Sunday 18 December 2011

IIDD, Dec 19th

Beware the irrational, however seductive. Shun the 'transcendent' and all who invite you to subordinate or annihilate yourself. Distrust compassion; prefer dignity for yourself and others. Don't be afraid to be thought arrogant or selfish. Picture all experts as if they were mammals. Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity. Seek out argument and disputation for their own sake; the grave will supply plenty of time for silence. -Christopher Hitchens, author and journalist (1949-2011) 

well quoted D!!!! xxxx chloe alexis!

Spent the day xmas shopping with krissy, then movie with Declan!

    • Patrick James Dunn What about your poor neglected parents?

      Chloe Alexis Dunn oh D!!!! love you, your turning into a Jewish mother!!!
      Patrick James Dunn Chloe, "your", should be "you're"! You never listen! I tell you something and you never listen! She never listens! Oi Vey!!! Those goils. Those daughters of mine. Oi Vey! May they listen for just once. That's all I ask. To listen just once is too much already? Oi Vey! My heart! Corinne! Where's my pills? In the malt cabinet, already. You want I should expire, right here in front of you, my medicine within reach and you can't even bring it to me? What did I do to deserve such ungratefulness? I do the dishes. I clean the cat's litter box. I don't say nothing about the back rent. A real killer that but I bite my tongue. Daughters, okay, but now the wife already! Oi Vey!!!
      Ayn P I just read this and lemonade came out of my nose.
      Patrick James Dunn Chicken soup maybe but lemonade! I told you already, one thing at a time. You read or you eat, not both. I know already, you can't chew gum and think. I saw it on TV, on a talk show, so it must be true. Nickels, maybe, then you could buy some nice smoked meat for your poor Poppa, at the local deli, okay, but lemonade! Probably not even kosher. Did Rabbi Feinstein do the lemons? Oi Vey! And don't try to be some smarty pants just because you live somewhere near Venice Beach, Venice already, Venice is in Italy not California, any schmuck knows that. I told you skipping school would come back to haunt you. What do I need with Grade 9 Social Studies, Miss Know-it-All used to say. Venice Smenish. Oi Vey! Corinne, my pills, I need more pills. What's taking so long? I can already hear the ambulance siren!


      Hi Lads:

      Came across this in an online newsletter, Now I Know, I've just recently subscribed to, and thought it might be of some interest, relative to section on Cannabis:

      According to Current TV, farmers in Bhutan have been known to feed marijuana to pigs in order to get them to eat more, thereby fattening them up.  (Caution: this link auto-plays a video.)

      Cheers, Il Conduttore The Shaman of Granville Island!

      Pic: Ragin' Bull and Marcus Aurelius after eating too much hash-laced Birthday Cake!


Thank you for e-mail! Russian part totally understandable. Will write more soon. Btw thank you for the picture. This one of the very familiar corner of Moscow. m

Hi Mr Moscow!

And here I thought you understood Japanese as well!

И вот я думал, что вы поняли японцы, и!

Cheers, Patrizio!

Cheers, Патрицио!





For the record this sentence is totaLy screwed.. M

Dear Sir!

Please do not reply to this message. This is an automatically generated reply to your last email. Please direct further messages and/or questions to Google Translate, the third party agent acting on behalf of Island Inn Inc.

Sincerely Yours or Take a Hike Mate, (not sure what to say as my algorithms seem to have developed a bug), from Droid Dunn.

Hi Patrick,

I think I am about to turn the corner with this face. Still stings and itches quite a bit. But the big hunks of dark burned skin are pretty much gone and no more bleeding. It will be 3 weeks on Wed. Now I just look like I have a really bad sun burn.
I have to ask you a question. HOW ON EARTH DID YOU SHAVE DURING YOUR TREATMENT???? Merry Christmas Sarah

Hi Sarah!

Glad to learn that your ordeal "by Fire" is almost over! With respect to my treatment, in fact, I didn't need to apply to skin covered by my beard so shaving was not an issue.

Errands for Cora Lee today. Picking up thread at a craft store so she can finish a Christmas cross-stitching,  an angel, for Chloë. Then to church to collect turkey stuffing ingredients. Chloë and I are volunteering for Christmas Lunch for homeless on Christmas morning and will prepare stuffing at home beforehand. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Absolutely fine daahling!  Should I taste it first? 

Hello Malt Taster!

Received your lovely card today! Thanks very much. Any plans to fly out to Vancouver after eating haggis in Toronto? You are more than welcome to taste Laphroaig when it arrives so long as I can then taste it from your luscious lips!

On another mater, I posted an e-card to Jean's Wall on Facebook. Have you heard from her of late? I'm hoping we can see her when in Japan in May.

Bit more subdued at The Island Inn since our Australian guests moved on, last week. Few errands for Cora Lee today. Picked up thread at a craft store so she can finish a Christmas cross-stitching, an angel, for Chloë. Then to church to collect turkey stuffing ingredients. Chloë and I are volunteering for Christmas Lunch for homeless on Christmas morning and will prepare stuffing at home beforehand. Her Majesty suitably satisfied, I rode to Aquatic Centre. Bit dampish as a light drizzle enveloped city. Quite pretty actually. Reminded me of London in the fog in the Sherlock Holmes movie, scenes near or on the Thames. Just 2.5K today as I'm gearing up for 3 miles tomorrow, or at least I hope so! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pic: Cora Lee with Flamin', under the influence of painkillers and hootch!!! Jake, Nicole's Bichon, mini-polar bear! 

                                            Mini-polar bear under our Christmas tree!


Just wanted to wish you all the best for the upcoming holiday season!

The online version of my Xmas card is now posted at:

All the best for 2012! Deborah

2011 Holiday Art!

Each year, for the past several years, I've made my own cards to send out my holiday greetings.

In the early days of this endeavor, I first used a cartoon I drew, then I used my oil paintings as the starting point but, as oil painting is time intensive, I eventually switched to oil pastels on paper.

Then, I have photos made of the artwork and paste these photos onto cards. It's fun but labor-intensive, meaning I tend now to only exchange these cards with friends and relatives who send me cards in return.

For everyone else I know, I am offering the online version and wish you all the best for the holidays and the new year ahead!

"Hey! At the North Pole, we hold our Xmas Party after Christmas!"
Hi Deborah!

Took a look at your terrific online card today! Thanks very much. I think the elves are straight out of Brueghel the Elder! Wonderful! Wonderful!

 Happy Hanukkah and a Helathy New Year, Already!
From your Dear Friends, Cora Lee and Patrizzio, 
at The Island Inn!

Post already!

 Happy Christmas and a Healthy, (Note the bicycle outside the book store, even in the snow!), New Year from The Librarians at The Island Inn!

Happy birthday! Thanks for the great e-mail. Daniel and I have been so busy with the two renovations but there is finally light at the end of the tunnel so we will be back in the social world again. We have also had puppies to look after and my Mom has been staying with us for the past three months due to some health issues so its been crazy busy. I knew Michele was injured but did not know how bad it was. Hope you can make it. Its been so long since we've seen you guys. Chloe is welcome too! Michele said they may drop in but have some dinner plans as well. If not I will see her Thursday at the cat and a walk around Granville island for winter solace. If not I will try to stop by and see Michele as I am off for three weeks starting tomorrow. We are in Mexico for the last week that I am off. If it doesn't work let us know when you are available and we'll try to at least have a Xmas and birthday drink with you. See you soon. Happy holidays to both of you. Rock Machine and Daniellio

Hi Rock Machine!

I see you two have been very busy as well! Mexico sounds wonderful. I can see that you need a holiday if your idea of celebrating the Winter Solstice is "solace"! You better head out to YVR tomorrow! I saw Sarge, briefly, this evening, and he thinks we'll both walk down to you place, unless Cora Lee feels up to going out and then we'll have to take a vehicle as close as possible. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Merry merry
How is it when I' m reading about your cast of characters that I am reminded of Damon Runyan?
I should try to find an app for bridge so I could learn while playing. It sounds like fun!
Dana's new boyfriend is very quiet. Even Wally can't get him talking. Pic has gone quiet too except early in the am ;/ Went out to Chapters yesterday to browse. We had no intention of buying anything but love going out to be out in a crowd all frantically Christmas shopping. Cheers b

Hi Brenda Louise!

All I do is record, hyper objectively, without the slightest bit of exaggeration or bias, what goes on around me and let the chips fall where they may! Secret to bridge is a bit like learning to appreciate wine or malt, the more you drink/play the better you understand! Perhaps!!! Get Dana's boyfriend drunk and he'll start talking!!! Pic probably needs a snort or two as well!

Hi Tinsel Town!

You should hear the Interview with The Rock Diva Ex-Die Direktoren Cora Lee who has been nominated for a Lifetime Achievement Award for causing every know electronic device, (cell phone, TV remote, DVD player, iPod/iPad, desktop, laptop, you name it), to fail, malfunction or simply give up the ghost and stop working, taking its last digital breath once touched by her slender, yet deadly, fingers. Had to import Sarge to restore TV for Dusty after Nana disabled it when trying to load a movie last night. Even Sarge said she should not be allowed to touch anything from a toaster on up! Electric can opener is iffy. Microwaves are simply out of the question. (Remember the exploding beanbag incident at Hotel Kits?) In-house vacuum is okay as she never uses it anyway.

We are thinking of parachuting her behind Taliban lines, after Christmas, to disrupt their guerrilla communications network. If you have any spare Air Miles and a used chute, (don't worry about any rips or tears), please send them along. Believe me, it is for your own good!!! How much havoc can a meek and mild, retired librarian wreak? It's a bird! It's a plane! No! It's Super Nana!!! And you actually wonder why U.S. cable hits are slow to make their way across the border to Canadian TV! Super Nana gone terrible wrong again!

Fondestos and Cheers, Mobile Free Dad! (Guess you now understand why I don't own an iPhone!)

Pic: See patch on jacket!

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