Wednesday 28 December 2011

IIDD, Dec 28th

Men shout to avoid listening to one another. -Miguel de Unamuno, writer and philosopher (1864-1936)  



adjective: Smoky, dirty, or rancid.


From Old English rec (smoke). Earliest documented use: 1660.
HI Wow what a day you had, sounds fun, but I don't know if I could open a book and even see the words let alone read!
We spent our day in Dartmough and it was filled with visiting household around Metro Halifax.  We had a delicious dinner at Ron's sister's Anne Marie's with 8 grand neices and nephews.  They were so cute and full of life. 

We are now back in Cape Breton in a winter wonderland, but rain is due today. It is a lot like a Vancouver winter, but different! 

I am sorry about the virus, it is such a pain. Take care, Happy New Year! Rhoda /Ski
Hi Ski!

Your Christmas Day sounded busy as well. On Monday night we watched The Help. Very well done. Jackson, Mississippi, in the early '60's. Wonderful period piece, (cars, clothing, hair styles, etc.), aside from racial issues, the core of the book/film. Certainly worth seeing, as far as I'm concerned.

Yesterday afternoon took in the just released, second Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. Sequel is even better than first. Both are terrific fun. Flamin' and Prince Valiant and his squeeze, Megan, were along, as well as Rosita, so we had a blast. All the best and a Healthy New Year to you and Ronaldo and family. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics:  Prince Valiant and Megan; latest 'Royal Jewels", literally, from her foot servant!

Hi Connor!

Great to hear from you. Hope you and your brother and Mom and family enjoyed a wonderful Christmas. We did, along with Clan Sutherland.

I was responsible for mashed potatoes, one of our contributions to Christmas dinner which was held downstairs this year as we take turns. Clara and Dusty, my in-laws, did a turkey, (as Durstons are very particular about how the bird is to be done and wanted leftovers anyway), and turnip puff and Chloë, our youngest daughter, helped take those plates downstairs. By the time I was showered and changed, Sarge was just finishing carving their bird. Table was set and looked lovely, adorned with crackers and large paper, origami cranes, courtesy of Akiko, Aaron's fiancée. You probably know that Aaron is Sarge's nephew and he asked Akiko for her hand in marriage, on Christmas Eve, at Stanley Park. He produced the engagement ring near the Miniature Railway and it is rumoured that he was there for the Christmas Train ride and the proposal was an afterthought! Wedding is to take place this coming July, on lawn outside Sutherland's patio, so planning for that has already started!

Due to sheer number of guests, everyone, (except Her Imperious Royal Personage, [Cora Lee, my wife, had foot surgery three weeks ago], Chloë pulling Lady-in-Waiting duty), helped themselves to sumptuous, steaming platters, (Flamin's mouth-watering, pecan encrusted squash and three different types of dressing joined the groaning serving counter), and we sat down to have food blessed by Cora Lee, now wearing her Earth Mother/Matriarch hat, and dinner began. We snapped crackers with those beside us and traded prizes with those around table if we didn't particularly like our own. Hard to believe some of the loot that the colourful crackers contained. Marvinator, 9Nicole's boyfriend), per esempio, had the great good fortune to land a mini-Swiss knife look alike, complete with blade, bottle opener, pen-light and pen with automatically retractable nib. Device was good enough to qualify for a space mission while I was simply delighted to find a small bag of paper clips in the bowels of my cracker. Okay, so there was a small black magnetised base to hold them but Paper Clips! I'm retired already! What do I need from paper clips. Oy Vey!! And I don't even celebrate Hanukkah! Swapped for a pen with Kid Chelene, (Corey), and even forget to take that home!

We had an uproarious time with plenty of hootch and more food and more wine and on and on and on until we could barely move or laugh or breath, for that matter. Consequently, dessert, (Clarisse's Christmas pudding!), for most of us, was simply out of the question so the tables, (needed an extension to seat tall twelve of us), were cleared and dining room table pushed back against one wal to make room for The Battle of the Sexes, the new Christmas Game. As the name implies, The Sisterhood faced off against The Brotherhood. Each team asks questions, of the other, from the Female or Male point of view. The women ask questions that, supposedly, men would not know, (What are the call numbers on the plane in Lost?), while the men ask questions that are so general that even the pets in the house were able to answer. More often than not thess came with either or clues: Who wrote Heart of Darkness? Joseph Conrad or Ernest Hemmingway?

Needless to say, The Brotherhood struggled against the unfair odds and made slow progress until Sarge realized that the rules were not being applied correctly, and we then mounted a splendid dash to the finish line only to lose in a photo-finish. Gracious losers, as ever, we congratulated the winning team while grumbling into our glasses of Auchentoshen Three Wood, (matured in American Bourbon, Oloroso and Pedro Ximinez sherry casks), Kid Chelene's gift to his Dad for Christmas! Almost worth losing as we needed a couple of snorts to dilute the shame of defeat!

Thanking Clan Sutherland for wonderful meal and evening, we collected our now empty plates and bowls and made for upstairs. Thanked Clara and Dusty for the lovely turkey and turnip and they repaired to their place. Goils changed into their jams and we watched a recorded episode of the American Prime Suspect before saying goodnight and heading to bed to read for a bit before turning out our bedside lamps. A full and wonderful, wonderful day and we felt magnificently blessed to share such time and such munificence with close family and friends. A Happy, Happy Christmas indeed.

Healthy, Happy New Year to you Connor. Please pass along same wishes to your mother and brother. Cheers, from Vancouver, Patrizzio!

LOVE IT!!!!!
and now think 6am and add this sentiment!!!! xx

Hello Villa Vicente!

Trust your Christmas/Hanukkah celebrations/visit went well.  All the best and a Healthy New Year to you, Donna Florida and Vincenzo! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

What time is the open house on Jan. 1? We are...
Ginette Bertrand28 December 11:15

What time is the open house on Jan. 1? We are out that evening and if we do not imbibe too mcuh champagne and are able to lift our heads from our pillow we will try to drop by but not a sure thing until that morning
 Hi Ginette!

Trust you enjoyed a wonderful, if muted, Christmas.

Winding down a bit, ourselves. We watched The Help on Boxing Day night and it is very well done. Jackson, Mississippi, in the early '60's, in case you don't know it. Wonderful period piece, (cars, clothing, hair styles, etc.), aside from racial issues, the core of the book/film. Certainly worth reading/seeing, as far as I'm concerned.

Yesterday afternoon took in the just released, second Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. Sequel is even better than first. Both are terrific fun. Flamin' and Prince Valiant and his squeeze, Megan, were along, as well as Rosita, so we had a blast. (Cora Lee and Chloë "insisted" on seeing it on Boxing Day!) 

Rain has really put the kibosh on cycling and it doesn't look all that promising for coming week or so, either. I will take advantage of inclement weather to swim so must admit I'm not all that unhappy as I'm really enjoying being back in the water.

Open House will probably start anytime after 3:00pm and go until last guest leaves. If your schedule or "overhangs" won't allow you to pop by, however, then a Healthy New Year to you and Bruce! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Count down to a fresh start......

Michael Pollan, The Omnivore's Dilemma, Penguin

Hello Hamish!

Trust you are well! You may not remember me but we met in Hobart, in August/September 2006, at a wine store/tasting bar near the Salamanca Market. Your daughter stayed with us for a few days a number of years later. I apologize but I can't, for the life of me, remember her name!

At any rate, we are making our way back to Australia, leaving Vancouver on March 5th, for five nights in Hong Kong, and then to Sydney. We are meeting our close friends, Flamin' and Sarge, in Melbourne on March 17th. We plan to stay for three nights before heading to stay with other close friends, (Kathleen and Steve, here at the moment for Christmas with Kathleen's family), in Harcourt North, a tiny hamlet just north of Castlemaine. Not sure if you know former, or not.

At any rate, I think you mentioned that you were working on a B&B when we chatted, in Hobart, but perhaps I misremember. Nevertheless, if you are a landlord, just wondering about rates, availability, location, etc. If you are not a hotelier, would you have any suggestions regarding reasonably priced places, (we don't mind sharing a room with two queen or king beds), within fairly easy walking or tram distance to downtown. We stayed at the Victoria in 2006 but don't seem to be able to book online for some reason. Of course, we will quiz our friends K/S but just wanted to say hello anyway. It would be fun to have a drink or a meal while we are in Melbourne, should that be a possibility.

As you can appreciate, I don't even know if this email address is still valid! Of course, if it isn't you won't be reading these absurd lines!

However, if you do read this let me know your thoughts and we'll take things from there! Best wishes for a Healthy New Year. Cheers, Corinne and Patrick!

Pics: Airport delivery; Flamin', Sarge, Cora Lee and I night of our 40th anniversary of meeting, Halloween!

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