. I am not sure what is worse a 120k daily cycle ride or three mile crawl-  I couldn't contemplate either. Moderation in all things is my maxim. I shall make no mention of liquor in case I offend.

What do you think of England's rugby "solutions" Ray? It does appear like a new start for the Home Nations in terms of management, coaching and probably players- not an easy feat to bring off successfully. Ireland getting too old, Wales can never bring anything to fruition, Scotland improving but not good enough, Italy struggling as usual- makes for French success? I am sure I shall be proved wrong as a pundit. Any Canadian reaction to the World Cup?

We wish you and your families well for Christmas and the New Year. We are certainly looking forward to getting together as a family for a few days. Apart from attending Wetherby Races on Boxing Day we shall probably organise a walk either in the Lakes or on the North York Moors or Dales. Chris appears to have plenty of work lining up for the next term which helps me justifying being in Britain during winter.

Best Regards Jim

Hi Latte Ladies and Lads!

Robo Ray will have heard some of this before but thought I'd adopt the 'West Hartlepool/Wetherby" style of killing two messages with one reply! First, thanks so much, Chris and Jim, for simply lovely calendar of Yorkshire. Very much appreciated and it will have pride of place in our kitchen, on wall next to coffee pot so I'll dream of the dales every time I have a latte!!!

Thanks also for the great snaps of Tenerife. Sorry to hear that you are still fighting a cold, Jim. I do believe that it is a direct result of your lack of sufficient quantities of Vitamin M which one can only obtain in single malt! I could send you a prescription for over-the-counter medication as I have a standing order from my local pharmacist/grog shop owner! Chris probably stops in, for the off nip or two, while pretending to be working in York!!!

I sympathize with your Blue Blue Christmas Tree experience, Jim. Cora Lee and Dusty had put up our tree, (a 5.5' Noble Fir I'd brought home, week ago this past Monday, after volunteering at Aunt Leah's Christmas Tree, charity for youth at risk), lot on Tuesday morning, after I'd left for my ride, but by that night Die Direktoren had decided she wanted it raised! Had thought of building a small platform, on which to place the tree stand, out of scrap lumber but realized that the multiple milk crate approach was simpler. The Brewery takes delivery of some dairy products for the food service operation in the Tap Room and Chloë knew that there were scads of empty crates in one of the storerooms there. She phoned ahead and arranged to have four waiting for me.

Once I'd collected them Dusty came over and tied them together with some strong plastic twine. After he was satisfied with the arrangement, we picked up the tree, water-filled stand and all, and Chloë positioned the platform under the stand. Woiked poifectly and Coriandre was more than delighted when she returned from a VPL Board Meeting to see our handiwork. Higher positioning really shows off the tree and makes it easier to water, not to mention making more room for more presents under its boughs!!!

We held a mini-Christmas Open House/Welcome to Vancouver/Birthday Party this past Sunday. Close friends, Kathleen and Steve, from Melbourne, are here for a month, visiting friends and family. They have been staying with us since they arrived last Wednesday and will de-camp to her Mother's in Burnaby, this afternoon. We will be staying with them, mid-March, shortly after Flamin' and Sarge arrive in Melbourne. They live about 30 minutes south of Bendigo, in a tiny hamlet, North Harcourt, about 20 minutes north of Castlemaine, only about 90 minutes north of Melbourne itself, with new highway, completed since we were last there in 2006.

I received some wonderful presents for my 64th. Actual birthday was the previous Tuesday. I started it off by going on a glorious ride around Stanley Park with Whirlygig. It was reasonably foggy/misty, but not particularly cold, and city looked absolutely wonderful, shrouded as it was, sounds seemingly muffled. Giorgio left me at Macdonald and Point Grey as he had errands to run to get ready for his coming ski trip to Rossland. I continued on out to UBC and along Marine Drive to 41st, making my way towards Arbutus and Dino, my barber, owner of Economy Barbershop on corner of 41st and West Boulevard. Had to do a bit of dipsy-doodling around some of the Kerrsidale streets beforehand as I had decided I'd ride 64K to celebrate my birthday. Stopped with 64.64K on the odometer so that was my first birthday present to myself!

After being shorn by Dino, wished him a Happy Christmas and made my way back towards home, down Macdonald and then east on 2nd, stopping at 2nd and Burrard, at Modern Nails, for a pedicure! Enjoyed a delicious back/shoulder/neck pummeling in the massage chair while I was having my feet pampered. My second birthday present to myself! By the time pedicure was finished it was just after 5:00pm so I raced home to have a quick shower as I needed to be ready to curl with Flamin' and Sarge at 6:15pm. They collected me and we made our way to VCC, now in the facility built for the Olympic/Para-Olympic events.

We had a great game, managing to steal one point every end, often just a squeaker, for the first five ends. On the sixth, the opposition scored their first point but clock had run out so we shook hands and repaired to the bar. It was our mini-Christmas Party with pizza and beer. League fees cover costs for such food and one pitcher of draft per team. Pizza came from Camy's Pizza and they were divine, particularly the Butter Chicken! I had ordered a large cake from Costco and after everyone had feasted on the delicious pizza I gave a couple of "Attenzziones" and then thanked Team Johnson for allowing us to win on my birthday. Then I proceeded to lead the gang in a boisterous round of For He's A Jolly Good Fellow! My third birthday present to myself! Everyone enjoyed the short sing along and the cake and so it was loads of fun, celebrating my 64th with 64, (16 teams in our Granville Island League), curling friends.

Back home, Flamin' and Sarge came up to have a birthday drink and I opened a number of presents. Everyone was most impressed with the magnificent, enormous Christmas cake Robo Ray had left for me day before my birthday, and I mentioned that he'd been keeping us abreast of recipe and shopping for ingredients over rides during November. Whirlygig had left two very nice bottles of wine and a book on our patio, just before our ride that morning. Flamin' and Sarge gave me a super malt, Arran, The Amarone Cask Finish, 50%, spice and warmth in the mouth, extremely well balanced with a most satisfying Amarone finish, so we needed a couple of snorts to make sure it was as good as we thought it was! Cora Lee presented me with a Sirius Satellite Radio so that I can listen to commercial-free music, talk and comedy on our road travels. Basically it's really a present for her so that she can read without having me interrupt her, continually asking her to look for a static-free station of play a certain selection on the iPod!

For her part, Chloë claimed she wanted to to prolong the gift giving so she was planning to give me my present from her on the weekend, while Maggie promised not to wake us up before 8:00am for a month! This, plus all the wonderful wishes, cards and email, from friends near and far, and I certainly counted myself a very fortunate Birthday Senior, (if not Boy), indeed!

In addition to the gifts mentioned above, Big Molly gave me a hilarious framed "photo-shopped" cover of Cycling World, (I'll send along snap once he finishes final version), and a glorious green lycra cycling shirt that is really too, too good to wear, at least for riding! Chloë gave me some snazzy cycling shorts, (more zippers than a Hell's Angels' leather jacket), once again, so stylish I can only wear them to Church on Christmas Eve!

The Island Inn was also the fortunate recipient, from Famiglia Banks, (Thanks so much, Sylvia and Ray!), of a huge container of leek soup, (last of the leeks from the garden, I gather), and a quarter round, or so, of one of the giant red cabbages we've enjoyed, from their garden, over the Fall. Clarisse had baked two Angel Food cakes for my birthday, slathered in chocolate pudding icing. Discovered I was nine years younger when I blew out the candles as The Sisterhood could only find two "Fives" in drawer when it came time to decorate cakes! Also noticed that Robo Ray had more than one piece of cake but refrained from making an issue of it as Sylvia mentioned he is rather testy these days, the cold temperatures getting to him! As well, he is fretting over the expense of having had his two bikes over-hauled and to recoup the outrageous expenditure is now working on a web-site to make PsCyco-Socks available on-line! Perfect stocking stuffers or indeed, perfect stockings, particularly the XXL, to hang on the mantlepiece! Nevertheless, a grand time and loads of fun visiting and celebrating with wonderful friends and family!

For her part, Cora Lee has done very well since having surgery on her right foot last Friday, at Mount St Joseph's. Pleased to report that operation went extremely well, (slightly more than two hours under the scalpel!), and the Canadian Patient has been relatively pain-free ever since coming home. It is more comfortable for her to sleep on couch in living room, her right leg raised on some enormous pillows, a comforter keeping her cosy, along with Maggie, purring like a 50hpr outboard, atop her tummy. I am rather chagrined to have to acknowledge that so far she has been a model patient, both undemanding and courteous to her caregivers. Whether this will last after her pain medication prescription is exhausted remains to be seen!

This past Monday, at noon, I drove her to a scheduled post-operation appointment with her surgeon. She was more than a bit concerned as she lost her balance getting up off the couch that morning at 5:00am to go to the bathroom. She inadvertently put all her weight on the foot that isn't to have any weight bearing for next six weeks! She was very concerned that she had done some serious damage to her toes. Fortunately, Dottore said all was fine, x-ray taken after surgery showed all was well and fall/misstep didn't do any damage, other than to cause excruciating pain for some time! (She probably did it on purpose. Good excuse for more pain killers!) I parked at Safeway on Broadway and Macdonald and skateboarding on her nifty, mini-four wheeler, kneeling with her right leg on padded support, she managed distance from office across the street to car with little, if any, difficulty. I suggested that she do shopping for fruit and vegetables at Young Brothers, (Broadway and Trutch, hardly five blocks west!), and I'd run a few other errands before collecting her. Bit of eye daggerage, Dear Reader!

Back at The Island Inn she settled onto couch and I took out the recycling. Met neighbours, Dianna and Bob, who moved into Harbour Terrace this past July. Bob had his left knee replaced two weeks ago and is still using a walker. I invited them in to say hello to The Canadian Patient and they compared notes on pain medication, bowel movements and the like! I suggested that we hold races in the hallway, placing bets on the walker vs the mini-bike. Even have extra bike helmets in case of spills or dirty racing moves!!!

Last night she was getting up from toilette and thought that she was going to fall so she grabbed the towel rack on the wall, to steady herself, and ripped it right out of the gyp-rock! Wonder Woman, fighting inanimate objects wherever they lurk! No evil coat-rack, nefarious picture frame or villainous lamp stand is safe from her all seeing eyes and deadly stumbling!

Sylvia and Ray, hope we'll be able to see you over hols so will be in touch, if not for cold weather riding then for in-front-of-the-fireplace lattes with Christmas Cake!! Chris and Jim, Happy Christmas and Healthy New Year to you both and your family. Fondestos and Cheers from the Management and Staff at The Island Inn, Cora Lee, (who will be using her boot for a Christmas Stocking!), Chloë, Patrizio and Maggie!

Snap: First version of cover!

Dear Corrine, Pat, and Chloë
Thank you so much for a lovely evening. The convivial company, great groceries, and Patrick on his best behaviour were a perfect combination!We wish you a most Merry Christmas and Sublime Saturnalia. regards, Mark and Susan

Hi Marcus Aurelius and O Susannah!

Terrific that you two could join the gathering on Sunday. Thanks for the wonderful Boutari as well!
Much appreciated indeed! Glad you noticed I was so well behaved!!! Thanks, also, for holiday wishes. Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you and your daughters and family. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizio!


Thanks for the photos -- great ride yesterday. All the best of the season to you, G

Hi Whirlygig and Jacob Two Two and The Hooded Fang!

Trust you are enjoying/enjoyed Red Mountain and environs. A word of warning: Flamin' and Sarge were up at Whistler this past week, (along with The Millionaires), and Flamin' had arranged to take ski lessons. On Saturday morning, shortly after session began, she hit a patch of ice and fell, not really doing any damage. However, a few moments later, another student in class came flying over same small rise, lost her balance and went flying, making a landing, with her ski boots, right into Flamin's back. The impact knocked Flamin' further down the slope and then the individual, the slammer, slammed into the slammee again as she followed after her punching bag! Long and the short of it is that Flamin' probably has a couple of cracked or very badly bruised ribs as well as some sort of pelvic dis-alignment, with bone rubbing on bone. Not sure of the details. She was in terrible pain, barely able to move next day and one following and was popping Chloë's Tylenol 3's, overlefts from her tonsillectomy! She did make a brief appearance at the mini-Open House on Sunday but only stayed long enough to knock back a stiff rum 'n coke poured by Dusty!

She couldn't even think about curling last night and probably won't curl next session either. This by way of warning so please be careful. You've already been through two head braces!!!

Missed your Sisterhood at the gathering on Sunday. Almost forgot to mention that Barnacle Branko was the last to leave and he poured out his troubles to Cora Lee, trapped as she was, with her leg up on couch, while I loaded dishwasher and sipped Milton's Wild Turkey!!!

Hope we'll be able to see you, at some point, over hols or after, so keep in touch, perhaps for bridge, rides and more! Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you and family. Fondestos and Cheers, Cora Lee, Chloë, Maggie and Patrizio!


Thanks for the heads up with ski hazards. Please wish Flamin well for us. Red Mountain is not open yet so we have been saved the temptation. We have done some great hikes in the snow up the local mountains so we have had some fun in the snow. Cobby & I return tomorrow and then I return to Rossland with the sisterhood on Saturday. We will stay here until Boxing Day then spend a couple nights in Kelowna before coming home. Hope to see you then for bridge and or other activities. Best wishes to you and yours over the holiday. W

Hi Whirlissimo and Jacob Squared!

Glad you have enjoyed the snow. Literally just returned from seeing White Christmas: The Musical at the Stanley. It was a wonderful production, energetic and spirited cast and ensemble. Terrific music, of course, and all of the choreography, tap-dancing atop a piano, per esempio, was just delightful, even thrilling. Everyone enjoyed it immensely. Took a bit of effort to get The Injured and Recovering Sisterhood to the theatre. Sarge drove Cora Lee and her Mom, as well as Flamin' and Nicole followed in her car with Dusty and I, dropping us off. Helped Cora Lee into her seat in "handicapped" section as she had use her "skateboard" while Sarge parked a block or so away. Nicole had found a spot shortly after she pulled away and called her Dad to let him know that she was offering Valet Service!

I walked over to Arts Club Box Office this afternoon to pick up tickets that Corinne had been able to exchange for seats that would allow her leg to be elevated. Usher was extremely helpful and provided two stiff, foam cushions to act as a foot rest. Funnily enough there was another young woman beside us with her leg in a boot. She had an injured achilles tendon but ultra-sound showed but a 25% tear so her dottore said she only had to wear it for two weeks.

Unfortunately, Flamin' had to leave at the Intermission as she was in too much back pain, exacerbated, I suppose by having to sit through almost 90 minutes of Act I. Nicole came to fetch her
so after the performance there was room for everyone in Sarge's vehicle. Dusty and I were pleased as otherwise we'd have had to walk home in the rain.

Enjoy the rest of the holiday. I'm sure you'll have plenty to do when back tomorrow, and probably on Friday as well, but give us a shout if you have time to say hello. Cheers, Patrizio!

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