Saturday 10 December 2011

IIDD, Dec 9th

Anyone thinking of a ride today? I need one. 8^) cheers, Mark

Hi Mark,

I was out yesterday over to Colleen's class and then the foreshore park trail off Kerr. Really pleasant although I had some icicles hanging off of me by the time I got to the river what with no peddling and the wicked wind blasting me down Kerr!.
I do have a lot to do today but it is so nice out that I could be persuaded to go for a ride later after the frost has abated. What are your plans? Al
Hi Al, I need to walk the dogs, do a grocery shop and wait for the frost to  go. It's -4 at the airport (at 8 oclock) but supposed to get up to +5, so I'm thinking of a 2-3 hour ride after lunch. thought I might ride in, do the Stanley Park seawall, then ride home. does any of that appeal? 8^) cheers, Mark

Hi Mark,

I had thought about going the 45th Ave. route out to the westside to visit my Mom as she's laid up with a broken ankle and then either head back via Kent / river route or head down to Kit's to visit another person. I've been wanting to try the 45th route and haven't so far. Would you be interested in joining for the westside leg? and then you could catch up with the other squad?. 

Pat & I are planning a ride around the park later. I am awaiting word on timing from the Conductor.  G

The plan is to leave Pat’s at noon – meet Mark at Science World by 12:15. 

Hi all of your guys in sunny Canada,

We are steadily winding down for the Christmas break and looking forward to
a local election in early 2012. So thought I should send you all a hello for
the festive season. We are in the process of getting our heads together for
a short break to enjoy a bit of bike riding and some sailing in our kayaks.
Claire is trying to get into her wood working and I am off to a meeting of
the wooden boat association next week to see if I can get involved in some
marine restoration. I have one of my heritage officers working up an
itinerary for your visit I have asked her to work up about a 3 to 4 hour
tour should be OK she used to work for the National Trust and is a bit of a
history nut.

So all of you have a great break and we are looking forward to catching up
with you all in April and having a few laughs.

Cheers Greg and Claire

Hey Greg
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here! Temperature is dropping although we have yet to have snow. Which suits me fine as the drivers in this city are dangerous when the first flake falls! Wayne And I are heading up to whistler skiing this weekend. Whistler is quite popular with you Aussies, lots of your young compatriots snowbirds up to here for winter! For Christmas Patrick and Corinne and their family will be joining us for christmas dinner so we should be a table of about 15! I cannot wait to explore your end of the world and whatever you have planned will be us! Heritage officer huh!! Wow when you come visit us the best you're going to get is Patrick's 100 km bike tour!! I know Wayne and I would love to do some kayaking when we are there was well
Give our fondest regards to Claire Cheers Michele

Hello Claire and Greg!

Thanks again for organizing the walking history lesson! Four of us have signed up for Australian History 101 at UBC, in January, so we won't appear to be uninformed when we take mini-seminar! Must really apologize, once again, for having taken so long to reply but life has been a veritable whirlwind of social activity over last week and more, what with visitors and post-op blues!. These two events alone have kept us hopping, (literally, in Corinne's case), so to speak!
Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you and Claire and family. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!


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