Friday 9 December 2011

IIDD, Dec 8th

War is terrorism, magnified a hundred times. -Howard Zinn, historian, professor, author, playwright, and social activist (1922-2010)

Marie Antoinette

Hi Pat,

Sarah is in week one of the acid treatment on her face...and she is very discouraged.  Would you have any words of wisdom / advice / encouragement to give her? 

Thanks, all the best, Agneta

Hello Sarah:

My name is Patrick Dunn and Agneta sent me an email mentioning that you were undergoing facial treatment for pre-cancerous lesions. I did the same this past summer. I don't know which prescription ointment and application schedule you are following but I did a six week course, twice daily, approximately 12 hours apart, (I decided upon Sunday/Monday), on two consecutive days for each of the six weeks. I must say that I found the itching to be quite uncomfortable, not to mention the "Zombie" look, particularly at night, making sleep difficult. However, I discovered, (unfortunately at the end of the treatment when I saw my dermatologist!), that I could have applied some lotion to affected areas about an hour after using Effudex. By this time the active ingredient has done its work. You may well wish to find out if you are able to do the same if you are experiencing the same sort of discomfort. I know it would have helped enormously as I used copious amounts of a non-scented skin lotion on the days I was not applying the corrosive ointment.

I wish you well and encourage you to persevere as I am extremely pleased with the result, both from a clinical and a cosmetic point of view. If you should have any further questions that you think I may be able to answer please don't hesitate to sent me an email. Again, all the best. Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Kids:

This from Elaine Keating about meeting other friends from Melbourne, here for Christmas as well:

Hi Corinne & Patrick

Just emailed Laura and the only day she might have free is Tuesday the 13th. Are you and your friends available for dinner that night? Hope to see you then.

Good luck with your surgery Corinne. Elaine

I know that we have the late draw for curling that evening but if we asked Elaine for a relatively early start perhaps we could do both. Otherwise we may well not be able to connect as Keatings are off to Winnipeg for Xmas. Let me know what you think as soon as possible as I'll need to reply to Elaine.

Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Elaine!

Tuesday the 13th is fine with us BUT we curl that evening. However, it is the late draw so we, (Flamin'/Sarge and I), would need to leave by 8:20pm or so. That being the case would it be an imposition to arrive shortly after 5:00-5:30pm? Being even pushier, are Kathleen and Steve, friends from Melbourne, invited as well. Not a big deal so please don't feel obliged but thought you might like to meet them. Anyway, let me know what you think about time, etc. Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizio!

Hi Sarge!

Whole point is for you and Flamin' to meet Laura and James. His parents live on Mornington Penisula, below Melboure. Wine country and a wonderful place to stay! Doesn't need to be a long evening anyway as Kathleen and Steve probably have other friends/family to visit and Elaine/Ted are getting ready to leave for Winnipeg. Cheers, Patrizio!

I would like to share an experience with you all, about drinking and driving.
As you well know, some of us have been known to have had brushes with the authorities on our way home from the odd social session over the years.
A couple of nights ago, I was out for a few drinks with some friends and had a few too many champagnes and some rather nice pinot.
Knowing full well I may have been slightly over the limit, I did something I've never done before - I took a bus home.
I arrived home safely and without incident, which was a real surprise, as I have never driven a bus before and am not sure where I got it from!
 Hi Tiptoe!

I'm pleased to learn about your new career as a bus driver! Probably go for another ride around Stanley Park as sun is shining, sky clear and blue! Cheers, Patrizio!
Wow! Congrats to you. Saving yourself and looking out for the community.

Nicole Sutherland  
We're you able to return the bus in the morning? Hopefully you still stayed on the correct route and continued to make the appropriate stops. C

Can't you have him picked up for being a very bad influence AND a menace
to society??
Did you take all the passengers to your home with you. Wayne Sutherland OIC "E" Div Relocation
Hello O Heartless Ones!

One tries to do one's best, tries to help out friends and family and finds only vilification and ridicule for one's selfless acts of goodwill and concern! Cheers, Patrizio "We Don't Need No Stinkin' Designated Driver" Jokes!!!

Remembering Christmas as a kid when my parents would take me to see The Nutcracker performed by The Royal Winnipeg Ballet...we would dress in our holiday finery, Poppa in his chocolate velvet wide-leg dress pants and platform ankle boots (yeah baby), Nana, always a vision even with her nose that stayed a bit red all winter due to the snowy temps...and I would sip ginger-ale at intermission and feel very fan

    • Patrick James Dunn Just opened today's square on my Rupert Bear Advent Calendar! Now I wear platform ankle Crocs!


    Good work at the tree lot!
    The cake has had several dousings of brandy over about a 4 week period. Probably needs marzipan or something similar on top to enhance taste. With my temporary inactivity, I have to slow you down somehow or other to stay in with a chance.
    Thanks for the book listings. Susan is an avid reader but not mysteries particularly and she's looking for some titles for her husband as a present. The Disciple of Las Vegas is due this Friday if you wouldn't mind dropping it off or I can, if you pass it along. I have Burke's Feast Day of  Fools ready to start in a few days time.
    Both bikes ready to go again. Rode the Rocky Mountain from Kerrisdale 2 hours ago and it was very smooth with new chain, cassette, brakes, and expensive tire. All that's required is someone willing to turn the pedals.Ray

Hi Raymundo!

Sorry that it has taken me a bit to reply but has been rather a whirlwind of activity these past few days! Pleased that your mountain bike is performing well even if its rider is somewhat reluctant! I've really been enjoying Ava Lee. Think Hamilton does an interesting job with Vancouver and Toronto. First gay female, Chinese sleuth I've encountered so like the treatment of those dynamics.

Cora Lee has suggested Linda Grant, Cate Kennedy, David Mitchell, Kate Morton, Helen Humphreys and even if Susan doesn't particularly like mysteries, Alan Bradley's, Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, a charming work with an eleven year old main character.

I'll return Disciple of Las Vegas today or tomorrow as I'm hoping one of my holds, (The Botany of Desire, for Book Club), will be ready. Had a lovely calendar of Yorkshire scenes from Chris and Jim earlier in week. Trust their holiday is going well as I know they were fighting colds when they first arrived.

Yesterday I went for a swim at the Aquatic Centre and was pleased to do two miles, (magic number 64 again, 64 lengths), of non-stop crawl so I think I will be able to reach my 3 mile target before Christmas. Shoulder felt very comfortable. I gave it a massage in hot tub before and after swim. Look forward to that part the most!

Back home to run a few errands and then to get house ready for our friends, Kathleen and Steve, arriving from Melbourne. I was to collect them from airport but Zoe, their daughter, called to say she would fetch her parents. Glad she did as flight was supposed to arrive at 3:30pm and I wasn't looking forward to rush hour traffic, let me tell you. As it turned out, flight was almost six hours late! We had invited Flamin' and Sarge for dinner so we went ahead with meal as Zoe had called to inform us of ETA. Had a grand visit when they finally made it, exhausted though they were. (As I write, they are still sleeping. Think it was probably a good thing for us to have kept them up so that they could better fit their biological clocks into local time.)

See you on Sunday, unless you are up for a ride beforehand. At this point, not quite sure of Kathleen's/Steve's plans but would like a jaunt or two around park at very least while weather remains so dry. Cheers, Patrizio!

When I'm 64 - I wish


    Glad you had such a good birthday. We have the Sirius satellite radio stations which are very good although I rarely listen.
    Thanks to you and Corinne for the list of authors which I'll pass along to Susan when I see her on Saturday. Sylvia is also interested.
    The Dales is such a nice area and I'm sure you'll enjoy the pictures throughout the year. Sylvia bought a calendar from The Craft Fair recently with lots of local shots which shall be mailed to the Brownlees when we get around to it.
    Haven't been in the best of health this week but managed a light workout in the gym today without much discomfort so hope to return tomorrow and hopefully do to some biking soon. Ray


Glad your birthday celebrations were up to snuff. I think, judging from the
excesses, you can forego any mention of 65. There is no pop tune anyway, no
anu-rythum to that lofty number.

Let me know when you want to ride tomorrow. I would enjoy a spin around the
yard, with my skis on my back, if that is amenable to you. W

 Kid Chelene trimming tree with Beckster!

Dear Patrick and Corrine

Thank you for your e-mail and letter and some pictures.
I'm very happy to see Clara and Dusty's photo because
they look very young and nothing changed when I stayed with them in Vancouver.
My fisrt daughter Lina became college student of our graduated school in Otaru since April.
She leaved my house and lives alone in Otaru, at the first I missesd her very much but now I'm used to that.
Otaru is one-hour-drive from Iwanai so we meet more than once a month.
Sorry that I didn't write you sooner because it took long time to
read English letter, it seems for me like a short story.
These days I don't have chance to read English so much. 
I hope  Corrine's foot finger surgery would be successful.
You also wrote about Chloe's thoat trouble but I didin't understand what it's like.
She's been suffering from that for long time, anyway t's nice to find a good doctor.
Your visitting Japan next year is very welcome for me.
I'vwe heard the name "Toshi" who stayed for one year or so and she visited Vancouver again
just before I visited with my mother or just after that.
I could be spend with you maybe for two days in Sapporo.
To be frankly with you I recomend you would stay and enjoy Japanese spa "onsen" hotel (some of them have private bath or private outside hot spring bath in your room besides large public bath) but if you may not like to be nakid in public bath you would stay common hotel.
These kinds of hotel fee include dinner (usually buffetin the large dining room or you can eat setting dinner in your room but it's cost a little bit expensive ) and breakfast. 
I'm very sorry my house doesn't have much room to you'll stay, there are some business hotels and spa hotels in Iwanai
but there are much more places to see near Sapporo.
You can stay in Niseco district (one hour drive from my house) there're so many hotels and spas.
Chinese and Australian people come to ski there so they made many condminium where looks like foreign country.
But not to much to see there just Mountains.
Very end of the month is busy with my business so I'd be fine you'll come after middle of the month.
First you'll  visit to Kansai district ( near Osaka or Kyoto) in middle of May so after that will be also good  for me.
I'm sorry to have much time to spend with you, I think without Japanese you can't travel in Hokkaido.
There're so many placees for sight seeing in Hokkaido but except Sapporo you need rent a car and even in Sapporo people don't speak English.
I will be able to go Chitose airport with my car.
You may think it's not worth to come Hokkaido from Osaka to stay such a short time.
It's depends on you please think it again, if you'll come, of course I'm very happy.
Please say Merry Christmas to Chloe, Clara and Dusty!
                                                                                                                 Best my regards
                                                                                                                        Izumi Morishima

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